anche a me gira a 60 fps, però per dire il gioco renderizza solo quello che hai davanti.... e quindi ciò che hai dietro o destra o a sinistra non lo calcola più (se no te li sogneresti i 60 fps) quindi appena ti giri deve caricare le texture, in effetti adesso devo provare a togliere quel file e vedere se va meglio. Ripeto che il mio problema non è la fluidità ma il dover caricare tutto che avendo "poca" ram (credo che se non basti la video vada a prendere quella di sistema) ci mette un pò.
in doom3 nel file cfg c era un parametro che serviva proprio a svuotare la ram video delle zone non a monitor.
in doom3 bastava modificare questi:
com_videoRam “x”.
x specifies the amount of video memory detected for your graphics card. Doom 3 tend to detect this incorrectly so be sure to set this value manually just to be on the safe side (
64 is the default).
com_purgeAll “x”. When
x is set to
1 it forces everything to be purged when changing levels. While this will
increase level loading times it may also mean that previously cached data which is no longer needed is no longer being stored in memory, which may help improve performance. Set this to
0 to
disable this, which would be recommended for those with a lot of RAM available (1 GB or greater) as it will improve loading times with no effect on performance.
image_useCache “x”. Doom 3 uses the Page file for caching in the game. x controls whether or not the Paging amount can be adjusted. When set to 0 the default (20 MB) is used. Setting x to 1 enables the beneath to be adjusted & is recommended for those on lower RAM systems (Less than 1 GB), where it can provide noticeable performance improvements. If you have 1 GB+ of RAM set this to 0 for best performance.
image_cacheMegs “x”. x specifies the maximum amount, in MB, of Page file which may be used for caching (20 MB by default). Basically the less RAM in your system the greater you should set this (Be aware of your current Page file setting before setting this, or change it as needed). So as not to hinder overall performance (More than just Doom 3 uses the Page file) set this to 1/3 - 2/3 your current Page file. 256 MB is a decent value, though you may benefit from more or less depending on the amount of RAM you have, e.g. with 768 MB RAM I find 96 MB proves just fine.
se ci sono ancora,basta impostarli bene e dovrebbero diminuire gli effetti di caricamento