ai possessori di ati consiglio di installare il nuovo hotfix rilasciato ;)
ha portato miglioramenti tangibili nelle prestazioni
Hotfix farlocco e taroccato.
Catalyst 8.10 hotfix, stones messing!
Catalyst 8.10
Yes the driver can boost FPS of Far cry 2, but do you still remember Furmark? Catalyst have “profiles”, which they can tweak different applications by monitoring name’s of executable, make them run slower or faster. And yes, you have to pay if it runs faster.
If we rename furmark, it runs hotter than keeping the name with ATI cards. It works the same with Far Cry 2. under hotfix environment only rename it and the game runs the as the same FPS as with Cat 8.10.
Fonte: Catalyst 8.10 hotfix kidnapped stones in Far Cry 2 - Expreview.com