sos cercasi esperti MAXTORiani!! si ferma l'installazione!
ok, allora ci sn esperti maxtoriani qui??
ho un hd maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 160GB sata, su cui nn riesco ad installare windows xp!!! xkè dopo avere installato i driver sata, si ferma e nn continua più l'installazione!!!
sul sito della maxtor ho letto la guida all'installazione e mi è sembrato di capire che la prima volta si deve formattare con maxblast!!!! :eek:
ho capito bene??...beh è in inglese...!!!
mi date una mano con sto pc? :confused:
dai sapete risolvere trilioni di problemi e quello mio nn lo guardate neppure? :ueue:
aiutatemi!!!! :ueue:
cmq ringrazio ankora DIDAC che mi ha aiutato moltissimo!!!!!!
grazieeeee :) :) :)
quì c'è un pezzo di inglese...nn ci ho capito molto....
Format the Hard Drive
This chapter describes how to partition and format your new drive using the MaxBlast installation software
on a Windows system. Maxtor recommends using MaxBlast on 98 and ME systems, rather than FDISK, to
partition and format the drive.
If you have not previously installed a SATA drive in your system, you must install a Windows driver for your
SATA PCI card or SATA-enabled motherboard or system so that Windows can recognize your new drive.
For maximum compatibility, Maxtor recommends downloading and installing the latest SATA driver from the
website of the SATA card/motherboard/system manufacturer. The latest SATA drivers for Maxtor-branded
SATA cards can be downloaded from the Worldwide Support section at
Choose from one of the following installation scenarios:
A. Existing Windows 98 or Me system
B. Existing Windows 2000 or XP system
C. New Windows 98 or Me system or replacing a failed 98 or Me boot drive
D. New Windows 2000 or XP system or replacing a failed 2000 or XP boot drive
Special notes for installation scenarios C and D:
The DOS version of MaxBlast does not currently support USB mouse or keyboard input unless supported by your system BIOS.
If you have a USB keyboard and/or mouse, you may need to connect a PS/2 mouse or keyboard to your system temporarily to
navigate through the program. MaxBlast for DOS can be operated from the keyboard using the Tab, Enter/Return, and arrow keys.
To boot from the MaxBlast CD, you may need to change the boot sequence or boot order settings in your system BIOS to
“Floppy > CDROM > IDE-0” or “A, CDROM, C.” Depending on your BIOS type (AMI, Award, Phoenix), the boot sequence
settings may be located on the main setup screen or under the BIOS FEATURES SETUP or ADVANCED CMOS SETUP menus.
If your system cannot boot from a CD, you can create a bootable MaxBlast diskette by inserting the MaxBlast CD into a system
running Windows and choosing Create MaxBlast Installation Diskette from the menu. If you have dual optical (CD/DVD) drives,
try booting from the other optical drive.