RISOLTO Pc nuovo e problematico



Nuovo Utente
Buongiorno, ho da poco assemblato un nuovo pc dopo che il mio mostrava non pochi segni di stanchezza (anche giustamente dopo 10 anni di lavoro).
I pezzi di quello attuale sono:
-dissipatore ARCTIC Liquid freezer III 240
-SSD Samsung 980 Pro M.2
-scheda madre ASUS TUF gaming
-RAM Corsair vegeance ddr5 32 gb
-alimentatore Cooler master MWE 850 gold
-processore AMD Ryzen 5 7600x
con la Thermalright intorno alla cpu.
In questo momento lo monto cosi utilizzando la mia vecchia gtx 970 come scheda video, che se pur molto sgangherata continuava a funziona.
Dopo un installazione pulita di Windows 11 nei giorni seguenti ho avuto costanti crash e schermate blu durante il gaming (anche su cose leggere come LOL) e durante l'uso di PhotoShop (col quale sfortunatamente lavoro).
Pensando che il problema fosse la vecchia scheda video approfitto dei saldi di amazon per comprare una nuova Rtx 4070 super.
Ieri monto il tutto ma da subito ho diversi problemi con l'istallazione pulita di windows 11, superato questo iniziale scoglio mi ritrovo punto e a capo con crash costanti e schermate blu anche mente il computer è fermo senza nulla di aperto.
Non ho la più pallida idea di cosa potrebbe esser ed ammetto che dopo tutti i dindini spesi sono anche abbastanza abbattuto e disperato 😅 vi allego la schermata con i vari errori di windows nella speranza di trovare qualcosa.
Grazie in anticipo a chiunque risponderà!


  • error.webp
    103 KB · Visualizzazioni: 14
fai pennina con memtest86 e intanto esegui quello, così vediamo se la memoria ha problemi
Ciao, in primis grazie mille della risposta e scusa per il ritardo.
Comunque ho eseguito i test e nell'effettivo alla fine del tutto vi erano circa 31 errori, allego il log ed alcune foto, spero possano esser d'aiuto.

2024-07-18 19:19:49 - Attempting to retrieve the root directory of the data partition.
2024-07-18 19:19:49 - Found 5 handles that supported SimpleFileSystem
2024-07-18 19:19:49 - Checking handle 0 (6757D618)
2024-07-18 19:19:49 - Handle is own partition
2024-07-18 19:19:49 - Checking handle 1 (67562918)
2024-07-18 19:19:49 - HD node found: MBR type(2), Signature type(2), Part #(2), Start LBA(524288), Num Sectors(524288)
2024-07-18 19:19:49 - Self node: MBR type(2), Signature type(2), Part #(1), Start LBA(2048), Num Sectors(522240)
2024-07-18 19:19:49 - Checking handle 2 (69916B98)
2024-07-18 19:19:49 - Checking handle 3 (698C2B18)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Checking handle 4 (698A1E98)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Found 9 handles that supported Block I/O protocol
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - HD node found: MBR type(2), Signature type(2), Signature(50415353-CE04-4F8F-AC32-6F3693F43704), Part #(1), Start LBA(2048), Num Sectors(522240)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - HD node found: MBR type(2), Signature type(2), Signature(50415353-6343-46C0-B68C-69EE6326F32B), Part #(2), Start LBA(524288), Num Sectors(524288)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - HD node found: MBR type(2), Signature type(2), Signature(50415353-2A40-4503-B2F7-474E00EBFBAA), Part #(3), Start LBA(1048576), Num Sectors(1048543)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Found DMA Test Partition
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Successfully obtained Block I/O protocol
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Successfully obtained Partition Info protocol
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Revision: 0x1000
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Type: 0x2
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - System: 0x0
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - GPT - PartitionTypeGUID: EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - GPT - UniquePartitionGUID: 50415353-2A40-4503-B2F7-474E00EBFBAA
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - GPT - StartingLBA: 0x100000
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - GPT - EndingLBA: 0x1FFFDE
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - GPT - Attributes: 0x0
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - GPT - PartitionName: DMA Test Partition
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Media ID: 0x00000000
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Removable: yes
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Media Present: yes
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Logical Part: yes
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Read-only: no
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Write cache: no
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Block size: 512
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Align: 0
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Last block: 0xFFFDE
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Lowest LBA: 0x0
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Log blks per phys blk: 0
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Optimal transfer len: 0
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - [FS0]
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x1)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/Pci(0xC,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/USB(0xB,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,50415353-CE04-4F8F-AC32-6F3693F43704,0x800,0x7F800)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - File system info buffer size: 38
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Label: "", Mode: RW, Free space: 246 MB / 254 MB (0%)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - [FS1]
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x1)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/Pci(0xC,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/USB(0xB,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,50415353-6343-46C0-B68C-69EE6326F32B,0x80000,0x80000)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - File system info buffer size: 38
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Label: "", Mode: RW, Free space: 247 MB / 255 MB (0%)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - [FS2]
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1,0x2)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/NVMe(0x1,EB-B8-A2-41-B1-38-25-00)/HD(1,GPT,B5EFE1DA-7064-416B-BC70-EC85149A829E,0x800,0x32000)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - File system info buffer size: 38
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Label: "", Mode: RW, Free space: 68 MB / 96 MB (0%)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - [FS3]
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1,0x2)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/NVMe(0x1,EB-B8-A2-41-B1-38-25-00)/HD(3,GPT,234D1A8A-D4C7-439E-972D-B10D70906AA7,0x3A800,0x74545800)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - File system info buffer size: 38
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Label: "", Mode: RO, Free space: 0 MB / 952970 MB (0%)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - [FS4]
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1,0x2)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/NVMe(0x1,EB-B8-A2-41-B1-38-25-00)/HD(4,GPT,51D1E5F8-3161-4F32-AD30-D76F845B372F,0x74580000,0x186000)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - File system info buffer size: 38
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Label: "", Mode: RO, Free space: 0 MB / 779 MB (0%)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Disabling watchdog timer (Result: Success)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Could not find Simple Network protocol from image device handle
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Could not get list of handles that support Simple Network protocol: Not Found
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - Found 0 handles that supported Simple Network
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - =============================================
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - MemTest86 V11.0 Free Build: 1000 (64-bit)
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - =============================================
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - SMBIOS BIOS INFO Vendor: "American Megatrends Inc.", Version: "1811", Release Date: "10/07/2023"
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - SMBIOS SYSTEM INFO Manufacturer: "ASUS", Product: "System Product Name", Version: "System Version", S/N: "System Serial Number", SKU: "", Family: ""
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - SMBIOS: Found SMBIOS BaseboardInformation (pbLinAddr=0xE6FF8, FormattedLen=15, iTotalLen=119)
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - SMBIOS BASEBOARD INFO Manufacturer: "ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.", Product: "TUF GAMING B650-PLUS WIFI", Version: "Rev 1.xx", S/N: "231129854902089", AssetTag: "Default string", LocationInChassis: "Default string"
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - EFI Specifications: 2.80
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - Found blacklist file
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Mac-F42C88C8" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 1) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Mac-F42386C8" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 1) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Mac-F4238CC8" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 8) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Mac-F4208DC8" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 8) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Mac-27ADBB7B4CEE8E61" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 20) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Mac-7BA5B2DFE22DDD8C" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 4) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Mac-7BA5B2D9E42DDD94" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Mac-AF89B6D9451A490B" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 4) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Mac-CFF7D910A743CAAF" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 4) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Mac-AA95B1DDAB278B95" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 4) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Mac-27AD2F918AE68F61" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 4) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "80AF" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Z97MX-Gaming 5" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Z170MX-Gaming 5" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Z170X-Gaming 3" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Z170X-Gaming 7" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Z170X-Gaming GT" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Z170X-UD3-CF" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Z170-HD3P" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "990FXA-UD3" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "990FX Extreme3" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "970A-DS3P" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X99-Ultra Gaming-CF" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "M5A97 R2.0" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "M5A97 EVO R2.0" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "M5A99FX PRO R2.0" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "M5A99X EVO R2.0" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X99-A" (BIOS: "3701", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X99-A/USB 3.1" (BIOS: "3701", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X99-A II" (BIOS: "1701", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X99-A" (BIOS: "1701", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Sabertooth X99" (BIOS: "3701", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "SABERTOOTH 990FX R2.0" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "SABERTOOTH 990FX R3.0" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "SABERTOOTH 990FX/GEN3 R2.0" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "STRIX X99 GAMING" (BIOS: "1701", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X99-DELUXE" (BIOS: "3701", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X99-DELUXE II" (BIOS: "1701", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "RAMPAGE V EXTREME" (BIOS: "3701", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "RAMPAGE V EDITION 10" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "MAXIMUS VIII RANGER" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "P9X79 WS" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 40) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "P9X79-E WS" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 40) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Z9PE-D8 WS" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 40) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Z10PE-D8 WS" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X9DRW" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X9DRW-3LN4F+/X9DRW-3TF+" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X9DR3-F" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 40) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X9SRL-F" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X9DRD-iF" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X9SRA/X9SRA-3" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X9DRL-7F" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "151-BE-E097" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "131-HE-E095" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "131-HE-E095-KR" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "151-HE-E999-KR" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "PRIME B350-PLUS" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "PRIME X370-PRO" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 4) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "CROSSHAIR VI HERO" (BIOS: "1602", FLAGS: 4) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "CROSSHAIR V FORMULA-Z" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 4) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "ROG STRIX X370-F GAMING" (BIOS: "4012", FLAGS: 4) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "OEMSH Product" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 8) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "OEMAL Product" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "OEMCT Product" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "OEMWY Product" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "LNVNB161216" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "GA-990FX-GAMING" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X399 SLI PLUS (MS-7B09)" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X570 I AORUS PRO WIFI" (BIOS: "F32", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "MS-17EK" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "0F685W" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 80) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "00V5FJ" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 100) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "ProLiant DL325 Gen10" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 4) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "ProLiant DL385 Gen10" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 4) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "ProLiant DL385 Gen10 Plus" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 4) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "06CDVY" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Surface Book" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Surface Book 2" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Surface Pro" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Surface Pro 7" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Surface Pro" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Surface Laptop 4" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Surface Laptop" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "MACH-WX9-PCB" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "MACH-WX9" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "8873" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "0P4NHH" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "XPS 17 9710" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "XPS 15 9510" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "01V4T3" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "0VX936" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "H12DST-B" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "H12DSi-NT6" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "C3758D4I-4L" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - [BLACKLIST] 94 boards added to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Console Control protocol workaround enabled
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Number of console modes: 4
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Mode 0: 80 x 25
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Mode 1: 80 x 50
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Mode 2: 100 x 31
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Mode 3: 240 x 56
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Console attribute: 15
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Initializing localization strings
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language en-US is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language fr-FR is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language it-IT is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language es-AR is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - GetGlyph failed for character 0x00C3 (Warning Unknown Glyph)
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language pt-BR is not supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language ca-ES is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language de-DE is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - GetGlyph failed for character 0x010C (Warning Unknown Glyph)
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language cs-CZ is not supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - GetGlyph failed for character 0x0104 (Warning Unknown Glyph)
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language pl-PL is not supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language ru-RU is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - GetGlyph failed for character 0x3041 (Warning Unknown Glyph)
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language ja-JP is not supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - GetGlyph failed for character 0x4E0F (Warning Unknown Glyph)
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language zh-CN is not supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - GetGlyph failed for character 0xF944 (Warning Unknown Glyph)
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language zh-HK is not supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Font does not support all languages. Installing unicode font...
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - InitFont - Font header version: 1.1
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - InitFont - Number of narrow glyphs: 7110
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - InitFont - Number of wide glyphs: 49976
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language en-US is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language fr-FR is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language it-IT is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language es-AR is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language pt-BR is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language ca-ES is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language de-DE is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language cs-CZ is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language pl-PL is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language ru-RU is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language ja-JP is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language zh-CN is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language zh-HK is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - iMS support is NOT available
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Initializing screen for graphics
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - Number of graphics modes: 5
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - Mode 0: 640 x 480
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - Mode 1: 800 x 600
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - Mode 2: 1024 x 768 [Current]
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - Mode 3: 1280 x 1024
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - Mode 4: 1920 x 1080
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - Getting CPUID
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - Getting cache size
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - get_cache_size - Vendor ID: AuthenticAMD Brand ID: AMD Ryzen 5 7600X 6-Core Processor
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - CPU CorePPack: 12 (0x0000400B)
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - L1 instruction cache size: 12 x 32KB
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - L1 data cache size: 12 x 32KB
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - L2 cache size: 12 x 1024KB
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - L3 cache size: 1 x 32768KB
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - Measuring CPU/cache/mem speed
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - hpet_init - Found RSDP. Version: 2
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - hpet_init - Found XSDT. Entry Count: 22
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - hpet_init - Found ACPI table: FACP Version: 6
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - hpet_init - Found ACPI table: SSDT Version: 2
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - hpet_init - Found ACPI table: SSDT Version: 2
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - hpet_init - Found ACPI table: FIDT Version: 1
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - hpet_init - Found ACPI table: MCFG Version: 1
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - hpet_init - Found ACPI table: HPET Version: 1
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - hpet_init - HPET base address: 0xFED00000
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - hpet_init - HPET gen cap: 0x429B17E10228201 (Period: 69841278fs)
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - hpet_init - HPET gen cfg: 0x0
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - hpet_init - HPET is disabled
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpuspeed - rdtsc instruction supported: 1
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpuspeed - start ticks: 205269148148, end ticks: 205504155527 (difference: 235007379)
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpu_cache_speed - (Attempt 1) clock cycle (ms): 4700147
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpuspeed - rdtsc instruction supported: 1
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpuspeed - start ticks: 205765016807, end ticks: 206000024797 (difference: 235007990)
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpu_cache_speed - (Attempt 2) clock cycle (ms): 4700159
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpuspeed - rdtsc instruction supported: 1
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpuspeed - start ticks: 206261161027, end ticks: 206496165445 (difference: 235004418)
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpu_cache_speed - (Attempt 3) clock cycle (ms): 4700088
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpu_cache_speed - Using average of last 3 samples (4700088, 4700159, 4700147)
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpu_cache_speed - CPU speed: 4700.1MHz
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpu_cache_speed - measuring L1 cache speed at 0x65DB0000 (32 KB)
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpu_cache_speed - L1 cache speed: 308309 MB/s
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpu_cache_speed - measuring L2 cache speed at 0x65CB8000 (1024 KB)
2024-07-18 19:19:55 - cpu_cache_speed - L2 cache speed: 132905 MB/s
2024-07-18 19:19:55 - cpu_cache_speed - measuring L3 cache speed at 0x63588000 (32768 KB)
2024-07-18 19:19:55 - cpu_cache_speed - L3 cache speed: 123141 MB/s
2024-07-18 19:19:55 - get_mem_speed - measuring mem speed at 0x4F73F000 (270848 KB)
2024-07-18 19:19:55 - get_mem_speed - mem speed: 58817 MB/s
2024-07-18 19:19:55 - memory latency - allocate memory
2024-07-18 19:19:55 - memory latency - randomize range
2024-07-18 19:19:55 - memory latency - build linked list
2024-07-18 19:19:55 - memory latency - start test
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - memory latency - test completed (loops=4, rpl=2097152)
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - cpu_cache_speed - Memory latency: 68.426 ns
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - Retrieving CPU MSR data
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - CPU AMD Ryzen 5 7600X 6-Core Processor : 19h.61h
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - IsAMDTurboCoreSupported - CPUID[0x80000007][EDX] = 00006799
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - HWCR register found. CPB enable/disable functionality supported
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - CPB is: enabled
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - MSR[0xC0010292] = 0000000104003789
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - MSR Max Pstates/#boosted states: 8, -1
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - MSR[C0010064] = 800000004BF248BC
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 8, CPUFid_P = 188
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - Multiplier_P[0] = 47000
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - MSR[C0010065] = 80000000479E4878
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 8, CPUFid_P = 120
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - Multiplier_P[1] = 30000
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - MSR[C0010066] = 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 0, CPUFid_P = 0
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - Multiplier_P[2] = 0
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - MSR[C0010067] = 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 0, CPUFid_P = 0
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - Multiplier_P[3] = 0
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - MSR[C0010068] = 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 0, CPUFid_P = 0
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - Multiplier_P[4] = 0
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - MSR[C0010069] = 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 0, CPUFid_P = 0
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - Multiplier_P[5] = 0
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - MSR[C001006A] = 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 0, CPUFid_P = 0
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - Multiplier_P[6] = 0
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - MSR[C001006B] = 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 0, CPUFid_P = 0
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - Multiplier_P[7] = 0
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - EnableAMDCPB - MSR[0xC0010015] = 0000000189006011
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - EnableAMDCPB - New MSR[0xC0010015] = 0000000189006011
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - AMD MSR enable CPD: MSR[00000000C0010062] = 0x0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - AMD Set PStateCtl: 0x0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - Get_MPERF_APERF - CPUID[0x6][ECX] = 00000001
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - Get_MPERF_APERF - high perf counter freq = 4700131000
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - MSR 0xC0010293: 00000000003848D8
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 8, CPUFid_P = 216
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - MSR 0xC0010063: 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - MSR 0xC0010062: 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - MSR 0xC0010061: 0000000000000010 (CurPState=0, MaxPState=1)
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - Get_MPERF_APERF - time in ns = 266072
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - Get_MPERF_APERF - FreqMPERF in KHz = 4703497, FreqAPERF in KHz = 5401015
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - MSR 0xC0010293: 00000000003848D8
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 8, CPUFid_P = 216
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - MSR 0xC0010063: 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - MSR 0xC0010062: 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - MSR 0xC0010061: 0000000000000010 (CurPState=0, MaxPState=1)
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - Get_MPERF_APERF - time in ns = 265862
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - Get_MPERF_APERF - FreqMPERF in KHz = 4702086, FreqAPERF in KHz = 5401016
2024-07-18 19:19:58 - MSR 0xC0010293: 00000000003888D8
2024-07-18 19:19:58 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 8, CPUFid_P = 216
2024-07-18 19:19:58 - MSR 0xC0010063: 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:58 - MSR 0xC0010062: 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:58 - MSR 0xC0010061: 0000000000000010 (CurPState=0, MaxPState=1)
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - Get_MPERF_APERF - time in ns = 265932
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - Get_MPERF_APERF - FreqMPERF in KHz = 4701908, FreqAPERF in KHz = 5400888
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - APERF = 5401016, MPERF = 4703497, Mult = 54000
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - BaseClock = 10001
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - Turbo Core supported
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - DisableAMDCPB - MSR[0xC0010015] = 0000000189006011
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - DisableAMDCPB - New MSR[0xC0010015] = 000000018B006011
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - AMD MSR disable CPD: MSR[00000000C0010062] = 0x0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - AMD Set PStateCtl: 0x0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - Get_MPERF_APERF - CPUID[0x6][ECX] = 00000001
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - Get_MPERF_APERF - high perf counter freq = 4700131000
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - MSR 0xC0010293: 00000000006888BC
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 8, CPUFid_P = 188
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - MSR 0xC0010063: 0000000000000001
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - MSR 0xC0010062: 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - MSR 0xC0010061: 0000000000000010 (CurPState=0, MaxPState=1)
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - Get_MPERF_APERF - time in ns = 305531
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - Get_MPERF_APERF - FreqMPERF in KHz = 4701984, FreqAPERF in KHz = 4700822
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - MSR 0xC0010293: 00000000006888BC
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 8, CPUFid_P = 188
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - MSR 0xC0010063: 0000000000000001
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - MSR 0xC0010062: 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - MSR 0xC0010061: 0000000000000010 (CurPState=0, MaxPState=1)
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - Get_MPERF_APERF - time in ns = 311621
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - Get_MPERF_APERF - FreqMPERF in KHz = 4702096, FreqAPERF in KHz = 4700925
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - MSR 0xC0010293: 00000000006888BC
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 8, CPUFid_P = 188
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - MSR 0xC0010063: 0000000000000001
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - MSR 0xC0010062: 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - MSR 0xC0010061: 0000000000000010 (CurPState=0, MaxPState=1)
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - Get_MPERF_APERF - time in ns = 305441
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - Get_MPERF_APERF - FreqMPERF in KHz = 4701984, FreqAPERF in KHz = 4700973
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - (CPB disabled) APERF = 4700973, MPERF = 4702096, Mult = 47000
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - (CPB disabled) BaseClock = 10002
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - CPUSpeedTurboTheoreticalMax = 4700940
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - (Before sanity check) Freq: 4700973KHz (Ratio: 47000, ExtClk: 10002Khz), Turbo: 5401016KHz (Ratio: 54000, ExtClk: 10002KHz) (Theoretical Max: 5401016Khz)
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - Freq: 4700973, 47000, 10002, Turbo: 5401016, 54000, 10002 (5401016)
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - Getting memory size
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x000000000000 - 0x000000007FFF (32KB) {Boot Services Code}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x000000008000 - 0x00000003DFFF (216KB) {Free Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00000003E000 - 0x00000003EFFF (4KB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00000003F000 - 0x00000009EFFF (384KB) {Boot Services Code}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00000009F000 - 0x00000009FFFF (4KB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x000000100000 - 0x000009AFEFFF (153MB) {Free Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x000009AFF000 - 0x000009FFFFFF (5MB) {Reserved Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00000A000000 - 0x00000A1FFFFF (2MB) {Free Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00000A200000 - 0x00000A20FFFF (64KB) {ACPI Non-volatile}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00000A210000 - 0x00000A28FFFF (512KB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00000A290000 - 0x00000AFFFFFF (13MB) {Free Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00000B000000 - 0x00000B020FFF (132KB) {Reserved Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00000B021000 - 0x00005FFBEFFF (1359MB) {Free Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00005FFBF000 - 0x000060131FFF (1484KB) {Loader Code}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x000060132000 - 0x000060132FFF (4KB) {Loader Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x000060133000 - 0x000065587FFF (84MB) {Free Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x000065588000 - 0x0000657C7FFF (2MB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x0000657C8000 - 0x000065DB5FFF (5MB) {Free Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x000065DB6000 - 0x00006C132FFF (99MB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00006C133000 - 0x00006CD65FFF (12MB) {Free Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00006CD66000 - 0x00006E132FFF (19MB) {Boot Services Code}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00006E133000 - 0x0000748B8FFF (103MB) {Reserved Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x0000748B9000 - 0x000074A30FFF (1504KB) {ACPI Tables}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x000074A31000 - 0x000076A30FFF (32MB) {ACPI Non-volatile}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x000076A31000 - 0x000079E7EFFF (52MB) {Runtime Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x000079E7F000 - 0x000079FFEFFF (1536KB) {Runtime Services Code}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x000079FFF000 - 0x00007A5FFFFF (6MB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007A600000 - 0x00007A761FFF (1416KB) {Free Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007A762000 - 0x00007A861FFF (1024KB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007A862000 - 0x00007A87CFFF (108KB) {Boot Services Code}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007A87D000 - 0x00007A8A7FFF (172KB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007A8A8000 - 0x00007A8C9FFF (136KB) {Boot Services Code}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007A8CA000 - 0x00007A8E1FFF (96KB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007A8E2000 - 0x00007A900FFF (124KB) {Boot Services Code}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007A901000 - 0x00007BF5AFFF (22MB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007BF5B000 - 0x00007BF5CFFF (8KB) {Boot Services Code}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007BF5D000 - 0x00007BF6EFFF (72KB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007BF6F000 - 0x00007BF87FFF (100KB) {Boot Services Code}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007BF88000 - 0x00007BFE9FFF (392KB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007BFEA000 - 0x00007BFF0FFF (28KB) {Boot Services Code}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007BFF1000 - 0x00007BFF8FFF (32KB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007BFF9000 - 0x00007BFFDFFF (20KB) {Runtime Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007BFFE000 - 0x00007BFFFFFF (8KB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x000100000000 - 0x00017FFFFFFF (2048MB) {Free Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x000180000000 - 0x000180005FFF (24KB) {Boot Services Code}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x000180006000 - 0x00087DEFFFFF (28638MB) {Free Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x0000000A0000 - 0x0000000FFFFF (384KB) {Reserved Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007C000000 - 0x00007CFFFFFF (16MB) {Reserved Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007D7F3000 - 0x00007FFFFFFF (40MB) {Reserved Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x0000E0000000 - 0x0000EFFFFFFF (256MB) {OS Memory-mapped IO}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x0000FD000000 - 0x0000FEDFFFFF (30MB) {OS Memory-mapped IO}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x0000FEE00000 - 0x0000FEE00FFF (4KB) {OS Memory-mapped IO}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x0000FEE01000 - 0x0000FFFFFFFF (17MB) {OS Memory-mapped IO}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00087EF40000 - 0x00087FFFFFFF (16MB) {Reserved Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x000880000000 - 0x0008A01FFFFF (514MB) {OS Memory-mapped IO}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00FD00000000 - 0x00FFFFFFFFFF (12288MB) {Reserved Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 -
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - Available Memory: 0x7E4015000 (31GB)
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - Reserved Memory: 0x34D9B8000 (13GB)
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - mem_size - Number of entries: 56
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - mem_size - Max address: 0x10000000000
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - mem_size - Total memory size (34110078976 bytes)
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - Parsing command line: ""
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - Successfully located the PI MpService protocol.
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - BSP is Proc 0
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - This platform has 12 logical processors of which 12 are enabled.
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - ProcID Enabled Type Status Pkg Core Thread Hyperthread?
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - -------- -------- ---- -------- ----- ---- ------ ------------
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - Get Proc Info Proc #0
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 00000000 Y BSP 00000007 0 0 0 N
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - Get Proc Info Proc #1
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 00000001 Y AP 00000006 0 0 1 Y
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - Get Proc Info Proc #2
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 00000002 Y AP 00000006 0 1 0 N
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Get Proc Info Proc #3
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - 00000003 Y AP 00000006 0 1 1 Y
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Get Proc Info Proc #4
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - 00000004 Y AP 00000006 0 2 0 N
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Get Proc Info Proc #5
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - 00000005 Y AP 00000006 0 2 1 Y
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Get Proc Info Proc #6
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - 00000006 Y AP 00000006 0 3 0 N
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Get Proc Info Proc #7
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - 00000007 Y AP 00000006 0 3 1 Y
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Get Proc Info Proc #8
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - 00000008 Y AP 00000006 0 4 0 N
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Get Proc Info Proc #9
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - 00000009 Y AP 00000006 0 4 1 Y
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Get Proc Info Proc #10
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - 0000000A Y AP 00000006 0 5 0 N
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Get Proc Info Proc #11
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - 0000000B Y AP 00000006 0 5 1 Y
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Package ProcNum
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - 0 0
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - This platform has 12 logical processors of which 12 are enabled.
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Number of hyperthreads detected: 6 (Total threads: 12)
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Disabling all hyperthreads
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Disabling hyperthread processor 1
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Disabling hyperthread processor 3
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Disabling hyperthread processor 5
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Disabling hyperthread processor 7
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Disabling hyperthread processor 9
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Disabling hyperthread processor 11
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Testing MP support
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - MPSupportTestMPServices - AP dispatch test
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - MPSupportTestMPServices - Starting AP#2
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - MPSupportTestMPServices - Starting AP#4
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - MPSupportTestMPServices - Starting AP#6
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - MPSupportTestMPServices - Starting AP#8
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - MPSupportTestMPServices - Starting AP#10
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - MPSupportTestMPServices - Waiting for AP's to complete execution
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - MPSupportTestMPServices - CPU #2 finished execution
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - MPSupportTestMPServices - CPU #4 finished execution
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - MPSupportTestMPServices - CPU #6 finished execution
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - MPSupportTestMPServices - CPU #8 finished execution
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - MPSupportTestMPServices - CPU #10 finished execution
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - MPSupportTestMPServices - AP dispatch test complete
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - MP test passed. Setting default CPU mode to PARALLEL
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - Getting memory controller info
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - find_mem_controller - found AMD Ryzen Zen 4 (60h-6fh) (1022:14E2) at 0-24-2
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - AMD Ryzen Zen 4 chipset init
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - MmioCfgBaseAddr=00000000E0000021 (Enable=1)
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - MCHBAR=E0000000
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - CfgAddressCntl = 00000000 (SecBusNum=00)
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - CPUID[0x00000001]:EBX[31:0] = 000C0800 (LocalApicId=0, NBC=0, LogicalProcessorCount=12)
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - CPUID[0x00000001]:EDX[31:0] = 178BFBFF (MCA=1)
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - CPUID[0x80000007]:EBX[31:0] = 0000003B (PfehSupportPresent=1, ScalableMCA=1)
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - PFEH_CFG=0000000000000000 (PfehEnable=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - PFEH_CLOAK_CFG=0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - MCG_CAP=000000000000011D (Count=29)
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - CPUID[0x00000001]:EBX[31:0] = 000C0800 (LocalApicId=0, NBC=0, LogicalProcessorCount=12)
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - SdpCtrl[0]=C0800083 (SdpInit=1)
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming3=17000F08
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming4=00000020
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming5=001E0822
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming6=0000005A
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming7=00000002
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming8=08010808
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming9=17010F0F
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming10=00001208
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming11=0031765A
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming12=00302D9D
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming13=20202A2A
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming14=07000392
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming15=24002000
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming16=032A0F01
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming17=FEF0FF17
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming18=001028EF
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming19=00000101
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming20=00070000
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming21=000F0D17
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming22=06241618
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming23=22002A2A
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - UmcCap[0]=0x0001FD08
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - UmcCapHi[0]=0x00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - EccChipKillCap = 0 and EccEnabled = 0 for ch 0
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - Switching BSP to 6
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - CPUID[0x00000001]:EBX[31:0] = 060C0800 (LocalApicId=6, NBC=6, LogicalProcessorCount=12)
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - SdpCtrl[1]=C0800083 (SdpInit=1)
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC1] DramTiming1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC1] DramTiming2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC1] DramTiming3=17000F08
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC1] DramTiming4=00000020
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC1] DramTiming5=001E0822
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC1] DramTiming6=0000005A
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC1] DramTiming7=00000002
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC1] DramTiming8=08010808
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC1] DramTiming9=17010F0F
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC1] DramTiming10=00001308
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming11=0031765A
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming12=00302D9D
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming13=20202A2A
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming14=07000392
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming15=24002000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming16=032A0F01
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming17=FEF0FF17
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming18=001028EF
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming19=00000101
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming20=00070000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming21=000F0D17
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming22=06241618
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming23=22002A2A
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - UmcCap[1]=0x0001FD08
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - UmcCapHi[1]=0x00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - EccChipKillCap = 0 and EccEnabled = 0 for ch 1
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - Switching BSP back to 0
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - TOP_MEM=0000000080000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - SYS_CFG=0000000000740000 (MtrrTom2En=1)
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - TOM2=0000000880000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0] UmcConfig=80000701
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0] FabricBlockInstanceInformation3=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0] DramHoleControl=80000001
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0] DramOffset=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0] SystemFabricIdMask0=0000003F
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0] SystemFabricIdMask1=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0] SystemFabricIdMask2=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0] BeqCtrl0: 00000008 (VcmEn=1)
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0] AddrHashPC: 3FFFC001
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0] AddrHashPC2: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0,n0] DramBaseAddress=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0,n0] DramLimitAddress=00000087
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0,n0] DramAddressCtl=00000703
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0,n0] DramAddressIntlv=00000010
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0,n0] AddrHashCS: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0, DIMM0] DimmCfg: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0,n1] DramBaseAddress=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0,n1] DramLimitAddress=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0,n1] DramAddressCtl=00000700
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0,n1] DramAddressIntlv=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0,n1] AddrHashCS: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0, DIMM1] DimmCfg: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0, CS0] BaseAddr: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0, CS0] BaseAddrSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0, CS0] AddrMask: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0, CS0] AddrMaskSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0, CS0] AddrCfg: 00150508
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0, CS0] AddrSel: 070CBA98
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0, CS0] ColSelLo: 87654321
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0, CS0] ColSelHi: A9876543
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS0] RmSel: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS1] BaseAddr: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS1] BaseAddrSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS1] AddrMask: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS1] AddrMaskSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS1] AddrCfg: 00150508
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS1] AddrSel: 070CBA98
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS1] ColSelLo: 87654321
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS1] ColSelHi: A9876543
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS1] RmSel: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS2] BaseAddr: 00000001
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS2] BaseAddrSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS2] AddrMask: 03FFFFFE
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS2] AddrMaskSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS2] AddrCfg: 0025060C
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS2] AddrSel: 06076598
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS2] ColSelLo: D7543210
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS2] ColSelHi: A9876098
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS2] RmSel: 00030000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS3] BaseAddr: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS3] BaseAddrSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS3] AddrMask: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS3] AddrMaskSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS3] AddrCfg: 00150508
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS3] AddrSel: 070CBA98
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS3] ColSelLo: 87654321
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS3] ColSelHi: A9876543
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS3] RmSel: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1] UmcConfig=80000701
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1] FabricBlockInstanceInformation3=00000101
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1] DramHoleControl=80000001
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1] DramOffset=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1] SystemFabricIdMask0=0000003F
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1] SystemFabricIdMask1=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1] SystemFabricIdMask2=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC1] BeqCtrl0: 00000008 (VcmEn=1)
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC1] AddrHashPC: 3FFFC001
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC1] AddrHashPC2: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1,n0] DramBaseAddress=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1,n0] DramLimitAddress=00000087
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1,n0] DramAddressCtl=00000703
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1,n0] DramAddressIntlv=00000010
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC1,n0] AddrHashCS: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC1, DIMM0] DimmCfg: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1,n1] DramBaseAddress=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1,n1] DramLimitAddress=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1,n1] DramAddressCtl=00000700
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1,n1] DramAddressIntlv=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC1,n1] AddrHashCS: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC1, DIMM1] DimmCfg: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS0] BaseAddr: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS0] BaseAddrSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS0] AddrMask: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS0] AddrMaskSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS0] AddrCfg: 00150508
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS0] AddrSel: 070CBA98
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS0] ColSelLo: 87654321
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS0] ColSelHi: A9876543
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS0] RmSel: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS1] BaseAddr: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS1] BaseAddrSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS1] AddrMask: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS1] AddrMaskSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS1] AddrCfg: 00150508
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS1] AddrSel: 070CBA98
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS1] ColSelLo: 87654321
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS1] ColSelHi: A9876543
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS1] RmSel: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS2] BaseAddr: 00000001
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS2] BaseAddrSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS2] AddrMask: 03FFFFFE
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS2] AddrMaskSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS2] AddrCfg: 0025060C
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS2] AddrSel: 06076598
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS2] ColSelLo: D7543210
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS2] ColSelHi: A9876098
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS2] RmSel: 00030000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS3] BaseAddr: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS3] BaseAddrSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS3] AddrMask: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS3] AddrMaskSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS3] AddrCfg: 00150508
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS3] AddrSel: 070CBA98
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS3] ColSelLo: 87654321
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS3] ColSelHi: A9876543
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS3] RmSel: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - find_mem_controller - AMD Ryzen Zen 4 (60h-6fh) (1022:14E2) at 0-24-2
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - find_mem_controller - AMD Ryzen Zen 4 (60h-6fh) (Ch mode: 2, ECC mode: {detect: no, correct: no, scrub: no, chipkill: no, IBECC: no})
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - ECC polling disabled
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - Applying configurations
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [CONFIG] This platform has 12 logical processors of which 6 are enabled.
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [CONFIG] ECCPOLL cannot be enabled as ECC is not available
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - Applying configurations complete
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - Getting memory SPD info
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - Attempting to enable any disabled SMBus controllers...
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - Attempting to enable SMBUS:
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - Searching PCI for SMBus Controller
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - {00:14:00} SMBus Configuration Registers:
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - 00: 790B1022 02200403 0C050071 00800000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - 10: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 88771043
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 30: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 60: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 90: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - A0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - B0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - C0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - D0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - E0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - F0: 0000DBDD 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - Found SMBus device: VID:1022 DID:790B Bus:00 Dev:14 Fun:00 IO Add:0B00 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:71 [AMD Hudson-3 SMBus]
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - Finished searching PCI for SMBus Controller
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - Found 1 SMBus controllers
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - [AMD Hudson-3 SMBus Bus:00 Dev:14 Fun:00 Add:0B00] Looking for SPD
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - Previous MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - Device detected on SMBUS at address 51 (PIIX4)
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - Expanding SPD info array (0 => 16)
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - MemoryInfo(0x65D95018, 121856 bytes)
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - Raw SPD bytes for DIMM#0 (Channel -1, Slot -1):
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 51 18 12 80 B3 03 52 00 00 00 00 00 FF 3F 00 55
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 70 03 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 50 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 00 D4 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 30 10 12 02 04 00 20 62 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 00 00 00 00 A0 01 F2 03 72 0D 00 00 00 00 1A 41
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 1A 41 1A 41 00 7D 1A BE 30 75 27 01 A0 00 82 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 88 13 08 88 13 08 20 4E 20 10
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 27 10 15 34 20 10 27 10 C4 09 04 4C 1D 0C 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - RAM type: DDR5
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - SPD rev: 0x18
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - Length of SPD (256) not valid
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - Device detected on SMBUS at address 53 (PIIX4)
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - Raw SPD bytes for DIMM#0 (Channel -1, Slot -1):
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 51 18 12 80 B3 03 52 00 00 00 00 00 FF 3F 00 55
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 70 03 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 50 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 00 C8 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 30 10 12 02 04 00 20 62 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 00 00 00 00 A0 01 F2 03 72 0D 00 00 00 00 1A 41
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 1A 41 1A 41 00 7D 1A BE 30 75 27 01 A0 00 82 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 88 13 08 88 13 08 20 4E 20 10
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 27 10 15 34 20 10 27 10 C4 09 04 4C 1D 0C 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - RAM type: DDR5
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - SPD rev: 0x18
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - Length of SPD (256) not valid
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - Previous MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - Writing MMIO PM DECODEEN: E30F0BF7 (smbus0sel=1)
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - Restoring MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - Previous MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - Writing MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3170BF7 (smbus0sel=2)
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - Restoring MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - Previous MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - Writing MMIO PM DECODEEN: E31F0BF7 (smbus0sel=3)
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - Restoring MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - Previous MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - MR0 - Device Type MSB: 51
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - MR1 - Device Type LSB: 18
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - MR2 - Device Revision: 12
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - MR3 - Device Revision: 80
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - MR4 - Device Revision: B3
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - MR5 - Device Capability: 03
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - MR11 - I2C Legacy Mode Device Configuration: 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - MR12 - NVM Protection Configuration: FF
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - MR13 - NVM Protection Configuration: 3F
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - MR18 - Device Configuration: 00 (INF_SEL=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - MR52 - Hub and Thermal Sensor Error Status: 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - A - Setting page address to 0
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - A - Finished setting page address to 0
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - A - Setting page address to 1
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - A - Finished setting page address to 1
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - A - Setting page address to 2
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - A - Finished setting page address to 2
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - A - Setting page address to 3
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - A - Finished setting page address to 3
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - A - Setting page address to 4
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - A - Finished setting page address to 4
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - A - Setting page address to 5
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - A - Finished setting page address to 5
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - A - Setting page address to 6
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - A - Finished setting page address to 6
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - A - Setting page address to 7
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - A - Finished setting page address to 7
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - Raw SPD bytes for DIMM#0 (Channel -1, Slot -1):
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 30 10 12 02 04 00 20 62 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 A0 01 F2 03 72 0D 00 00 00 00 1A 41
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 1A 41 1A 41 00 7D 1A BE 30 75 27 01 A0 00 82 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 88 13 08 88 13 08 20 4E 20 10
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 27 10 15 34 20 10 27 10 C4 09 04 4C 1D 0C 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 10 00 80 B3 80 12 0B 2A 82 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 1E 33 00 85 00 22 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3A 02
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 02 9E 00 24 11 00 00 00 00 43 4D 48 33 32 47 58
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 35 4D 32 45 36 30 30 30 43 33 36 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 2C 44 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 0C 4A 30 01 00 0B 2A 01 00 12 00 00 00 00 50 72
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 6F 66 69 6C 65 20 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DD 32
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 30 28 28 00 24 4D 01 7A ED 02 00 00 00 D4 2E 3C
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 39 3C 39 00 7D 1C B6 5F 76 27 01 A0 00 82 00 88
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 13 08 20 4E 20 10 27 10 10 27 10 C4 09 04 88 13
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 08 4C 1D 0C AA 29 20 00 00 00 00 03 02 00 E1 FB
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - RAM type: DDR5
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - SPD rev: 0x10
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - Module type: UDIMM
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - Size: 16384 MB
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - Banks x Rows x Columns x Bits: 32 x 16 x 10 x 32
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - Ranks: 1
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - SDRAM Device Width: 8
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - SDRAM Package Type: Monolithic SDRAM
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - Operable voltages: 1.1V
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - SDRAM Nominal Voltage, VDD: 1.1V
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - SDRAM Nominal Voltage, VDDQ: 1.1V
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - SDRAM Nominal Voltage, VPP: 1.8V
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - ECC: No
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - Minimum clock cycle time (ns): 0.416
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - Maximum clock cycle time (ns): 1.010
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - Maximum clock speed: 2400 MHz
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - Maximum module speed: 4800 MT/s (PC5-38400)
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - Supported CAS: 22 28 30 32 36 40 42
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Minimum CAS latency time (tAA): 16.666
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Minimum RAS to CAS delay time (tRCD): 16.666
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Minimum row precharge time (tRP): 16.666
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Minimum active to precharge time (tRAS): 32.000
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Supported timing at highest clock speed (2400 MHz) : 40-40-40-77
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - SPD present: Yes
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - SPD device type: SPD5118
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - PMIC 0 present: Yes
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - PMIC 0 device type: PMIC5100
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - PMIC 1 present: No
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - PMIC 1 device type: PMIC5000
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - PMIC 2 present: No
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - PMIC 2 device type: PMIC5000
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Thermal Sensor 0 present: No
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Thermal Sensor 1 present: No
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Thermal Sensors device type: TS5111
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Module Height (mm): 44 - 45
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Module Thickness (mm): front 3-4 , back 3-4
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Module reference card: Raw Card A Rev. 0
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Rank Mix: Symmetrical
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Number of Package Ranks per Channel: 1
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Number of Channels per DIMM: 2
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Bus width extension per Channel: 0 bits
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Primary bus width per Channel: 32 bits
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Module Manufacturer: Corsair (Bank: 3, ID: 0x9E)
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Module manufacturing location: 0x00
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Manufacturing Date: Year 2024 Week 11
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Module serial number: 0x00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Module Part Number: CMH32GX5M2E6000C36
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Revision Code: 0x00
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - DRAM Manufacturer: Micron Technology (Bank: 1, ID: 0x2C)
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - DRAM Stepping: 0x44
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Module Manufacturer's Specific Data raw bytes:
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - XMP supported: Yes
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - XMP version: 3.0
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - XMP PMIC Vendor ID: 0B2A
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - XMP number of PMICs: 1
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - XMP PMIC OC capabilities (capable: No, enabled: No, voltage default step size: 5mV, global reset function: Disabled)
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - XMP spec revision: 1.2
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - XMP Validation and Certification Capabilities (Self-certified: No, PMIC validated by Intel AVL level: No
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - XMP Base Configuration Section CRC16: 0x32DD
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - [XMP Profile 1] Profile enabled: Yes (certified: No)
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - [XMP Profile 1] recommended DIMMs per channel: 1
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - [XMP Profile 1] profile name: Profile 1
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Module VPP Voltage Level: 1.8V
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Module VDD Voltage Level: 1.4V
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Module VDDQ Voltage Level: 1.4V
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Memory controller Voltage Level: 1.2V
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - SDRAM Minimum Cycle Time (tCKAVGmin): 0.333
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Maximum clock speed: 3000 MHz
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Supported CAS: 22 26 28 30 32 36 40 42 46 48 50 54
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Minimum CAS Latency Time (tAAmin): 11.988
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Minimum RAS to CAS Delay Time (tRCDmin): 14.652
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Minimum Row Precharge Delay Time (tRPmin): 14.652
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Minimum Active to Precharge Delay Time (tRASmin): 32.000
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Minimum Active to Active/Refresh Delay Time (tRCmin): 46.620
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Minimum Write Recovery Time (tWRmin): 30.303
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Minimum Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFC1min): 295.000
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Minimum Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFC2min): 160.000
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Minimum Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFCsb): 130.000
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Minimum Read to Read Command Delay Time, Same Bank Group (tCCD_L): 5.000
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Minimum Write to Write Command Delay Time, Same Bank Group (tCCD_L_WR): 20.000
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - SDRAM Minimum Write to Write Command Delay Time, Second Write not RMW, Same Bank Group (tCCD_L_WR2): 10.000
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - SDRAM Minimum Write to Read Command Delay Time, Same Bank Group (tCCD_L_WTR): 10.000
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - SDRAM Minimum Write to Read Command Delay Time, Different Bank Group (tCCD_S_WTR): 2.500
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - SDRAM Minimum Active to Active Command Delay Time, Same Bank Group (tRRD_L): 5.000
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - SDRAM Minimum Read to Precharge Command Delay Time, (tRTP): 7.500
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - SDRAM Minimum Four Activate Window (tFAW min): 10.666
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Advanced Memory Overclocking Features: Real-Time Memory Frequency Overclocking: supported, Intel® Dynamic Memory Boost: supported
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - System CMD Rate Mode: 2n
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Vendor Personality Byte: 00
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - [XMP Profile 2] Profile enabled: No (certified: No)
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - [XMP Profile 2] recommended DIMMs per channel: 1
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - [XMP Profile 3] Profile enabled: No (certified: No)
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - [XMP Profile 3] recommended DIMMs per channel: 1
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - [XMP Profile 4] User profile
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - [XMP Profile 5] User profile
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - DIMM#0 (Channel -1, Slot -1) serial number: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR11 - I2C Legacy Mode Device Configuration: 07
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Restoring MR11 back to 00
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR0 - Device Type MSB: 51
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR1 - Device Type LSB: 18
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR0 - Device Type MSB: 51
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR1 - Device Type LSB: 18
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR2 - Device Revision: 12
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR3 - Device Revision: 80
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR4 - Device Revision: B3
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR5 - Device Capability: 03
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR11 - I2C Legacy Mode Device Configuration: 00
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR12 - NVM Protection Configuration: FF
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR13 - NVM Protection Configuration: 3F
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR18 - Device Configuration: 00 (INF_SEL=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR52 - Hub and Thermal Sensor Error Status: 00
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - A - Setting page address to 0
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Finished setting page address to 0
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Setting page address to 1
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Finished setting page address to 1
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Setting page address to 2
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Finished setting page address to 2
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Setting page address to 3
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Finished setting page address to 3
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Setting page address to 4
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Finished setting page address to 4
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Setting page address to 5
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Finished setting page address to 5
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Setting page address to 6
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Finished setting page address to 6
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Setting page address to 7
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Finished setting page address to 7
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - Raw SPD bytes for DIMM#1 (Channel -1, Slot -1):
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 30 10 12 02 04 00 20 62 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 A0 01 F2 03 72 0D 00 00 00 00 1A 41
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 1A 41 1A 41 00 7D 1A BE 30 75 27 01 A0 00 82 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 88 13 08 88 13 08 20 4E 20 10
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 27 10 15 34 20 10 27 10 C4 09 04 4C 1D 0C 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 10 00 80 B3 80 12 0B 2A 82 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 1E 33 00 85 00 22 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3A 02
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 02 9E 00 24 11 00 00 00 00 43 4D 48 33 32 47 58
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 35 4D 32 45 36 30 30 30 43 33 36 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 2C 44 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 0C 4A 30 01 00 0B 2A 01 00 12 00 00 00 00 50 72
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 6F 66 69 6C 65 20 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DD 32
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 30 28 28 00 24 4D 01 7A ED 02 00 00 00 D4 2E 3C
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 39 3C 39 00 7D 1C B6 5F 76 27 01 A0 00 82 00 88
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 13 08 20 4E 20 10 27 10 10 27 10 C4 09 04 88 13
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 08 4C 1D 0C AA 29 20 00 00 00 00 03 02 00 E1 FB
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - RAM type: DDR5
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - SPD rev: 0x10
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - Module type: UDIMM
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Size: 16384 MB
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Banks x Rows x Columns x Bits: 32 x 16 x 10 x 32
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Ranks: 1
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - SDRAM Device Width: 8
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - SDRAM Package Type: Monolithic SDRAM
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Operable voltages: 1.1V
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - SDRAM Nominal Voltage, VDD: 1.1V
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - SDRAM Nominal Voltage, VDDQ: 1.1V
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - SDRAM Nominal Voltage, VPP: 1.8V
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - ECC: No
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Minimum clock cycle time (ns): 0.416
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Maximum clock cycle time (ns): 1.010
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Maximum clock speed: 2400 MHz
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Maximum module speed: 4800 MT/s (PC5-38400)
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Supported CAS: 22 28 30 32 36 40 42
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Minimum CAS latency time (tAA): 16.666
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Minimum RAS to CAS delay time (tRCD): 16.666
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Minimum row precharge time (tRP): 16.666
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Minimum active to precharge time (tRAS): 32.000
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Supported timing at highest clock speed (2400 MHz) : 40-40-40-77
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - SPD present: Yes
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - SPD device type: SPD5118
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - PMIC 0 present: Yes
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - PMIC 0 device type: PMIC5100
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - PMIC 1 present: No
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - PMIC 1 device type: PMIC5000
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - PMIC 2 present: No
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - PMIC 2 device type: PMIC5000
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Thermal Sensor 0 present: No
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Thermal Sensor 1 present: No
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Thermal Sensors device type: TS5111
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Module Height (mm): 44 - 45
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Module Thickness (mm): front 3-4 , back 3-4
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Module reference card: Raw Card A Rev. 0
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Rank Mix: Symmetrical
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Number of Package Ranks per Channel: 1
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Number of Channels per DIMM: 2
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Bus width extension per Channel: 0 bits
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Primary bus width per Channel: 32 bits
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Module Manufacturer: Corsair (Bank: 3, ID: 0x9E)
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Module manufacturing location: 0x00
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Manufacturing Date: Year 2024 Week 11
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Module serial number: 0x00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Module Part Number: CMH32GX5M2E6000C36
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Revision Code: 0x00
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - DRAM Manufacturer: Micron Technology (Bank: 1, ID: 0x2C)
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - DRAM Stepping: 0x44
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Module Manufacturer's Specific Data raw bytes:
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - XMP supported: Yes
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - XMP version: 3.0
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - XMP PMIC Vendor ID: 0B2A
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - XMP number of PMICs: 1
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - XMP PMIC OC capabilities (capable: No, enabled: No, voltage default step size: 5mV, global reset function: Disabled)
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - XMP spec revision: 1.2
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - XMP Validation and Certification Capabilities (Self-certified: No, PMIC validated by Intel AVL level: No
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - XMP Base Configuration Section CRC16: 0x32DD
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - [XMP Profile 1] Profile enabled: Yes (certified: No)
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - [XMP Profile 1] recommended DIMMs per channel: 1
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - [XMP Profile 1] profile name: Profile 1
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Module VPP Voltage Level: 1.8V
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Module VDD Voltage Level: 1.4V
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Module VDDQ Voltage Level: 1.4V
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Memory controller Voltage Level: 1.2V
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - SDRAM Minimum Cycle Time (tCKAVGmin): 0.333
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Maximum clock speed: 3000 MHz
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Supported CAS: 22 26 28 30 32 36 40 42 46 48 50 54
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Minimum CAS Latency Time (tAAmin): 11.988
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Minimum RAS to CAS Delay Time (tRCDmin): 14.652
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Minimum Row Precharge Delay Time (tRPmin): 14.652
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Minimum Active to Precharge Delay Time (tRASmin): 32.000
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Minimum Active to Active/Refresh Delay Time (tRCmin): 46.620
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Minimum Write Recovery Time (tWRmin): 30.303
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Minimum Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFC1min): 295.000
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Minimum Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFC2min): 160.000
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Minimum Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFCsb): 130.000
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Minimum Read to Read Command Delay Time, Same Bank Group (tCCD_L): 5.000
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Minimum Write to Write Command Delay Time, Same Bank Group (tCCD_L_WR): 20.000
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - SDRAM Minimum Write to Write Command Delay Time, Second Write not RMW, Same Bank Group (tCCD_L_WR2): 10.000
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - SDRAM Minimum Write to Read Command Delay Time, Same Bank Group (tCCD_L_WTR): 10.000
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - SDRAM Minimum Write to Read Command Delay Time, Different Bank Group (tCCD_S_WTR): 2.500
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - SDRAM Minimum Active to Active Command Delay Time, Same Bank Group (tRRD_L): 5.000
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - SDRAM Minimum Read to Precharge Command Delay Time, (tRTP): 7.500
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - SDRAM Minimum Four Activate Window (tFAW min): 10.666
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Advanced Memory Overclocking Features: Real-Time Memory Frequency Overclocking: supported, Intel® Dynamic Memory Boost: supported
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - System CMD Rate Mode: 2n
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Vendor Personality Byte: 00
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - [XMP Profile 2] Profile enabled: No (certified: No)
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - [XMP Profile 2] recommended DIMMs per channel: 1
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - [XMP Profile 3] Profile enabled: No (certified: No)
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - [XMP Profile 3] recommended DIMMs per channel: 1
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - [XMP Profile 4] User profile
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - [XMP Profile 5] User profile
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - DIMM#1 (Channel -1, Slot -1) serial number: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - MR11 - I2C Legacy Mode Device Configuration: 07
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Restoring MR11 back to 00
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - MR0 - Device Type MSB: 51
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - MR1 - Device Type LSB: 18
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - Previous MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - Writing MMIO PM DECODEEN: E30F0BF7 (smbus0sel=1)
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - Restoring MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - Previous MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - Writing MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3170BF7 (smbus0sel=2)
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - Restoring MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - Previous MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - Writing MMIO PM DECODEEN: E31F0BF7 (smbus0sel=3)
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - Restoring MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - Enumerating PCI bus...
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - Scanning PCI for devices:
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14D8 Bus:00 Dev:00 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14D9 Bus:00 Dev:00 Fun:02 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14DA Bus:00 Dev:01 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14DB Bus:00 Dev:01 Fun:01 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:81 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14DB Bus:00 Dev:01 Fun:02 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:81 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14DA Bus:00 Dev:02 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14DB Bus:00 Dev:02 Fun:01 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:81 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14DA Bus:00 Dev:03 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14DA Bus:00 Dev:04 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14DA Bus:00 Dev:08 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14DD Bus:00 Dev:08 Fun:01 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:81 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14DD Bus:00 Dev:08 Fun:03 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:81 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - {00:14:00} SMBus Configuration Registers:
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - 00: 790B1022 02200403 0C050071 00800000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - 10: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - 20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 88771043
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - 30: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - 40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - 50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - 60: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - 70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - 80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - 90: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - A0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - B0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - C0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - D0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - E0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - F0: 0000DBDD 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:790B Bus:00 Dev:14 Fun:00 IO Add:0B00 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:71 HeaderType:81 [AMD Hudson-3 SMBus]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:790E Bus:00 Dev:14 Fun:03 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:51 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14E0 Bus:00 Dev:18 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14E1 Bus:00 Dev:18 Fun:01 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:14E2 Bus:00 Dev:18 Fun:02 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:14E3 Bus:00 Dev:18 Fun:03 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:14E4 Bus:00 Dev:18 Fun:04 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:14E5 Bus:00 Dev:18 Fun:05 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:14E6 Bus:00 Dev:18 Fun:06 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:14E7 Bus:00 Dev:18 Fun:07 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:10DE DID:2783 Bus:01 Dev:00 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:A1 HeaderType:80 [nVidia Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:10DE DID:22BC Bus:01 Dev:00 Fun:01 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:A1 HeaderType:80 [nVidia Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:144D DID:A80A Bus:02 Dev:00 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:00 [Unknown Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:43F4 Bus:03 Dev:00 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:01 HeaderType:01 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:43F5 Bus:04 Dev:00 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:01 HeaderType:01 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:43F5 Bus:04 Dev:08 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:01 HeaderType:01 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:43F5 Bus:04 Dev:09 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:01 HeaderType:01 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:43F5 Bus:04 Dev:0A Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:01 HeaderType:01 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:43F5 Bus:04 Dev:0B Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:01 HeaderType:01 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:43F5 Bus:04 Dev:0C Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:01 HeaderType:01 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:43F5 Bus:04 Dev:0D Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:01 HeaderType:01 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:10EC DID:8125 Bus:08 Dev:00 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:05 HeaderType:00 [Unknown Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:10EC DID:B852 Bus:09 Dev:00 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:00 [Unknown Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:43F7 Bus:0A Dev:00 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:01 HeaderType:00 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:43F6 Bus:0B Dev:00 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:01 HeaderType:00 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:14DE Bus:0C Dev:00 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:C7 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:1649 Bus:0C Dev:00 Fun:02 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:15B6 Bus:0C Dev:00 Fun:03 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:15B7 Bus:0C Dev:00 Fun:04 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:15E3 Bus:0C Dev:00 Fun:06 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:15B8 Bus:0D Dev:00 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:00 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - Finished searching PCI for SMBus Controller
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - Getting memory TSOD info
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - Attempting to enable any disabled TSOD controllers...
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - Attempting to enable SMBUS:
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - Searching PCI for TSOD Controller
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - {00:14:00} SMBus Configuration Registers:
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - 00: 790B1022 02200403 0C050071 00800000
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - 10: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - 20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 88771043
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - 30: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - 40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - 50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - 60: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - 70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - 80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - 90: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - A0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - B0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - C0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - D0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - E0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - F0: 0000DBDD 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - Found TSOD device: VID:1022 DID:790B Bus:00 Dev:14 Fun:00 IO Add:0B00 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 Rev:71 [AMD Hudson-3 SMBus]
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - Finished searching PCI for SMBus Controller
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - Expanding TSOD info array (0 => 16)
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - Getting memory SMBIOS info
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - Getting SMBIOS Memory Device info...
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - Found 4 Memory Devices
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct 0
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct Get strings (FormattedLen=92, iTotalLen=91)
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct: String area len=53
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct: parsing v2.3+ strings
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct: parsing v3.2+ strings
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct end
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [Slot 0] TotalWidth: 65535, DataWidth: 65535, Size: 0, FormFactor: 2, DeviceSet: 0, MemoryType: 2, Speed: 0, Attributes: 0, ExtendedSize: 0, ConfiguredMemoryClockSpeed: 0, MinimumVoltage: 0, MaximumVoltage: 0, ConfiguredVoltage: 0
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [Slot 0] DeviceLocator: DIMM 0, BankLocator: P0 CHANNEL A, Manufacturer: Unknown, S/N: Unknown, AssetTag: , PartNumber: Unknown
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct 1
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct Get strings (FormattedLen=92, iTotalLen=9D)
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct: String area len=65
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct: parsing v2.3+ strings
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct: parsing v3.2+ strings
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct end
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [Slot 1] TotalWidth: 64, DataWidth: 64, Size: 16384, FormFactor: 9, DeviceSet: 0, MemoryType: 34, Speed: 4800, Attributes: 1, ExtendedSize: 0, ConfiguredMemoryClockSpeed: 6000, MinimumVoltage: 1100, MaximumVoltage: 1100, ConfiguredVoltage: 1100
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [Slot 1] DeviceLocator: DIMM 1, BankLocator: P0 CHANNEL A, Manufacturer: Corsair, S/N: 00000000, AssetTag: , PartNumber: CMH32GX5M2E6000C36
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct 2
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct Get strings (FormattedLen=92, iTotalLen=91)
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct: String area len=53
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct: parsing v2.3+ strings
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct: parsing v3.2+ strings
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct end
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [Slot 2] TotalWidth: 65535, DataWidth: 65535, Size: 0, FormFactor: 2, DeviceSet: 0, MemoryType: 2, Speed: 0, Attributes: 0, ExtendedSize: 0, ConfiguredMemoryClockSpeed: 0, MinimumVoltage: 0, MaximumVoltage: 0, ConfiguredVoltage: 0
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [Slot 2] DeviceLocator: DIMM 0, BankLocator: P0 CHANNEL B, Manufacturer: Unknown, S/N: Unknown, AssetTag: , PartNumber: Unknown
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct 3
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct Get strings (FormattedLen=92, iTotalLen=9D)
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct: String area len=65
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct: parsing v2.3+ strings
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct: parsing v3.2+ strings
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct end
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [Slot 3] TotalWidth: 64, DataWidth: 64, Size: 16384, FormFactor: 9, DeviceSet: 0, MemoryType: 34, Speed: 4800, Attributes: 1, ExtendedSize: 0, ConfiguredMemoryClockSpeed: 6000, MinimumVoltage: 1100, MaximumVoltage: 1100, ConfiguredVoltage: 1100
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [Slot 3] DeviceLocator: DIMM 1, BankLocator: P0 CHANNEL B, Manufacturer: Corsair, S/N: 00000000, AssetTag: , PartNumber: CMH32GX5M2E6000C36
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - Number of non-empty SMBIOS memory devices found: 2
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [SPD 0] Comparing SMBIOS S/N (00000000) with SPD S/N (00000000)
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [SPD 0] SMBIOS S/N = 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [SPD 0] Found match with SMBIOS 1
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [SPD 1] Comparing SMBIOS S/N (00000000) with SPD S/N (00000000)
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [SPD 1] SMBIOS S/N = 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [SPD 1] Found match with SMBIOS 3
2024-07-18 19:20:21 - Console size = 80 x 25
2024-07-18 19:20:21 - Checking for graphics mode support
2024-07-18 19:20:21 - Graphics mode available
2024-07-18 19:20:21 - Enabling graphics mode
2024-07-18 19:20:21 - Get screen size
2024-07-18 19:20:21 - Current screen size: 1024 x 768
2024-07-18 19:20:21 - Screen size = 1024 x 768
2024-07-18 19:20:21 - Char width=8 height=19
2024-07-18 19:20:21 - Loading images
2024-07-18 19:20:21 - Show splash screen
2024-07-18 19:20:21 - Splash screen start time: 330749765820 (clk=4700131, ConIn=6D2C4E50, WaitForKey=6994A418)
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Splash screen countdown timer expired
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Exit splash screen
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Initializing spin lock (Align=64)
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - *** TEST SESSION - 2024-07-18 19:20:31 ***
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - CPU selection mode = 1
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - ReadMemoryRanges - Available Pages = 8273778
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Locking all memory ranges first...
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Skipping memory range 0x8000 - 0x3E000 (216KB). Range too small.
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Memory range locked: 0x100000 - 0x9AFF000 (32937420KB of available memory left)
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Skipping memory range 0xA000000 - 0xA200000 (2048KB). Range too small.
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Skipping memory range 0xA290000 - 0xB000000 (13760KB). Range too small.
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Memory range locked: 0xB021000 - 0x5FFBF000 (31545172KB of available memory left)
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Memory range locked: 0x60133000 - 0x65588000 (31458816KB of available memory left)
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Skipping memory range 0x657C8000 - 0x65CF7000 (5308KB). Range too small.
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Skipping memory range 0x65D08000 - 0x65D15000 (52KB). Range too small.
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Skipping memory range 0x65D1F000 - 0x65D29000 (40KB). Range too small.
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Skipping memory range 0x65D41000 - 0x65D45000 (16KB). Range too small.
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Skipping memory range 0x65D6C000 - 0x65D6D000 (4KB). Range too small.
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Skipping memory range 0x6C133000 - 0x6CD66000 (12492KB). Range too small.
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Skipping memory range 0x7A600000 - 0x7A762000 (1416KB). Range too small.
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Memory range locked: 0x100000000 - 0x180000000 (29361664KB of available memory left)
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Memory range locked: 0x180006000 - 0x87DF00000 (35352KB of available memory left)
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - All memory ranges successfully locked
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Starting pass #1 (of 4)
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - Current CPU temperature: 65C
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - Running test #0 (Test 0 [Address test, walking ones, 1 CPU])
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x50415353
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 949 ms
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 0.673s (Test 0 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:20:33 - Running test #1 (Test 1 [Address test, own address, 1 CPU])
2024-07-18 19:20:33 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x50415353
2024-07-18 19:20:33 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 1743 ms
2024-07-18 19:20:33 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:20:33 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:20:33 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:20:36 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 3.343s (Test 1 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:20:36 - Running test #2 (Test 2 [Address test, own address])
2024-07-18 19:20:36 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x50415353
2024-07-18 19:20:36 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 5206 ms
2024-07-18 19:20:36 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:20:36 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:20:36 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:20:45 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 8.706s (Test 2 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:20:45 - Running test #3 (Test 3 [Moving inversions, ones & zeroes])
2024-07-18 19:20:45 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x50415353
2024-07-18 19:20:45 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 14056 ms
2024-07-18 19:20:45 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:20:45 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:20:45 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:21:02 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 16.876s (Test 3 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:21:02 - Running test #4 (Test 4 [Moving inversions, 8-bit pattern])
2024-07-18 19:21:02 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x50415353
2024-07-18 19:21:02 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 31053 ms
2024-07-18 19:21:02 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:21:02 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:21:02 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:21:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:21:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:21:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:21:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:21:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:21:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:21:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:21:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:21:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:21:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:21:32 - Current CPU temperature: 67C
2024-07-18 19:22:01 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 58.969s (Test 4 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:22:01 - Running test #5 (Test 5 [Moving inversions, random pattern])
2024-07-18 19:22:01 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x50415353
2024-07-18 19:22:01 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 90144 ms
2024-07-18 19:22:01 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:22:01 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:22:01 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:22:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:22:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:22:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:22:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:22:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:22:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:22:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:22:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:22:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:22:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:22:32 - Current CPU temperature: 69C
2024-07-18 19:23:00 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 59.068s (Test 5 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:23:00 - Running test #6 (Test 6 [Block move, 64-byte blocks])
2024-07-18 19:23:00 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x50415353
2024-07-18 19:23:00 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 149345 ms
2024-07-18 19:23:00 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:23:00 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:23:00 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:23:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:23:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008B8
2024-07-18 19:23:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:23:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:23:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:23:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:23:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:23:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:23:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:23:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:23:32 - Current CPU temperature: 54C
2024-07-18 19:24:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:24:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 19:24:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:24:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:24:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:24:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:24:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:24:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:24:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:24:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:24:32 - Current CPU temperature: 54C
2024-07-18 19:25:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:25:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 19:25:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:25:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:25:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:25:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 19:25:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:25:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:25:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:25:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:25:32 - Current CPU temperature: 54C
2024-07-18 19:26:27 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 206.618s (Test 6 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:26:27 - Running test #7 (Test 7 [Moving inversions, 32-bit pattern])
2024-07-18 19:26:27 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x50415353
2024-07-18 19:26:27 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 356097 ms
2024-07-18 19:26:27 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:26:27 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:26:27 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:26:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:26:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:26:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:26:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:26:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:26:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:26:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:26:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:26:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:26:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:26:32 - Current CPU temperature: 73C
2024-07-18 19:27:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:27:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:27:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:27:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:27:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:27:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:27:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:27:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:27:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:27:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:27:32 - Current CPU temperature: 74C
2024-07-18 19:28:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:28:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:28:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:28:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:28:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:28:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:28:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:28:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:28:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:28:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:28:32 - Current CPU temperature: 74C
2024-07-18 19:29:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:29:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:29:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:29:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:29:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:29:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:29:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:29:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:29:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:29:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:29:32 - Current CPU temperature: 74C
2024-07-18 19:30:05 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 218.240s (Test 7 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:30:05 - Running test #8 (Test 8 [Random number sequence])
2024-07-18 19:30:05 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x50415353
2024-07-18 19:30:05 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 574469 ms
2024-07-18 19:30:05 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:30:05 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:30:05 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:30:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:30:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:30:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:30:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:30:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:30:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:30:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:30:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:30:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:30:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:30:32 - Current CPU temperature: 79C
2024-07-18 19:31:21 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 75.853s (Test 8 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:31:21 - Running test #9 (Test 9 [Modulo 20, ones & zeros])
2024-07-18 19:31:21 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x50415353
2024-07-18 19:31:21 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 650444 ms
2024-07-18 19:31:21 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:31:21 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:31:21 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:31:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:31:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:31:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:31:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:31:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:31:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:31:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:31:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:31:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:31:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:31:32 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 19:31:36 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 6, Address: 152E21DC8, Expected: BA7350B2, Actual: BA7150B2
2024-07-18 19:32:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:32:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:32:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:32:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:32:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:32:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:32:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:32:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:32:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:32:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:32:32 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 19:33:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:33:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:33:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:33:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:33:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:33:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:33:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:33:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:33:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:33:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:33:32 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 19:33:54 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 152.229s (Test 9 cumulative error count: 1, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:33:54 - Running test #10 (Test 10 [Bit fade test, 2 patterns, 1 CPU])
2024-07-18 19:33:54 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x50415353
2024-07-18 19:33:54 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 802817 ms
2024-07-18 19:33:54 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:33:54 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:33:54 - Start bit fade test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:33:54 - Starting Stage 0, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 19:33:55 - Finished Stage 0, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 19:33:55 - Sleep start time: 804677
2024-07-18 19:33:56 - Sleep time: 300000
2024-07-18 19:33:56 - Test 10 - Sleeping (299 seconds remaining)
2024-07-18 19:34:26 - Slept for 30 seconds
2024-07-18 19:34:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:34:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:34:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:34:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:34:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:34:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:34:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:34:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:34:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:34:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:34:32 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 19:34:56 - Slept for 60 seconds
2024-07-18 19:35:26 - Slept for 90 seconds
2024-07-18 19:35:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:35:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:35:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:35:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:35:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:35:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:35:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:35:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:35:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:35:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:35:32 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 19:35:56 - Slept for 120 seconds
2024-07-18 19:36:26 - Slept for 150 seconds
2024-07-18 19:36:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:36:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:36:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:36:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:36:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:36:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:36:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:36:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:36:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:36:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:36:32 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 19:36:57 - Slept for 181 seconds
2024-07-18 19:37:27 - Slept for 211 seconds
2024-07-18 19:37:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:37:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:37:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:37:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:37:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:37:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:37:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:37:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:37:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:37:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:37:32 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 19:37:57 - Slept for 241 seconds
2024-07-18 19:38:27 - Slept for 271 seconds
2024-07-18 19:38:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:38:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:38:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:38:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:38:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:38:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:38:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:38:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:38:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:38:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:38:32 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 19:38:56 - Starting Stage 1, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 19:38:59 - Finished Stage 1, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 19:38:59 - Starting Stage 0, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 19:39:01 - Finished Stage 0, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 19:39:01 - Sleep start time: 1109751
2024-07-18 19:39:01 - Sleep time: 300000
2024-07-18 19:39:01 - Test 10 - Sleeping (299 seconds remaining)
2024-07-18 19:39:31 - Slept for 30 seconds
2024-07-18 19:39:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:39:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:39:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:39:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:39:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:39:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:39:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:39:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:39:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:39:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:39:33 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 19:40:01 - Slept for 60 seconds
2024-07-18 19:40:31 - Slept for 90 seconds
2024-07-18 19:40:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:40:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:40:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:40:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:40:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:40:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:40:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:40:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:40:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:40:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:40:33 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 19:41:01 - Slept for 120 seconds
2024-07-18 19:41:31 - Slept for 150 seconds
2024-07-18 19:41:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:41:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:41:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:41:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:41:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:41:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:41:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:41:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:41:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:41:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:41:33 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 19:42:02 - Slept for 181 seconds
2024-07-18 19:42:32 - Slept for 211 seconds
2024-07-18 19:42:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:42:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:42:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:42:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:42:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:42:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:42:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:42:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:42:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:42:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:42:33 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 19:43:02 - Slept for 241 seconds
2024-07-18 19:43:32 - Slept for 271 seconds
2024-07-18 19:43:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:43:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:43:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:43:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:43:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:43:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:43:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:43:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:43:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:43:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:43:33 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 19:44:01 - Starting Stage 1, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 19:44:04 - Finished Stage 1, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 19:44:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 610.143s (Test 10 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:44:04 - Running test #13 (Test 13 [Hammer test])
2024-07-18 19:44:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x50415353
2024-07-18 19:44:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 1413078 ms
2024-07-18 19:44:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:44:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:44:04 - Start double-sided hammer test (0x0 - 0x10000000000, Step size: 0x1000000)
2024-07-18 19:44:04 - Using random pattern
2024-07-18 19:44:04 - # of segments to hammer: 15 (SegSize=2048MB, SkipSize=0MB)
2024-07-18 19:44:08 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 2 CPUs (679MB each) [0xB021000 - 0x5FFBF000]
2024-07-18 19:44:15 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x100000000 - 0x180000000]
2024-07-18 19:44:19 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x180006000 - 0x200006000]
2024-07-18 19:44:23 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x200006000 - 0x280006000]
2024-07-18 19:44:26 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x280006000 - 0x300006000]
2024-07-18 19:44:30 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x300006000 - 0x380006000]
2024-07-18 19:44:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:44:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:44:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:44:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:44:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:44:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:44:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:44:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:44:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:44:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:44:33 - Current CPU temperature: 68C
2024-07-18 19:44:35 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x380006000 - 0x400006000]
2024-07-18 19:44:38 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x400006000 - 0x480006000]
2024-07-18 19:44:42 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x480006000 - 0x500006000]
2024-07-18 19:44:46 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x500006000 - 0x580006000]
2024-07-18 19:44:50 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x580006000 - 0x600006000]
2024-07-18 19:44:54 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x600006000 - 0x680006000]
2024-07-18 19:44:58 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x680006000 - 0x700006000]
2024-07-18 19:45:02 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x700006000 - 0x780006000]
2024-07-18 19:45:06 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x780006000 - 0x800006000]
2024-07-18 19:45:10 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 3 CPUs (671MB each) [0x800006000 - 0x87DF00000]
2024-07-18 19:45:13 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 68.744s (Test 13 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:45:13 - Finished pass #1 (of 4) (Cumulative error count: 1, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:45:13 - Starting pass #2 (of 4)
2024-07-18 19:45:13 - Running test #0 (Test 0 [Address test, walking ones, 1 CPU])
2024-07-18 19:45:13 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xC7C618E1
2024-07-18 19:45:13 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 1481970 ms
2024-07-18 19:45:13 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:45:13 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:45:13 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:45:14 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 0.672s (Test 0 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:45:14 - Running test #1 (Test 1 [Address test, own address, 1 CPU])
2024-07-18 19:45:14 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xA368F406
2024-07-18 19:45:14 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 1482766 ms
2024-07-18 19:45:14 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:45:14 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:45:14 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:45:17 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 3.341s (Test 1 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:45:17 - Running test #2 (Test 2 [Address test, own address])
2024-07-18 19:45:17 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x6DE5F604
2024-07-18 19:45:17 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 1486219 ms
2024-07-18 19:45:17 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:45:17 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:45:17 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:45:26 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 8.658s (Test 2 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:45:26 - Running test #3 (Test 3 [Moving inversions, ones & zeroes])
2024-07-18 19:45:26 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x06F57531
2024-07-18 19:45:26 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 1494989 ms
2024-07-18 19:45:26 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:45:26 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:45:26 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:45:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:45:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:45:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:45:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:45:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:45:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:45:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:45:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:45:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:45:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:45:33 - Current CPU temperature: 70C
2024-07-18 19:46:00 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 33.682s (Test 3 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:46:00 - Running test #4 (Test 4 [Moving inversions, 8-bit pattern])
2024-07-18 19:46:00 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x024E9789
2024-07-18 19:46:00 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 1528783 ms
2024-07-18 19:46:00 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:46:00 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:46:00 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:46:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:46:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:46:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:46:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:46:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:46:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:46:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:46:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:46:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:46:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:46:33 - Current CPU temperature: 71C
2024-07-18 19:47:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:47:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:47:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:47:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:47:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:47:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:47:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:47:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:47:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:47:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:47:33 - Current CPU temperature: 72C
2024-07-18 19:48:06 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 126.265s (Test 4 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:48:06 - Running test #5 (Test 5 [Moving inversions, random pattern])
2024-07-18 19:48:06 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x4F249FB4
2024-07-18 19:48:06 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 1655161 ms
2024-07-18 19:48:06 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:48:06 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:48:06 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:48:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:48:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:48:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:48:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:48:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:48:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:48:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:48:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:48:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:48:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:48:33 - Current CPU temperature: 71C
2024-07-18 19:49:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:49:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:49:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:49:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:49:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:49:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:49:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:49:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:49:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:49:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:49:33 - Current CPU temperature: 72C
2024-07-18 19:50:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:50:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:50:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:50:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:50:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:50:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:50:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:50:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:50:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:50:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:50:33 - Current CPU temperature: 72C
2024-07-18 19:50:57 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 171.257s (Test 5 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:50:57 - Running test #6 (Test 6 [Block move, 64-byte blocks])
2024-07-18 19:50:57 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xDB8547B9
2024-07-18 19:50:57 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 1826543 ms
2024-07-18 19:50:57 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:50:57 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:50:57 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:51:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:51:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 19:51:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:51:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:51:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:51:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:51:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:51:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:51:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:51:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:51:33 - Current CPU temperature: 54C
2024-07-18 19:52:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:52:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008B8
2024-07-18 19:52:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:52:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:52:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:52:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:52:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:52:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:52:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:52:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:52:33 - Current CPU temperature: 54C
2024-07-18 19:53:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:53:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:53:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:53:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:53:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:53:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008B8
2024-07-18 19:53:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:53:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:53:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:53:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:53:33 - Current CPU temperature: 53C
2024-07-18 19:54:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:54:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 19:54:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:54:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:54:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:54:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:54:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:54:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:54:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:54:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:54:33 - Current CPU temperature: 53C
2024-07-18 19:55:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:55:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:55:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:55:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:55:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:55:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 19:55:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:55:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:55:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:55:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:55:33 - Current CPU temperature: 53C
2024-07-18 19:56:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:56:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:56:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:56:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:56:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:56:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:56:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:56:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:56:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:56:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:56:33 - Current CPU temperature: 52C
2024-07-18 19:57:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:57:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:57:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:57:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:57:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:57:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 19:57:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:57:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:57:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:57:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:57:33 - Current CPU temperature: 56C
2024-07-18 19:58:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:58:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:58:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:58:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:58:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:58:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:58:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:58:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:58:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:58:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:58:34 - Current CPU temperature: 56C
2024-07-18 19:59:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:59:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:59:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:59:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:59:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:59:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 19:59:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:59:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:59:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:59:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:59:34 - Current CPU temperature: 56C
2024-07-18 20:00:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:00:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 20:00:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:00:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:00:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:00:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:00:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:00:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:00:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:00:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:00:34 - Current CPU temperature: 55C
2024-07-18 20:01:09 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 611.467s (Test 6 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:01:09 - Running test #7 (Test 7 [Moving inversions, 32-bit pattern])
2024-07-18 20:01:09 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x215E21BE
2024-07-18 20:01:09 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 2438122 ms
2024-07-18 20:01:09 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:01:09 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:01:09 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:01:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:01:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:01:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:01:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:01:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:01:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:01:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:01:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:01:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:01:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:01:34 - Current CPU temperature: 79C
2024-07-18 20:02:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:02:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:02:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:02:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:02:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:02:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:02:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:02:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:02:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:02:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:02:34 - Current CPU temperature: 76C
2024-07-18 20:03:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:03:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:03:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:03:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:03:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:03:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:03:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:03:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:03:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:03:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:03:34 - Current CPU temperature: 76C
2024-07-18 20:04:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:04:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:04:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:04:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:04:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:04:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:04:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:04:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:04:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:04:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:04:34 - Current CPU temperature: 76C
2024-07-18 20:04:47 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 7, CPU: 2, Address: 40034EF40, Expected: 00004000, Actual: 08004000
2024-07-18 20:05:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:05:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:05:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:05:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:05:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:05:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:05:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:05:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:05:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:05:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:05:34 - Current CPU temperature: 76C
2024-07-18 20:06:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:06:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:06:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:06:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:06:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:06:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:06:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:06:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:06:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:06:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:06:34 - Current CPU temperature: 76C
2024-07-18 20:07:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:07:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:07:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:07:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:07:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:07:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:07:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:07:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:07:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:07:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:07:34 - Current CPU temperature: 76C
2024-07-18 20:08:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:08:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:08:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:08:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:08:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:08:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:08:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:08:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:08:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:08:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:08:34 - Current CPU temperature: 76C
2024-07-18 20:09:32 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 503.197s (Test 7 cumulative error count: 1, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:09:32 - Running test #8 (Test 8 [Random number sequence])
2024-07-18 20:09:32 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xEB383AFB
2024-07-18 20:09:32 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 2941431 ms
2024-07-18 20:09:32 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:09:32 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:09:32 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:09:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:09:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:09:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:09:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:09:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:09:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:09:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:09:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:09:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:09:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:09:34 - Current CPU temperature: 80C
2024-07-18 20:10:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:10:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:10:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:10:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:10:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:10:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:10:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:10:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:10:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:10:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:10:34 - Current CPU temperature: 79C
2024-07-18 20:10:59 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 8, CPU: 8, Address: 3C4402908, Expected: 4301C595, Actual: 0301C595
2024-07-18 20:11:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:11:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:11:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:11:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:11:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:11:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:11:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:11:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:11:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:11:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:11:34 - Current CPU temperature: 80C
2024-07-18 20:11:55 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 8, CPU: 8, Address: 5D6E31D48, Expected: B6543560, Actual: F6543560
2024-07-18 20:12:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:12:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:12:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:12:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:12:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:12:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:12:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:12:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:12:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:12:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:12:34 - Current CPU temperature: 80C
2024-07-18 20:12:37 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 8, CPU: 6, Address: 7734B77C8, Expected: 14652848, Actual: 14752848
2024-07-18 20:13:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 211.650s (Test 8 cumulative error count: 3, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:13:04 - Running test #9 (Test 9 [Modulo 20, ones & zeros])
2024-07-18 20:13:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xA885ADEB
2024-07-18 20:13:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 3153194 ms
2024-07-18 20:13:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:13:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:13:04 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:13:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:13:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:13:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:13:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:13:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:13:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:13:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:13:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:13:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:13:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:13:35 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 20:14:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:14:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:14:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:14:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:14:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:14:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:14:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:14:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:14:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:14:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:14:34 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 20:15:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:15:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:15:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:15:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:15:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:15:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:15:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:15:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:15:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:15:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:15:35 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 20:15:42 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 4, Address: 355110100, Expected: EB95C909, Actual: EB97C909
2024-07-18 20:16:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:16:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:16:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:16:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:16:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:16:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:16:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:16:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:16:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:16:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:16:35 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 20:16:47 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 10, Address: 46A681B08, Expected: 178B85C2, Actual: 179B85C2
2024-07-18 20:17:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:17:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:17:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:17:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:17:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:17:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:17:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:17:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:17:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:17:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:17:35 - Current CPU temperature: 79C
2024-07-18 20:17:56 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 2, Address: 5B3FA8D00, Expected: 8CCFAA3A, Actual: 8CCDAA3A
2024-07-18 20:17:56 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 0, Address: 5B46B6B00, Expected: 7EACF174, Actual: 7EAEF174
2024-07-18 20:18:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:18:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:18:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:18:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:18:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:18:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:18:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:18:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:18:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:18:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:18:35 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 20:19:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:19:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:19:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:19:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:19:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:19:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:19:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:19:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:19:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:19:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:19:35 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 20:20:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:20:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:20:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:20:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:20:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:20:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:20:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:20:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:20:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:20:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:20:35 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 20:20:36 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 452.374s (Test 9 cumulative error count: 5, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:20:36 - Running test #10 (Test 10 [Bit fade test, 2 patterns, 1 CPU])
2024-07-18 20:20:36 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xD4BB1679
2024-07-18 20:20:37 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 3605693 ms
2024-07-18 20:20:37 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:20:37 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:20:37 - Start bit fade test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:20:37 - Starting Stage 0, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 20:20:38 - Finished Stage 0, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 20:20:38 - Sleep start time: 3607553
2024-07-18 20:20:38 - Sleep time: 300000
2024-07-18 20:20:38 - Test 10 - Sleeping (299 seconds remaining)
2024-07-18 20:21:08 - Slept for 30 seconds
2024-07-18 20:21:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:21:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:21:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:21:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:21:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:21:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:21:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:21:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:21:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:21:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:21:35 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 20:21:39 - Slept for 60 seconds
2024-07-18 20:22:09 - Slept for 90 seconds
2024-07-18 20:22:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:22:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:22:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:22:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:22:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:22:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:22:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:22:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:22:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:22:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:22:35 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 20:22:39 - Slept for 120 seconds
2024-07-18 20:23:09 - Slept for 150 seconds
2024-07-18 20:23:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:23:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:23:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:23:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:23:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:23:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:23:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:23:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:23:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:23:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:23:35 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 20:23:40 - Slept for 181 seconds
2024-07-18 20:24:10 - Slept for 211 seconds
2024-07-18 20:24:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:24:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:24:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:24:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:24:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:24:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:24:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:24:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:24:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:24:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:24:35 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 20:24:40 - Slept for 241 seconds
2024-07-18 20:25:10 - Slept for 271 seconds
2024-07-18 20:25:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:25:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:25:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:25:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:25:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:25:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:25:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:25:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:25:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:25:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:25:35 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 20:25:38 - Starting Stage 1, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 20:25:42 - Finished Stage 1, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 20:25:42 - Starting Stage 0, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 20:25:43 - Finished Stage 0, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 20:25:43 - Sleep start time: 3912590
2024-07-18 20:25:43 - Sleep time: 300000
2024-07-18 20:25:43 - Test 10 - Sleeping (299 seconds remaining)
2024-07-18 20:26:14 - Slept for 30 seconds
2024-07-18 20:26:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:26:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:26:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:26:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:26:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:26:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:26:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:26:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:26:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:26:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:26:35 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 20:26:44 - Slept for 60 seconds
2024-07-18 20:27:14 - Slept for 90 seconds
2024-07-18 20:27:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:27:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:27:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:27:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:27:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:27:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:27:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:27:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:27:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:27:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:27:35 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 20:27:44 - Slept for 120 seconds
2024-07-18 20:28:14 - Slept for 150 seconds
2024-07-18 20:28:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:28:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:28:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:28:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:28:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:28:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:28:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:28:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:28:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:28:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:28:35 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 20:28:45 - Slept for 181 seconds
2024-07-18 20:29:15 - Slept for 211 seconds
2024-07-18 20:29:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:29:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:29:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:29:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:29:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:29:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:29:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:29:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:29:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:29:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:29:35 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 20:29:45 - Slept for 241 seconds
2024-07-18 20:30:15 - Slept for 271 seconds
2024-07-18 20:30:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:30:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:30:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:30:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:30:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:30:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:30:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:30:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:30:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:30:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:30:35 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 20:30:43 - Starting Stage 1, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 20:30:47 - Finished Stage 1, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 20:30:47 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 610.124s (Test 10 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:30:47 - Running test #13 (Test 13 [Hammer test])
2024-07-18 20:30:47 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xA57E07DD
2024-07-18 20:30:47 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 4215930 ms
2024-07-18 20:30:47 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:30:47 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:30:47 - Start double-sided hammer test (0x0 - 0x10000000000, Step size: 0x1000000)
2024-07-18 20:30:47 - Using random pattern
2024-07-18 20:30:47 - # of segments to hammer: 15 (SegSize=2048MB, SkipSize=0MB)
2024-07-18 20:30:52 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 2 CPUs (679MB each) [0xB021000 - 0x5FFBF000]
2024-07-18 20:31:06 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x100000000 - 0x180000000]
2024-07-18 20:31:15 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x180006000 - 0x200006000]
2024-07-18 20:31:23 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x200006000 - 0x280006000]
2024-07-18 20:31:32 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x280006000 - 0x300006000]
2024-07-18 20:31:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:31:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:31:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:31:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:31:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:31:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:31:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:31:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:31:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:31:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:31:35 - Current CPU temperature: 62C
2024-07-18 20:31:41 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x300006000 - 0x380006000]
2024-07-18 20:31:50 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x380006000 - 0x400006000]
2024-07-18 20:31:59 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x400006000 - 0x480006000]
2024-07-18 20:32:07 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x480006000 - 0x500006000]
2024-07-18 20:32:16 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x500006000 - 0x580006000]
2024-07-18 20:32:25 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x580006000 - 0x600006000]
2024-07-18 20:32:34 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x600006000 - 0x680006000]
2024-07-18 20:32:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:32:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008B8
2024-07-18 20:32:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:32:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:32:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:32:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:32:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:32:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:32:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:32:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:32:35 - Current CPU temperature: 65C
2024-07-18 20:32:43 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x680006000 - 0x700006000]
2024-07-18 20:32:51 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x700006000 - 0x780006000]
2024-07-18 20:33:00 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x780006000 - 0x800006000]
2024-07-18 20:33:09 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 3 CPUs (671MB each) [0x800006000 - 0x87DF00000]
2024-07-18 20:33:18 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 151.378s (Test 13 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:33:18 - Finished pass #2 (of 4) (Cumulative error count: 9, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:33:18 - Starting pass #3 (of 4)
2024-07-18 20:33:18 - Running test #0 (Test 0 [Address test, walking ones, 1 CPU])
2024-07-18 20:33:18 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x77ABA660
2024-07-18 20:33:18 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 4367456 ms
2024-07-18 20:33:18 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:33:18 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:33:18 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:33:19 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 0.671s (Test 0 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:33:19 - Running test #1 (Test 1 [Address test, own address, 1 CPU])
2024-07-18 20:33:19 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x5309344E
2024-07-18 20:33:19 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 4368254 ms
2024-07-18 20:33:19 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:33:19 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:33:19 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:33:22 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 3.341s (Test 1 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:33:23 - Running test #2 (Test 2 [Address test, own address])
2024-07-18 20:33:23 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x1E7BFED0
2024-07-18 20:33:23 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 4371707 ms
2024-07-18 20:33:23 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:33:23 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:33:23 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:33:31 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 8.655s (Test 2 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:33:31 - Running test #3 (Test 3 [Moving inversions, ones & zeroes])
2024-07-18 20:33:31 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xB6BDC09D
2024-07-18 20:33:31 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 4380486 ms
2024-07-18 20:33:31 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:33:31 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:33:31 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:33:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:33:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:33:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:33:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:33:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:33:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:33:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:33:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:33:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:33:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:33:35 - Current CPU temperature: 71C
2024-07-18 20:34:05 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 33.571s (Test 3 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:34:05 - Running test #4 (Test 4 [Moving inversions, 8-bit pattern])
2024-07-18 20:34:05 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x961A1B25
2024-07-18 20:34:05 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 4414169 ms
2024-07-18 20:34:05 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:34:05 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:34:05 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:34:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:34:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:34:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:34:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:34:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:34:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:34:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:34:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:34:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:34:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:34:36 - Current CPU temperature: 71C
2024-07-18 20:35:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:35:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:35:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:35:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:35:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:35:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:35:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:35:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:35:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:35:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:35:36 - Current CPU temperature: 72C
2024-07-18 20:36:11 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 126.265s (Test 4 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:36:11 - Running test #5 (Test 5 [Moving inversions, random pattern])
2024-07-18 20:36:11 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xE2D69B02
2024-07-18 20:36:11 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 4540547 ms
2024-07-18 20:36:11 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:36:11 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:36:11 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:36:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:36:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:36:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:36:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:36:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:36:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:36:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:36:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:36:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:36:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:36:36 - Current CPU temperature: 72C
2024-07-18 20:37:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:37:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:37:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:37:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:37:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:37:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:37:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:37:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:37:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:37:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:37:36 - Current CPU temperature: 72C
2024-07-18 20:38:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:38:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:38:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:38:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:38:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:38:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:38:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:38:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:38:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:38:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:38:36 - Current CPU temperature: 72C
2024-07-18 20:39:03 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 171.158s (Test 5 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:39:03 - Running test #6 (Test 6 [Block move, 64-byte blocks])
2024-07-18 20:39:03 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x54191A63
2024-07-18 20:39:03 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 4711831 ms
2024-07-18 20:39:03 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:39:03 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:39:03 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:39:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:39:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:39:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:39:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:39:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:39:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008B8
2024-07-18 20:39:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:39:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:39:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:39:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:39:36 - Current CPU temperature: 56C
2024-07-18 20:40:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:40:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:40:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:40:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:40:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:40:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:40:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:40:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:40:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:40:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:40:36 - Current CPU temperature: 56C
2024-07-18 20:41:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:41:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:41:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:41:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:41:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:41:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:41:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:41:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:41:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:41:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:41:36 - Current CPU temperature: 55C
2024-07-18 20:42:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:42:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 20:42:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:42:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:42:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:42:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:42:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:42:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:42:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:42:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:42:36 - Current CPU temperature: 55C
2024-07-18 20:43:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:43:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:43:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:43:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:43:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:43:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008B8
2024-07-18 20:43:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:43:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:43:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:43:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:43:36 - Current CPU temperature: 54C
2024-07-18 20:44:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:44:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:44:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:44:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:44:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:44:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:44:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:44:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:44:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:44:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:44:36 - Current CPU temperature: 54C
2024-07-18 20:45:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:45:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:45:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:45:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:45:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:45:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 20:45:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:45:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:45:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:45:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:45:36 - Current CPU temperature: 54C
2024-07-18 20:46:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:46:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:46:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:46:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:46:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:46:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 20:46:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:46:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:46:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:46:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:46:36 - Current CPU temperature: 53C
2024-07-18 20:47:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:47:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:47:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:47:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:47:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:47:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:47:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:47:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:47:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:47:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:47:36 - Current CPU temperature: 53C
2024-07-18 20:48:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:48:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008B8
2024-07-18 20:48:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:48:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:48:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:48:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 20:48:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:48:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:48:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:48:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:48:36 - Current CPU temperature: 56C
2024-07-18 20:49:14 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 611.264s (Test 6 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:49:14 - Running test #7 (Test 7 [Moving inversions, 32-bit pattern])
2024-07-18 20:49:14 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x60D95EB5
2024-07-18 20:49:14 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 5323207 ms
2024-07-18 20:49:14 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:49:14 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:49:14 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:49:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:49:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:49:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:49:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:49:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:49:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:49:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:49:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:49:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:49:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:49:36 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 20:50:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:50:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:50:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:50:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:50:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:50:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:50:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:50:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:50:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:50:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:50:36 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 20:50:58 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 7, CPU: 2, Address: 229D8EBC0, Expected: FFFFDFFF, Actual: F7FFDFFF
2024-07-18 20:51:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:51:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:51:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:51:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:51:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:51:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:51:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:51:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:51:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:51:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:51:36 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 20:52:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:52:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:52:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:52:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:52:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:52:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:52:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:52:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:52:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:52:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:52:36 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 20:53:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:53:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:53:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:53:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:53:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:53:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:53:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:53:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:53:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:53:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:53:37 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 20:54:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:54:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:54:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:54:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:54:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:54:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:54:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:54:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:54:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:54:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:54:37 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 20:55:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:55:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:55:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:55:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:55:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:55:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:55:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:55:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:55:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:55:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:55:37 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 20:55:40 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 7, CPU: 2, Address: 692BED540, Expected: FFFFF7FF, Actual: F7FFF7FF
2024-07-18 20:56:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:56:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:56:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:56:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:56:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:56:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:56:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:56:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:56:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:56:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:56:37 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 503.127s (Test 7 cumulative error count: 3, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - Running test #8 (Test 8 [Random number sequence])
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x16F95C3B
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 5826446 ms
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:58:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:58:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:58:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:58:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:58:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:58:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:58:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:58:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:58:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:58:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:58:37 - Current CPU temperature: 80C
2024-07-18 20:59:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:59:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:59:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:59:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:59:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:59:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:59:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:59:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:59:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:59:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:59:37 - Current CPU temperature: 80C
2024-07-18 20:59:39 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 8, CPU: 8, Address: 51C0D2380, Expected: A712B065, Actual: A612B065
2024-07-18 21:00:19 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 8, CPU: 6, Address: 698353B48, Expected: 6509236E, Actual: 2509236E
2024-07-18 21:00:22 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 8, CPU: 4, Address: 6AF3DB308, Expected: D1A25173, Actual: D1B25173
2024-07-18 21:00:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:00:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008B8
2024-07-18 21:00:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:00:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:00:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:00:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:00:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:00:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:00:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:00:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:00:37 - Current CPU temperature: 80C
2024-07-18 21:01:09 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 211.320s (Test 8 cumulative error count: 6, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:01:09 - Running test #9 (Test 9 [Modulo 20, ones & zeros])
2024-07-18 21:01:09 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x77A864C3
2024-07-18 21:01:09 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 6037878 ms
2024-07-18 21:01:09 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:01:09 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:01:09 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:01:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:01:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:01:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:01:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:01:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:01:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:01:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:01:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:01:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:01:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:01:37 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:02:26 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 6, Address: 1EAF119C8, Expected: 02342DC5, Actual: 02362DC5
2024-07-18 21:02:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:02:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:02:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:02:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:02:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:02:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:02:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:02:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:02:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:02:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:02:37 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 21:03:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:03:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:03:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:03:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:03:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:03:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:03:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:03:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:03:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:03:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:03:37 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:04:08 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 10, Address: 3B9010B40, Expected: 5ACB1E93, Actual: 5AC91E93
2024-07-18 21:04:24 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 10, Address: 400B00788, Expected: 9AA54058, Actual: 9AA74058
2024-07-18 21:04:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:04:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:04:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:04:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:04:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:04:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:04:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:04:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:04:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:04:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:04:37 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:05:29 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 6, Address: 51ACBF380, Expected: 59C61B12, Actual: 59C41B12
2024-07-18 21:05:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:05:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:05:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:05:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:05:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:05:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:05:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:05:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:05:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:05:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:05:37 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:05:50 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 2, Address: 573CDD300, Expected: B12D1E64, Actual: B12F1E64
2024-07-18 21:06:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:06:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:06:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:06:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:06:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:06:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:06:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:06:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:06:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:06:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:06:37 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:07:28 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 4, Address: 7278FA508, Expected: BAF918AD, Actual: BAFB18AD
2024-07-18 21:07:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:07:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:07:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:07:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:07:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:07:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:07:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:07:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:07:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:07:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:07:37 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:08:22 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 8, Address: 81F68A308, Expected: 4101171B, Actual: 4100171B
2024-07-18 21:08:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:08:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:08:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:08:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:08:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:08:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:08:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:08:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:08:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:08:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:08:37 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:08:41 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 451.906s (Test 9 cumulative error count: 12, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:08:41 - Running test #10 (Test 10 [Bit fade test, 2 patterns, 1 CPU])
2024-07-18 21:08:41 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x20C7FBF3
2024-07-18 21:08:41 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 6489898 ms
2024-07-18 21:08:41 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:08:41 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:08:41 - Start bit fade test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:08:41 - Starting Stage 0, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 21:08:43 - Finished Stage 0, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 21:08:43 - Sleep start time: 6491758
2024-07-18 21:08:43 - Sleep time: 300000
2024-07-18 21:08:43 - Test 10 - Sleeping (299 seconds remaining)
2024-07-18 21:09:13 - Slept for 30 seconds
2024-07-18 21:09:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:09:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:09:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:09:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:09:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:09:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:09:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:09:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:09:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:09:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:09:37 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:09:43 - Slept for 60 seconds
2024-07-18 21:10:13 - Slept for 90 seconds
2024-07-18 21:10:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:10:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:10:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:10:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:10:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:10:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:10:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:10:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:10:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:10:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:10:37 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:10:43 - Slept for 120 seconds
2024-07-18 21:11:13 - Slept for 150 seconds
2024-07-18 21:11:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:11:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:11:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:11:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:11:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:11:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:11:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:11:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:11:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:11:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:11:37 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:11:44 - Slept for 181 seconds
2024-07-18 21:12:14 - Slept for 211 seconds
2024-07-18 21:12:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:12:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:12:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:12:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:12:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:12:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:12:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:12:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:12:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:12:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:12:37 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:12:44 - Slept for 241 seconds
2024-07-18 21:13:14 - Slept for 271 seconds
2024-07-18 21:13:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:13:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:13:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:13:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:13:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:13:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:13:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:13:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:13:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:13:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:13:37 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:13:43 - Starting Stage 1, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 21:13:46 - Finished Stage 1, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 21:13:46 - Starting Stage 0, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 21:13:48 - Finished Stage 0, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 21:13:48 - Sleep start time: 6796811
2024-07-18 21:13:48 - Sleep time: 300000
2024-07-18 21:13:48 - Test 10 - Sleeping (299 seconds remaining)
2024-07-18 21:14:18 - Slept for 30 seconds
2024-07-18 21:14:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:14:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:14:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:14:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:14:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:14:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:14:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:14:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:14:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:14:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:14:37 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:14:48 - Slept for 60 seconds
2024-07-18 21:15:18 - Slept for 90 seconds
2024-07-18 21:15:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:15:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:15:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:15:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:15:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:15:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:15:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:15:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:15:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:15:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:15:38 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:15:48 - Slept for 120 seconds
2024-07-18 21:16:19 - Slept for 150 seconds
2024-07-18 21:16:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:16:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:16:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:16:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:16:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:16:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:16:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:16:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:16:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:16:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:16:38 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:16:49 - Slept for 181 seconds
2024-07-18 21:17:19 - Slept for 211 seconds
2024-07-18 21:17:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:17:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:17:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:17:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:17:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:17:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:17:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:17:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:17:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:17:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:17:38 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:17:49 - Slept for 241 seconds
2024-07-18 21:18:19 - Slept for 271 seconds
2024-07-18 21:18:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:18:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:18:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:18:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:18:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:18:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:18:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:18:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:18:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:18:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:18:38 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:18:48 - Starting Stage 1, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 21:18:51 - Finished Stage 1, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 21:18:51 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 610.124s (Test 10 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:18:51 - Running test #13 (Test 13 [Hammer test])
2024-07-18 21:18:51 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xF2E05469
2024-07-18 21:18:51 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 7100150 ms
2024-07-18 21:18:51 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:18:51 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:18:51 - Start double-sided hammer test (0x0 - 0x10000000000, Step size: 0x1000000)
2024-07-18 21:18:51 - Using random pattern
2024-07-18 21:18:51 - # of segments to hammer: 15 (SegSize=2048MB, SkipSize=0MB)
2024-07-18 21:18:56 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 2 CPUs (679MB each) [0xB021000 - 0x5FFBF000]
2024-07-18 21:19:10 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x100000000 - 0x180000000]
2024-07-18 21:19:18 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x180006000 - 0x200006000]
2024-07-18 21:19:27 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x200006000 - 0x280006000]
2024-07-18 21:19:35 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x280006000 - 0x300006000]
2024-07-18 21:19:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:19:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 21:19:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:19:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:19:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:19:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:19:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:19:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:19:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:19:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:19:38 - Current CPU temperature: 63C
2024-07-18 21:19:44 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x300006000 - 0x380006000]
2024-07-18 21:19:53 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x380006000 - 0x400006000]
2024-07-18 21:20:01 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x400006000 - 0x480006000]
2024-07-18 21:20:10 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x480006000 - 0x500006000]
2024-07-18 21:20:19 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x500006000 - 0x580006000]
2024-07-18 21:20:27 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x580006000 - 0x600006000]
2024-07-18 21:20:36 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x600006000 - 0x680006000]
2024-07-18 21:20:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:20:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 21:20:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:20:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:20:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:20:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:20:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:20:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:20:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:20:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:20:38 - Current CPU temperature: 64C
2024-07-18 21:20:45 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x680006000 - 0x700006000]
2024-07-18 21:20:53 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x700006000 - 0x780006000]
2024-07-18 21:21:02 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x780006000 - 0x800006000]
2024-07-18 21:21:11 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 3 CPUs (671MB each) [0x800006000 - 0x87DF00000]
2024-07-18 21:21:20 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 148.787s (Test 13 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:21:20 - Finished pass #3 (of 4) (Cumulative error count: 21, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:21:20 - Starting pass #4 (of 4)
2024-07-18 21:21:20 - Running test #0 (Test 0 [Address test, walking ones, 1 CPU])
2024-07-18 21:21:20 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xF260ACC9
2024-07-18 21:21:20 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 7249098 ms
2024-07-18 21:21:20 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:21:20 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:21:20 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:21:21 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 0.672s (Test 0 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:21:21 - Running test #1 (Test 1 [Address test, own address, 1 CPU])
2024-07-18 21:21:21 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xD1096C7F
2024-07-18 21:21:21 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 7249892 ms
2024-07-18 21:21:21 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:21:21 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:21:21 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:21:24 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 3.341s (Test 1 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:21:24 - Running test #2 (Test 2 [Address test, own address])
2024-07-18 21:21:24 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x986C3D1E
2024-07-18 21:21:24 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 7253345 ms
2024-07-18 21:21:24 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:21:24 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:21:24 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:21:33 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 8.700s (Test 2 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:21:33 - Running test #3 (Test 3 [Moving inversions, ones & zeroes])
2024-07-18 21:21:33 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x3D5E4D83
2024-07-18 21:21:33 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 7262158 ms
2024-07-18 21:21:33 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:21:33 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:21:33 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:21:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:21:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:21:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:21:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:21:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:21:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:21:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:21:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:21:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:21:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:21:38 - Current CPU temperature: 70C
2024-07-18 21:22:07 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 33.682s (Test 3 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:22:07 - Running test #4 (Test 4 [Moving inversions, 8-bit pattern])
2024-07-18 21:22:07 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x38AB35C4
2024-07-18 21:22:07 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 7295952 ms
2024-07-18 21:22:07 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:22:07 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:22:07 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:22:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:22:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:22:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:22:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:22:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:22:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:22:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:22:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:22:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:22:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:22:38 - Current CPU temperature: 72C
2024-07-18 21:23:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:23:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:23:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:23:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:23:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:23:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:23:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:23:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:23:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:23:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:23:38 - Current CPU temperature: 72C
2024-07-18 21:24:13 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 126.265s (Test 4 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:24:13 - Running test #5 (Test 5 [Moving inversions, random pattern])
2024-07-18 21:24:13 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x85800AC8
2024-07-18 21:24:13 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 7422331 ms
2024-07-18 21:24:13 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:24:13 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:24:13 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:24:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:24:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:24:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:24:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:24:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:24:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:24:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:24:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:24:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:24:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:24:38 - Current CPU temperature: 72C
2024-07-18 21:25:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:25:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:25:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:25:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:25:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:25:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:25:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:25:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:25:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:25:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:25:38 - Current CPU temperature: 72C
2024-07-18 21:26:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:26:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:26:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:26:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:26:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:26:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:26:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:26:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:26:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:26:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:26:38 - Current CPU temperature: 72C
2024-07-18 21:27:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 171.057s (Test 5 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:27:04 - Running test #6 (Test 6 [Block move, 64-byte blocks])
2024-07-18 21:27:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xD6C028E1
2024-07-18 21:27:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 7593501 ms
2024-07-18 21:27:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:27:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:27:04 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:27:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:27:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008B8
2024-07-18 21:27:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:27:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:27:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:27:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:27:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:27:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:27:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:27:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:27:38 - Current CPU temperature: 56C
2024-07-18 21:28:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:28:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 21:28:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:28:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:28:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:28:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:28:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:28:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:28:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:28:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:28:38 - Current CPU temperature: 56C
2024-07-18 21:29:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:29:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:29:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:29:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:29:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:29:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:29:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:29:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:29:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:29:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:29:39 - Current CPU temperature: 54C
2024-07-18 21:30:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:30:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:30:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:30:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:30:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:30:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:30:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:30:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:30:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:30:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:30:39 - Current CPU temperature: 55C
2024-07-18 21:31:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:31:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:31:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:31:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:31:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:31:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:31:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:31:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:31:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:31:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:31:39 - Current CPU temperature: 54C
2024-07-18 21:32:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:32:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:32:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:32:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:32:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:32:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 21:32:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:32:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:32:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:32:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:32:39 - Current CPU temperature: 53C
2024-07-18 21:33:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:33:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:33:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:33:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:33:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:33:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008B8
2024-07-18 21:33:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:33:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:33:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:33:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:33:39 - Current CPU temperature: 53C
2024-07-18 21:34:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:34:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:34:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:34:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:34:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:34:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 21:34:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:34:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:34:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:34:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:34:39 - Current CPU temperature: 53C
2024-07-18 21:35:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:35:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 21:35:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:35:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:35:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:35:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 21:35:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:35:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:35:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:35:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:35:39 - Current CPU temperature: 57C
2024-07-18 21:36:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:36:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008B8
2024-07-18 21:36:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:36:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:36:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:36:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 21:36:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:36:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:36:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:36:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:36:39 - Current CPU temperature: 56C
2024-07-18 21:37:16 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 611.278s (Test 6 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:37:16 - Running test #7 (Test 7 [Moving inversions, 32-bit pattern])
2024-07-18 21:37:16 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xE7A3A7D8
2024-07-18 21:37:16 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 8204902 ms
2024-07-18 21:37:16 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:37:16 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:37:16 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:37:36 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 7, CPU: 6, Address: 43E5BBC0, Expected: FFFEFFFF, Actual: FFFCFFFF
2024-07-18 21:37:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:37:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:37:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:37:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:37:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:37:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:37:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:37:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:37:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:37:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:37:39 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 21:38:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:38:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:38:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:38:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:38:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:38:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:38:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:38:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:38:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:38:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:38:39 - Current CPU temperature: 76C
2024-07-18 21:39:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:39:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008B8
2024-07-18 21:39:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:39:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:39:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:39:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:39:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:39:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:39:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:39:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:39:39 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 21:40:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:40:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:40:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:40:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:40:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:40:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:40:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:40:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:40:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:40:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:40:39 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 21:41:00 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 7, CPU: 4, Address: 41764ED48, Expected: BFFFFFFF, Actual: FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 21:41:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:41:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:41:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:41:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:41:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:41:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:41:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:41:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:41:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:41:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:41:39 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 21:42:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:42:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:42:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:42:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:42:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:42:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:42:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:42:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:42:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:42:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:42:39 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 21:43:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:43:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:43:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:43:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:43:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:43:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:43:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:43:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:43:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:43:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:43:39 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 21:44:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:44:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:44:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:44:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:44:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:44:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:44:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:44:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:44:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:44:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:44:39 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 503.186s (Test 7 cumulative error count: 5, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - Running test #8 (Test 8 [Random number sequence])
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xB198D622
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 8708201 ms
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - Current CPU temperature: 76C
2024-07-18 21:46:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:46:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:46:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:46:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:46:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:46:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:46:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:46:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:46:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:46:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:46:39 - Current CPU temperature: 80C
2024-07-18 21:47:27 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 8, CPU: 0, Address: 4ADB6BFC8, Expected: 141CB27F, Actual: 541CB27F
2024-07-18 21:47:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:47:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:47:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:47:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:47:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:47:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:47:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:47:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:47:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:47:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:47:40 - Current CPU temperature: 80C
2024-07-18 21:47:46 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 8, CPU: 8, Address: 5471847C0, Expected: E81753E2, Actual: E91753E2
2024-07-18 21:48:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:48:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:48:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:48:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:48:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:48:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:48:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:48:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:48:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:48:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:48:40 - Current CPU temperature: 80C
2024-07-18 21:49:09 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 8, CPU: 6, Address: 8614FA908, Expected: C88A1114, Actual: 888A1114
2024-07-18 21:49:11 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 211.639s (Test 8 cumulative error count: 9, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:49:11 - Running test #9 (Test 9 [Modulo 20, ones & zeros])
2024-07-18 21:49:11 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x6ED36070
2024-07-18 21:49:11 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 8919963 ms
2024-07-18 21:49:11 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:49:11 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:49:11 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:49:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:49:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:49:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:49:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:49:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:49:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:49:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:49:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:49:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:49:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:49:40 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:50:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:50:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:50:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:50:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:50:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:50:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:50:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:50:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:50:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:50:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:50:40 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:50:50 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 10, Address: 243058D48, Expected: 4D395AB1, Actual: 4D3B5AB1
2024-07-18 21:51:01 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 6, Address: 2787F1380, Expected: 5CBE8A74, Actual: 5CBC8A74
2024-07-18 21:51:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:51:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:51:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:51:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:51:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:51:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:51:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:51:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:51:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:51:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:51:40 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:52:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:52:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:52:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:52:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:52:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:52:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:52:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:52:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:52:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:52:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:52:40 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:53:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:53:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:53:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:53:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:53:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:53:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:53:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:53:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:53:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:53:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:53:40 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:54:04 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 10, Address: 5A0E2DBC0, Expected: EEB09412, Actual: EEB29412
2024-07-18 21:54:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:54:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:54:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:54:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:54:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:54:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:54:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:54:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:54:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:54:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:54:40 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:55:14 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 2, Address: 6E8FB2748, Expected: 2F585D83, Actual: 2F485D83
2024-07-18 21:55:14 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 10, Address: 6D9746908, Expected: D0A7A27C, Actual: D0A5A27C
2024-07-18 21:55:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:55:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:55:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:55:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:55:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:55:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:55:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:55:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:55:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:55:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:55:40 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:56:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:56:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:56:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:56:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:56:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:56:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:56:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:56:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:56:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:56:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:56:40 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:56:44 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 452.806s (Test 9 cumulative error count: 17, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:56:44 - Running test #10 (Test 10 [Bit fade test, 2 patterns, 1 CPU])
2024-07-18 21:56:44 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x13BE2A96
2024-07-18 21:56:44 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 9372882 ms
2024-07-18 21:56:44 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:56:44 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:56:44 - Start bit fade test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:56:44 - Starting Stage 0, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 21:56:46 - Finished Stage 0, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 21:56:46 - Sleep start time: 9374727
2024-07-18 21:56:46 - Sleep time: 300000
2024-07-18 21:56:46 - Test 10 - Sleeping (299 seconds remaining)
2024-07-18 21:57:16 - Slept for 30 seconds
2024-07-18 21:57:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:57:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:57:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:57:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:57:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:57:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:57:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:57:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:57:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:57:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:57:40 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:57:46 - Slept for 60 seconds
2024-07-18 21:58:16 - Slept for 90 seconds
2024-07-18 21:58:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:58:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:58:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:58:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:58:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:58:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:58:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:58:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:58:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:58:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:58:40 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:58:46 - Slept for 120 seconds
2024-07-18 21:59:16 - Slept for 150 seconds
2024-07-18 21:59:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:59:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:59:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:59:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:59:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:59:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:59:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:59:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:59:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:59:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:59:40 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:59:47 - Slept for 181 seconds
2024-07-18 22:00:17 - Slept for 211 seconds
2024-07-18 22:00:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:00:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:00:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:00:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:00:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:00:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:00:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:00:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:00:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:00:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:00:40 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 22:00:47 - Slept for 241 seconds
2024-07-18 22:01:17 - Slept for 271 seconds
2024-07-18 22:01:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:01:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:01:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:01:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:01:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:01:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:01:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:01:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:01:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:01:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:01:40 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 22:01:46 - Starting Stage 1, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 22:01:49 - Finished Stage 1, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 22:01:49 - Starting Stage 0, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 22:01:51 - Finished Stage 0, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 22:01:51 - Sleep start time: 9679789
2024-07-18 22:01:51 - Sleep time: 300000
2024-07-18 22:01:51 - Test 10 - Sleeping (299 seconds remaining)
2024-07-18 22:02:21 - Slept for 30 seconds
2024-07-18 22:02:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:02:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:02:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:02:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:02:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:02:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:02:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:02:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:02:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:02:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:02:40 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 22:02:51 - Slept for 60 seconds
2024-07-18 22:03:21 - Slept for 90 seconds
2024-07-18 22:03:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:03:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:03:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:03:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:03:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:03:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:03:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:03:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:03:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:03:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:03:40 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 22:03:51 - Slept for 120 seconds
2024-07-18 22:04:22 - Slept for 150 seconds
2024-07-18 22:04:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:04:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:04:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:04:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:04:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:04:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:04:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:04:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:04:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:04:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:04:40 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 22:04:52 - Slept for 181 seconds
2024-07-18 22:05:22 - Slept for 211 seconds
2024-07-18 22:05:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:05:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:05:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:05:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:05:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:05:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:05:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:05:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:05:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:05:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:05:40 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 22:05:52 - Slept for 241 seconds
2024-07-18 22:06:22 - Slept for 271 seconds
2024-07-18 22:06:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:06:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:06:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:06:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:06:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:06:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:06:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:06:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:06:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:06:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:06:40 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 22:06:51 - Starting Stage 1, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 22:06:54 - Finished Stage 1, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 22:06:54 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 610.147s (Test 10 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 22:06:54 - Running test #13 (Test 13 [Hammer test])
2024-07-18 22:06:54 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xE7A135CB
2024-07-18 22:06:54 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 9983141 ms
2024-07-18 22:06:54 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 22:06:54 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 22:06:54 - Start double-sided hammer test (0x0 - 0x10000000000, Step size: 0x1000000)
2024-07-18 22:06:54 - Using random pattern
2024-07-18 22:06:54 - # of segments to hammer: 15 (SegSize=2048MB, SkipSize=0MB)
2024-07-18 22:06:59 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 2 CPUs (679MB each) [0xB021000 - 0x5FFBF000]
2024-07-18 22:07:13 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x100000000 - 0x180000000]
2024-07-18 22:07:22 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x180006000 - 0x200006000]
2024-07-18 22:07:31 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x200006000 - 0x280006000]
2024-07-18 22:07:39 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x280006000 - 0x300006000]
2024-07-18 22:07:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:07:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 22:07:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:07:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:07:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:07:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:07:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:07:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:07:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:07:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:07:41 - Current CPU temperature: 66C
2024-07-18 22:07:48 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x300006000 - 0x380006000]
2024-07-18 22:07:57 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x380006000 - 0x400006000]
2024-07-18 22:08:06 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x400006000 - 0x480006000]
2024-07-18 22:08:15 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x480006000 - 0x500006000]
2024-07-18 22:08:23 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x500006000 - 0x580006000]
2024-07-18 22:08:32 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x580006000 - 0x600006000]
2024-07-18 22:08:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:08:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:08:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:08:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:08:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:08:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:08:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:08:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:08:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:08:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:08:40 - Current CPU temperature: 69C
2024-07-18 22:08:41 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x600006000 - 0x680006000]
2024-07-18 22:08:50 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x680006000 - 0x700006000]
2024-07-18 22:08:59 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x700006000 - 0x780006000]
2024-07-18 22:09:08 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x780006000 - 0x800006000]
2024-07-18 22:09:17 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 3 CPUs (671MB each) [0x800006000 - 0x87DF00000]
2024-07-18 22:09:26 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 151.633s (Test 13 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 22:09:26 - Finished pass #4 (of 4) (Cumulative error count: 31, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 22:09:26 - Cleanup - Unlocking all memory ranges...
2024-07-18 22:09:26 - All memory ranges successfully unlocked
2024-07-18 22:09:28 - Test result: FAIL (Errors: 31)
2024-07-18 22:23:27 - Display test result summary
2024-07-18 22:24:09 - Saving test report to MemTest86-Report-20240718-192031.html
2024-07-18 22:24:09 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:24:09 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:24:09 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:24:09 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:24:09 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - Test report was successfully saved
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - Enabling graphics mode
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - Get screen size
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - Current screen size: 1024 x 768
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:19:49 - Attempting to retrieve the root directory of the data partition.
2024-07-18 19:19:49 - Found 5 handles that supported SimpleFileSystem
2024-07-18 19:19:49 - Checking handle 0 (6757D618)
2024-07-18 19:19:49 - Handle is own partition
2024-07-18 19:19:49 - Checking handle 1 (67562918)
2024-07-18 19:19:49 - HD node found: MBR type(2), Signature type(2), Part #(2), Start LBA(524288), Num Sectors(524288)
2024-07-18 19:19:49 - Self node: MBR type(2), Signature type(2), Part #(1), Start LBA(2048), Num Sectors(522240)
2024-07-18 19:19:49 - Checking handle 2 (69916B98)
2024-07-18 19:19:49 - Checking handle 3 (698C2B18)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Checking handle 4 (698A1E98)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Found 9 handles that supported Block I/O protocol
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - HD node found: MBR type(2), Signature type(2), Signature(50415353-CE04-4F8F-AC32-6F3693F43704), Part #(1), Start LBA(2048), Num Sectors(522240)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - HD node found: MBR type(2), Signature type(2), Signature(50415353-6343-46C0-B68C-69EE6326F32B), Part #(2), Start LBA(524288), Num Sectors(524288)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - HD node found: MBR type(2), Signature type(2), Signature(50415353-2A40-4503-B2F7-474E00EBFBAA), Part #(3), Start LBA(1048576), Num Sectors(1048543)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Found DMA Test Partition
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Successfully obtained Block I/O protocol
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Successfully obtained Partition Info protocol
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Revision: 0x1000
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Type: 0x2
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - System: 0x0
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - GPT - PartitionTypeGUID: EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - GPT - UniquePartitionGUID: 50415353-2A40-4503-B2F7-474E00EBFBAA
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - GPT - StartingLBA: 0x100000
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - GPT - EndingLBA: 0x1FFFDE
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - GPT - Attributes: 0x0
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - GPT - PartitionName: DMA Test Partition
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Media ID: 0x00000000
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Removable: yes
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Media Present: yes
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Logical Part: yes
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Read-only: no
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Write cache: no
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Block size: 512
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Align: 0
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Last block: 0xFFFDE
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Lowest LBA: 0x0
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Log blks per phys blk: 0
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Optimal transfer len: 0
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - [FS0]
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x1)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/Pci(0xC,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/USB(0xB,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,50415353-CE04-4F8F-AC32-6F3693F43704,0x800,0x7F800)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - File system info buffer size: 38
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Label: "", Mode: RW, Free space: 246 MB / 254 MB (0%)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - [FS1]
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x1)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/Pci(0xC,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/USB(0xB,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,50415353-6343-46C0-B68C-69EE6326F32B,0x80000,0x80000)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - File system info buffer size: 38
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Label: "", Mode: RW, Free space: 247 MB / 255 MB (0%)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - [FS2]
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1,0x2)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/NVMe(0x1,EB-B8-A2-41-B1-38-25-00)/HD(1,GPT,B5EFE1DA-7064-416B-BC70-EC85149A829E,0x800,0x32000)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - File system info buffer size: 38
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Label: "", Mode: RW, Free space: 68 MB / 96 MB (0%)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - [FS3]
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1,0x2)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/NVMe(0x1,EB-B8-A2-41-B1-38-25-00)/HD(3,GPT,234D1A8A-D4C7-439E-972D-B10D70906AA7,0x3A800,0x74545800)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - File system info buffer size: 38
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Label: "", Mode: RO, Free space: 0 MB / 952970 MB (0%)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - [FS4]
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1,0x2)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/NVMe(0x1,EB-B8-A2-41-B1-38-25-00)/HD(4,GPT,51D1E5F8-3161-4F32-AD30-D76F845B372F,0x74580000,0x186000)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - File system info buffer size: 38
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Label: "", Mode: RO, Free space: 0 MB / 779 MB (0%)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Disabling watchdog timer (Result: Success)
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Could not find Simple Network protocol from image device handle
2024-07-18 19:19:50 - Could not get list of handles that support Simple Network protocol: Not Found
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - Found 0 handles that supported Simple Network
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - =============================================
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - MemTest86 V11.0 Free Build: 1000 (64-bit)
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - =============================================
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - SMBIOS BIOS INFO Vendor: "American Megatrends Inc.", Version: "1811", Release Date: "10/07/2023"
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - SMBIOS SYSTEM INFO Manufacturer: "ASUS", Product: "System Product Name", Version: "System Version", S/N: "System Serial Number", SKU: "", Family: ""
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - SMBIOS: Found SMBIOS BaseboardInformation (pbLinAddr=0xE6FF8, FormattedLen=15, iTotalLen=119)
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - SMBIOS BASEBOARD INFO Manufacturer: "ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.", Product: "TUF GAMING B650-PLUS WIFI", Version: "Rev 1.xx", S/N: "231129854902089", AssetTag: "Default string", LocationInChassis: "Default string"
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - EFI Specifications: 2.80
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - Found blacklist file
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Mac-F42C88C8" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 1) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Mac-F42386C8" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 1) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Mac-F4238CC8" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 8) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Mac-F4208DC8" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 8) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Mac-27ADBB7B4CEE8E61" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 20) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Mac-7BA5B2DFE22DDD8C" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 4) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Mac-7BA5B2D9E42DDD94" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Mac-AF89B6D9451A490B" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 4) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Mac-CFF7D910A743CAAF" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 4) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Mac-AA95B1DDAB278B95" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 4) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Mac-27AD2F918AE68F61" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 4) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "80AF" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Z97MX-Gaming 5" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Z170MX-Gaming 5" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Z170X-Gaming 3" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Z170X-Gaming 7" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Z170X-Gaming GT" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Z170X-UD3-CF" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Z170-HD3P" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "990FXA-UD3" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "990FX Extreme3" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "970A-DS3P" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X99-Ultra Gaming-CF" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "M5A97 R2.0" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "M5A97 EVO R2.0" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "M5A99FX PRO R2.0" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "M5A99X EVO R2.0" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X99-A" (BIOS: "3701", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X99-A/USB 3.1" (BIOS: "3701", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X99-A II" (BIOS: "1701", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X99-A" (BIOS: "1701", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Sabertooth X99" (BIOS: "3701", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "SABERTOOTH 990FX R2.0" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "SABERTOOTH 990FX R3.0" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "SABERTOOTH 990FX/GEN3 R2.0" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "STRIX X99 GAMING" (BIOS: "1701", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X99-DELUXE" (BIOS: "3701", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X99-DELUXE II" (BIOS: "1701", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "RAMPAGE V EXTREME" (BIOS: "3701", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "RAMPAGE V EDITION 10" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "MAXIMUS VIII RANGER" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:51 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "P9X79 WS" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 40) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "P9X79-E WS" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 40) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Z9PE-D8 WS" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 40) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Z10PE-D8 WS" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X9DRW" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X9DRW-3LN4F+/X9DRW-3TF+" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X9DR3-F" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 40) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X9SRL-F" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X9DRD-iF" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X9SRA/X9SRA-3" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X9DRL-7F" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "151-BE-E097" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "131-HE-E095" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "131-HE-E095-KR" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "151-HE-E999-KR" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "PRIME B350-PLUS" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "PRIME X370-PRO" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 4) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "CROSSHAIR VI HERO" (BIOS: "1602", FLAGS: 4) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "CROSSHAIR V FORMULA-Z" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 4) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "ROG STRIX X370-F GAMING" (BIOS: "4012", FLAGS: 4) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "OEMSH Product" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 8) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "OEMAL Product" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "OEMCT Product" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "OEMWY Product" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "LNVNB161216" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "GA-990FX-GAMING" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X399 SLI PLUS (MS-7B09)" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "X570 I AORUS PRO WIFI" (BIOS: "F32", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "MS-17EK" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "0F685W" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 80) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "00V5FJ" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 100) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "ProLiant DL325 Gen10" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 4) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "ProLiant DL385 Gen10" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 4) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "ProLiant DL385 Gen10 Plus" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 4) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "06CDVY" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Surface Book" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Surface Book 2" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Surface Pro" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Surface Pro 7" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Surface Pro" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Surface Laptop 4" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "Surface Laptop" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "MACH-WX9-PCB" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "MACH-WX9" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "8873" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "0P4NHH" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "XPS 17 9710" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "XPS 15 9510" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "01V4T3" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "0VX936" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 10) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "H12DST-B" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "H12DSi-NT6" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:52 - [BLACKLIST] Adding "C3758D4I-4L" (BIOS: "", FLAGS: 2) to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - [BLACKLIST] 94 boards added to blacklist
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Console Control protocol workaround enabled
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Number of console modes: 4
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Mode 0: 80 x 25
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Mode 1: 80 x 50
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Mode 2: 100 x 31
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Mode 3: 240 x 56
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Console attribute: 15
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Initializing localization strings
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language en-US is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language fr-FR is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language it-IT is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language es-AR is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - GetGlyph failed for character 0x00C3 (Warning Unknown Glyph)
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language pt-BR is not supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language ca-ES is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language de-DE is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - GetGlyph failed for character 0x010C (Warning Unknown Glyph)
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language cs-CZ is not supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - GetGlyph failed for character 0x0104 (Warning Unknown Glyph)
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language pl-PL is not supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language ru-RU is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - GetGlyph failed for character 0x3041 (Warning Unknown Glyph)
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language ja-JP is not supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - GetGlyph failed for character 0x4E0F (Warning Unknown Glyph)
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language zh-CN is not supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - GetGlyph failed for character 0xF944 (Warning Unknown Glyph)
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language zh-HK is not supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Font does not support all languages. Installing unicode font...
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - InitFont - Font header version: 1.1
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - InitFont - Number of narrow glyphs: 7110
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - InitFont - Number of wide glyphs: 49976
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language en-US is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language fr-FR is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language it-IT is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language es-AR is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language pt-BR is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language ca-ES is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language de-DE is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language cs-CZ is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language pl-PL is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language ru-RU is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language ja-JP is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language zh-CN is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Language zh-HK is supported
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - iMS support is NOT available
2024-07-18 19:19:53 - Initializing screen for graphics
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - Number of graphics modes: 5
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - Mode 0: 640 x 480
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - Mode 1: 800 x 600
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - Mode 2: 1024 x 768 [Current]
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - Mode 3: 1280 x 1024
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - Mode 4: 1920 x 1080
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - Getting CPUID
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - Getting cache size
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - get_cache_size - Vendor ID: AuthenticAMD Brand ID: AMD Ryzen 5 7600X 6-Core Processor
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - CPU CorePPack: 12 (0x0000400B)
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - L1 instruction cache size: 12 x 32KB
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - L1 data cache size: 12 x 32KB
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - L2 cache size: 12 x 1024KB
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - L3 cache size: 1 x 32768KB
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - Measuring CPU/cache/mem speed
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - hpet_init - Found RSDP. Version: 2
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - hpet_init - Found XSDT. Entry Count: 22
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - hpet_init - Found ACPI table: FACP Version: 6
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - hpet_init - Found ACPI table: SSDT Version: 2
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - hpet_init - Found ACPI table: SSDT Version: 2
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - hpet_init - Found ACPI table: FIDT Version: 1
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - hpet_init - Found ACPI table: MCFG Version: 1
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - hpet_init - Found ACPI table: HPET Version: 1
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - hpet_init - HPET base address: 0xFED00000
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - hpet_init - HPET gen cap: 0x429B17E10228201 (Period: 69841278fs)
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - hpet_init - HPET gen cfg: 0x0
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - hpet_init - HPET is disabled
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpuspeed - rdtsc instruction supported: 1
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpuspeed - start ticks: 205269148148, end ticks: 205504155527 (difference: 235007379)
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpu_cache_speed - (Attempt 1) clock cycle (ms): 4700147
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpuspeed - rdtsc instruction supported: 1
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpuspeed - start ticks: 205765016807, end ticks: 206000024797 (difference: 235007990)
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpu_cache_speed - (Attempt 2) clock cycle (ms): 4700159
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpuspeed - rdtsc instruction supported: 1
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpuspeed - start ticks: 206261161027, end ticks: 206496165445 (difference: 235004418)
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpu_cache_speed - (Attempt 3) clock cycle (ms): 4700088
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpu_cache_speed - Using average of last 3 samples (4700088, 4700159, 4700147)
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpu_cache_speed - CPU speed: 4700.1MHz
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpu_cache_speed - measuring L1 cache speed at 0x65DB0000 (32 KB)
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpu_cache_speed - L1 cache speed: 308309 MB/s
2024-07-18 19:19:54 - cpu_cache_speed - measuring L2 cache speed at 0x65CB8000 (1024 KB)
2024-07-18 19:19:55 - cpu_cache_speed - L2 cache speed: 132905 MB/s
2024-07-18 19:19:55 - cpu_cache_speed - measuring L3 cache speed at 0x63588000 (32768 KB)
2024-07-18 19:19:55 - cpu_cache_speed - L3 cache speed: 123141 MB/s
2024-07-18 19:19:55 - get_mem_speed - measuring mem speed at 0x4F73F000 (270848 KB)
2024-07-18 19:19:55 - get_mem_speed - mem speed: 58817 MB/s
2024-07-18 19:19:55 - memory latency - allocate memory
2024-07-18 19:19:55 - memory latency - randomize range
2024-07-18 19:19:55 - memory latency - build linked list
2024-07-18 19:19:55 - memory latency - start test
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - memory latency - test completed (loops=4, rpl=2097152)
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - cpu_cache_speed - Memory latency: 68.426 ns
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - Retrieving CPU MSR data
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - CPU AMD Ryzen 5 7600X 6-Core Processor : 19h.61h
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - IsAMDTurboCoreSupported - CPUID[0x80000007][EDX] = 00006799
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - HWCR register found. CPB enable/disable functionality supported
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - CPB is: enabled
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - MSR[0xC0010292] = 0000000104003789
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - MSR Max Pstates/#boosted states: 8, -1
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - MSR[C0010064] = 800000004BF248BC
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 8, CPUFid_P = 188
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - Multiplier_P[0] = 47000
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - MSR[C0010065] = 80000000479E4878
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 8, CPUFid_P = 120
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - Multiplier_P[1] = 30000
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - MSR[C0010066] = 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 0, CPUFid_P = 0
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - Multiplier_P[2] = 0
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - MSR[C0010067] = 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 0, CPUFid_P = 0
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - Multiplier_P[3] = 0
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - MSR[C0010068] = 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 0, CPUFid_P = 0
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - Multiplier_P[4] = 0
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - MSR[C0010069] = 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 0, CPUFid_P = 0
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - Multiplier_P[5] = 0
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - MSR[C001006A] = 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 0, CPUFid_P = 0
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - Multiplier_P[6] = 0
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - MSR[C001006B] = 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 0, CPUFid_P = 0
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - Multiplier_P[7] = 0
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - EnableAMDCPB - MSR[0xC0010015] = 0000000189006011
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - EnableAMDCPB - New MSR[0xC0010015] = 0000000189006011
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - AMD MSR enable CPD: MSR[00000000C0010062] = 0x0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - AMD Set PStateCtl: 0x0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - Get_MPERF_APERF - CPUID[0x6][ECX] = 00000001
2024-07-18 19:19:56 - Get_MPERF_APERF - high perf counter freq = 4700131000
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - MSR 0xC0010293: 00000000003848D8
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 8, CPUFid_P = 216
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - MSR 0xC0010063: 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - MSR 0xC0010062: 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - MSR 0xC0010061: 0000000000000010 (CurPState=0, MaxPState=1)
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - Get_MPERF_APERF - time in ns = 266072
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - Get_MPERF_APERF - FreqMPERF in KHz = 4703497, FreqAPERF in KHz = 5401015
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - MSR 0xC0010293: 00000000003848D8
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 8, CPUFid_P = 216
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - MSR 0xC0010063: 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - MSR 0xC0010062: 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - MSR 0xC0010061: 0000000000000010 (CurPState=0, MaxPState=1)
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - Get_MPERF_APERF - time in ns = 265862
2024-07-18 19:19:57 - Get_MPERF_APERF - FreqMPERF in KHz = 4702086, FreqAPERF in KHz = 5401016
2024-07-18 19:19:58 - MSR 0xC0010293: 00000000003888D8
2024-07-18 19:19:58 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 8, CPUFid_P = 216
2024-07-18 19:19:58 - MSR 0xC0010063: 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:58 - MSR 0xC0010062: 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:58 - MSR 0xC0010061: 0000000000000010 (CurPState=0, MaxPState=1)
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - Get_MPERF_APERF - time in ns = 265932
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - Get_MPERF_APERF - FreqMPERF in KHz = 4701908, FreqAPERF in KHz = 5400888
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - APERF = 5401016, MPERF = 4703497, Mult = 54000
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - BaseClock = 10001
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - Turbo Core supported
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - DisableAMDCPB - MSR[0xC0010015] = 0000000189006011
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - DisableAMDCPB - New MSR[0xC0010015] = 000000018B006011
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - AMD MSR disable CPD: MSR[00000000C0010062] = 0x0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - AMD Set PStateCtl: 0x0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - Get_MPERF_APERF - CPUID[0x6][ECX] = 00000001
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - Get_MPERF_APERF - high perf counter freq = 4700131000
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - MSR 0xC0010293: 00000000006888BC
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 8, CPUFid_P = 188
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - MSR 0xC0010063: 0000000000000001
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - MSR 0xC0010062: 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - MSR 0xC0010061: 0000000000000010 (CurPState=0, MaxPState=1)
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - Get_MPERF_APERF - time in ns = 305531
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - Get_MPERF_APERF - FreqMPERF in KHz = 4701984, FreqAPERF in KHz = 4700822
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - MSR 0xC0010293: 00000000006888BC
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 8, CPUFid_P = 188
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - MSR 0xC0010063: 0000000000000001
2024-07-18 19:19:59 - MSR 0xC0010062: 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - MSR 0xC0010061: 0000000000000010 (CurPState=0, MaxPState=1)
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - Get_MPERF_APERF - time in ns = 311621
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - Get_MPERF_APERF - FreqMPERF in KHz = 4702096, FreqAPERF in KHz = 4700925
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - MSR 0xC0010293: 00000000006888BC
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - GetAMDMult - CPUDid_P = 8, CPUFid_P = 188
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - MSR 0xC0010063: 0000000000000001
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - MSR 0xC0010062: 0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - MSR 0xC0010061: 0000000000000010 (CurPState=0, MaxPState=1)
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - Get_MPERF_APERF - time in ns = 305441
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - Get_MPERF_APERF - FreqMPERF in KHz = 4701984, FreqAPERF in KHz = 4700973
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - (CPB disabled) APERF = 4700973, MPERF = 4702096, Mult = 47000
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - (CPB disabled) BaseClock = 10002
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - CPUSpeedTurboTheoreticalMax = 4700940
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - (Before sanity check) Freq: 4700973KHz (Ratio: 47000, ExtClk: 10002Khz), Turbo: 5401016KHz (Ratio: 54000, ExtClk: 10002KHz) (Theoretical Max: 5401016Khz)
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - GetAMDFamilyMSRInfo - Freq: 4700973, 47000, 10002, Turbo: 5401016, 54000, 10002 (5401016)
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - Getting memory size
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x000000000000 - 0x000000007FFF (32KB) {Boot Services Code}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x000000008000 - 0x00000003DFFF (216KB) {Free Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00000003E000 - 0x00000003EFFF (4KB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00000003F000 - 0x00000009EFFF (384KB) {Boot Services Code}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00000009F000 - 0x00000009FFFF (4KB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x000000100000 - 0x000009AFEFFF (153MB) {Free Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x000009AFF000 - 0x000009FFFFFF (5MB) {Reserved Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00000A000000 - 0x00000A1FFFFF (2MB) {Free Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00000A200000 - 0x00000A20FFFF (64KB) {ACPI Non-volatile}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00000A210000 - 0x00000A28FFFF (512KB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00000A290000 - 0x00000AFFFFFF (13MB) {Free Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00000B000000 - 0x00000B020FFF (132KB) {Reserved Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00000B021000 - 0x00005FFBEFFF (1359MB) {Free Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00005FFBF000 - 0x000060131FFF (1484KB) {Loader Code}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x000060132000 - 0x000060132FFF (4KB) {Loader Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x000060133000 - 0x000065587FFF (84MB) {Free Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x000065588000 - 0x0000657C7FFF (2MB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x0000657C8000 - 0x000065DB5FFF (5MB) {Free Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x000065DB6000 - 0x00006C132FFF (99MB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00006C133000 - 0x00006CD65FFF (12MB) {Free Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00006CD66000 - 0x00006E132FFF (19MB) {Boot Services Code}
2024-07-18 19:20:00 - 0x00006E133000 - 0x0000748B8FFF (103MB) {Reserved Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x0000748B9000 - 0x000074A30FFF (1504KB) {ACPI Tables}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x000074A31000 - 0x000076A30FFF (32MB) {ACPI Non-volatile}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x000076A31000 - 0x000079E7EFFF (52MB) {Runtime Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x000079E7F000 - 0x000079FFEFFF (1536KB) {Runtime Services Code}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x000079FFF000 - 0x00007A5FFFFF (6MB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007A600000 - 0x00007A761FFF (1416KB) {Free Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007A762000 - 0x00007A861FFF (1024KB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007A862000 - 0x00007A87CFFF (108KB) {Boot Services Code}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007A87D000 - 0x00007A8A7FFF (172KB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007A8A8000 - 0x00007A8C9FFF (136KB) {Boot Services Code}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007A8CA000 - 0x00007A8E1FFF (96KB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007A8E2000 - 0x00007A900FFF (124KB) {Boot Services Code}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007A901000 - 0x00007BF5AFFF (22MB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007BF5B000 - 0x00007BF5CFFF (8KB) {Boot Services Code}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007BF5D000 - 0x00007BF6EFFF (72KB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007BF6F000 - 0x00007BF87FFF (100KB) {Boot Services Code}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007BF88000 - 0x00007BFE9FFF (392KB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007BFEA000 - 0x00007BFF0FFF (28KB) {Boot Services Code}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007BFF1000 - 0x00007BFF8FFF (32KB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007BFF9000 - 0x00007BFFDFFF (20KB) {Runtime Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007BFFE000 - 0x00007BFFFFFF (8KB) {Boot Services Data}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x000100000000 - 0x00017FFFFFFF (2048MB) {Free Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x000180000000 - 0x000180005FFF (24KB) {Boot Services Code}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x000180006000 - 0x00087DEFFFFF (28638MB) {Free Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x0000000A0000 - 0x0000000FFFFF (384KB) {Reserved Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007C000000 - 0x00007CFFFFFF (16MB) {Reserved Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00007D7F3000 - 0x00007FFFFFFF (40MB) {Reserved Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x0000E0000000 - 0x0000EFFFFFFF (256MB) {OS Memory-mapped IO}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x0000FD000000 - 0x0000FEDFFFFF (30MB) {OS Memory-mapped IO}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x0000FEE00000 - 0x0000FEE00FFF (4KB) {OS Memory-mapped IO}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x0000FEE01000 - 0x0000FFFFFFFF (17MB) {OS Memory-mapped IO}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00087EF40000 - 0x00087FFFFFFF (16MB) {Reserved Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x000880000000 - 0x0008A01FFFFF (514MB) {OS Memory-mapped IO}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 0x00FD00000000 - 0x00FFFFFFFFFF (12288MB) {Reserved Memory}
2024-07-18 19:20:01 -
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - Available Memory: 0x7E4015000 (31GB)
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - Reserved Memory: 0x34D9B8000 (13GB)
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - mem_size - Number of entries: 56
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - mem_size - Max address: 0x10000000000
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - mem_size - Total memory size (34110078976 bytes)
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - Parsing command line: ""
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - Successfully located the PI MpService protocol.
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - BSP is Proc 0
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - This platform has 12 logical processors of which 12 are enabled.
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - ProcID Enabled Type Status Pkg Core Thread Hyperthread?
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - -------- -------- ---- -------- ----- ---- ------ ------------
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - Get Proc Info Proc #0
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 00000000 Y BSP 00000007 0 0 0 N
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - Get Proc Info Proc #1
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 00000001 Y AP 00000006 0 0 1 Y
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - Get Proc Info Proc #2
2024-07-18 19:20:01 - 00000002 Y AP 00000006 0 1 0 N
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Get Proc Info Proc #3
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - 00000003 Y AP 00000006 0 1 1 Y
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Get Proc Info Proc #4
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - 00000004 Y AP 00000006 0 2 0 N
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Get Proc Info Proc #5
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - 00000005 Y AP 00000006 0 2 1 Y
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Get Proc Info Proc #6
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - 00000006 Y AP 00000006 0 3 0 N
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Get Proc Info Proc #7
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - 00000007 Y AP 00000006 0 3 1 Y
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Get Proc Info Proc #8
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - 00000008 Y AP 00000006 0 4 0 N
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Get Proc Info Proc #9
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - 00000009 Y AP 00000006 0 4 1 Y
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Get Proc Info Proc #10
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - 0000000A Y AP 00000006 0 5 0 N
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Get Proc Info Proc #11
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - 0000000B Y AP 00000006 0 5 1 Y
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Package ProcNum
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - 0 0
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - This platform has 12 logical processors of which 12 are enabled.
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Number of hyperthreads detected: 6 (Total threads: 12)
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Disabling all hyperthreads
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Disabling hyperthread processor 1
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Disabling hyperthread processor 3
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Disabling hyperthread processor 5
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Disabling hyperthread processor 7
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Disabling hyperthread processor 9
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Disabling hyperthread processor 11
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - Testing MP support
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - MPSupportTestMPServices - AP dispatch test
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - MPSupportTestMPServices - Starting AP#2
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - MPSupportTestMPServices - Starting AP#4
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - MPSupportTestMPServices - Starting AP#6
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - MPSupportTestMPServices - Starting AP#8
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - MPSupportTestMPServices - Starting AP#10
2024-07-18 19:20:02 - MPSupportTestMPServices - Waiting for AP's to complete execution
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - MPSupportTestMPServices - CPU #2 finished execution
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - MPSupportTestMPServices - CPU #4 finished execution
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - MPSupportTestMPServices - CPU #6 finished execution
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - MPSupportTestMPServices - CPU #8 finished execution
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - MPSupportTestMPServices - CPU #10 finished execution
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - MPSupportTestMPServices - AP dispatch test complete
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - MP test passed. Setting default CPU mode to PARALLEL
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - Getting memory controller info
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - find_mem_controller - found AMD Ryzen Zen 4 (60h-6fh) (1022:14E2) at 0-24-2
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - AMD Ryzen Zen 4 chipset init
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - MmioCfgBaseAddr=00000000E0000021 (Enable=1)
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - MCHBAR=E0000000
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - CfgAddressCntl = 00000000 (SecBusNum=00)
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - CPUID[0x00000001]:EBX[31:0] = 000C0800 (LocalApicId=0, NBC=0, LogicalProcessorCount=12)
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - CPUID[0x00000001]:EDX[31:0] = 178BFBFF (MCA=1)
2024-07-18 19:20:03 - CPUID[0x80000007]:EBX[31:0] = 0000003B (PfehSupportPresent=1, ScalableMCA=1)
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - PFEH_CFG=0000000000000000 (PfehEnable=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - PFEH_CLOAK_CFG=0000000000000000
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - MCG_CAP=000000000000011D (Count=29)
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - CPUID[0x00000001]:EBX[31:0] = 000C0800 (LocalApicId=0, NBC=0, LogicalProcessorCount=12)
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - SdpCtrl[0]=C0800083 (SdpInit=1)
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming3=17000F08
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming4=00000020
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming5=001E0822
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming6=0000005A
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming7=00000002
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming8=08010808
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming9=17010F0F
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming10=00001208
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming11=0031765A
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming12=00302D9D
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming13=20202A2A
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming14=07000392
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming15=24002000
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming16=032A0F01
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming17=FEF0FF17
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming18=001028EF
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming19=00000101
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming20=00070000
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming21=000F0D17
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming22=06241618
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC0] DramTiming23=22002A2A
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - UmcCap[0]=0x0001FD08
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - UmcCapHi[0]=0x00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - EccChipKillCap = 0 and EccEnabled = 0 for ch 0
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - Switching BSP to 6
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - CPUID[0x00000001]:EBX[31:0] = 060C0800 (LocalApicId=6, NBC=6, LogicalProcessorCount=12)
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - SdpCtrl[1]=C0800083 (SdpInit=1)
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC1] DramTiming1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC1] DramTiming2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC1] DramTiming3=17000F08
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC1] DramTiming4=00000020
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC1] DramTiming5=001E0822
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC1] DramTiming6=0000005A
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC1] DramTiming7=00000002
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC1] DramTiming8=08010808
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC1] DramTiming9=17010F0F
2024-07-18 19:20:04 - [MC1] DramTiming10=00001308
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming11=0031765A
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming12=00302D9D
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming13=20202A2A
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming14=07000392
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming15=24002000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming16=032A0F01
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming17=FEF0FF17
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming18=001028EF
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming19=00000101
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming20=00070000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming21=000F0D17
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming22=06241618
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC1] DramTiming23=22002A2A
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - UmcCap[1]=0x0001FD08
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - UmcCapHi[1]=0x00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - EccChipKillCap = 0 and EccEnabled = 0 for ch 1
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - Switching BSP back to 0
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - TOP_MEM=0000000080000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - SYS_CFG=0000000000740000 (MtrrTom2En=1)
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - TOM2=0000000880000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0] UmcConfig=80000701
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0] FabricBlockInstanceInformation3=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0] DramHoleControl=80000001
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0] DramOffset=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0] SystemFabricIdMask0=0000003F
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0] SystemFabricIdMask1=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0] SystemFabricIdMask2=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0] BeqCtrl0: 00000008 (VcmEn=1)
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0] AddrHashPC: 3FFFC001
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0] AddrHashPC2: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0,n0] DramBaseAddress=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0,n0] DramLimitAddress=00000087
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0,n0] DramAddressCtl=00000703
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0,n0] DramAddressIntlv=00000010
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0,n0] AddrHashCS: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0, DIMM0] DimmCfg: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0,n1] DramBaseAddress=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0,n1] DramLimitAddress=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0,n1] DramAddressCtl=00000700
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [MC0,n1] DramAddressIntlv=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0,n1] AddrHashCS: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0, DIMM1] DimmCfg: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0, CS0] BaseAddr: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0, CS0] BaseAddrSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0, CS0] AddrMask: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0, CS0] AddrMaskSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0, CS0] AddrCfg: 00150508
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0, CS0] AddrSel: 070CBA98
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0, CS0] ColSelLo: 87654321
2024-07-18 19:20:05 - [UMC0, CS0] ColSelHi: A9876543
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS0] RmSel: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS1] BaseAddr: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS1] BaseAddrSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS1] AddrMask: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS1] AddrMaskSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS1] AddrCfg: 00150508
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS1] AddrSel: 070CBA98
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS1] ColSelLo: 87654321
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS1] ColSelHi: A9876543
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS1] RmSel: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS2] BaseAddr: 00000001
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS2] BaseAddrSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS2] AddrMask: 03FFFFFE
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS2] AddrMaskSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS2] AddrCfg: 0025060C
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS2] AddrSel: 06076598
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS2] ColSelLo: D7543210
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS2] ColSelHi: A9876098
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS2] RmSel: 00030000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS3] BaseAddr: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS3] BaseAddrSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS3] AddrMask: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS3] AddrMaskSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS3] AddrCfg: 00150508
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS3] AddrSel: 070CBA98
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS3] ColSelLo: 87654321
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS3] ColSelHi: A9876543
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC0, CS3] RmSel: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1] UmcConfig=80000701
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1] FabricBlockInstanceInformation3=00000101
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1] DramHoleControl=80000001
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1] DramOffset=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1] SystemFabricIdMask0=0000003F
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1] SystemFabricIdMask1=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1] SystemFabricIdMask2=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC1] BeqCtrl0: 00000008 (VcmEn=1)
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC1] AddrHashPC: 3FFFC001
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC1] AddrHashPC2: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1,n0] DramBaseAddress=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1,n0] DramLimitAddress=00000087
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1,n0] DramAddressCtl=00000703
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1,n0] DramAddressIntlv=00000010
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC1,n0] AddrHashCS: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC1, DIMM0] DimmCfg: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1,n1] DramBaseAddress=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1,n1] DramLimitAddress=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1,n1] DramAddressCtl=00000700
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [MC1,n1] DramAddressIntlv=00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC1,n1] AddrHashCS: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:06 - [UMC1, DIMM1] DimmCfg: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS0] BaseAddr: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS0] BaseAddrSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS0] AddrMask: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS0] AddrMaskSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS0] AddrCfg: 00150508
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS0] AddrSel: 070CBA98
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS0] ColSelLo: 87654321
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS0] ColSelHi: A9876543
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS0] RmSel: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS1] BaseAddr: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS1] BaseAddrSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS1] AddrMask: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS1] AddrMaskSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS1] AddrCfg: 00150508
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS1] AddrSel: 070CBA98
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS1] ColSelLo: 87654321
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS1] ColSelHi: A9876543
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS1] RmSel: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS2] BaseAddr: 00000001
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS2] BaseAddrSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS2] AddrMask: 03FFFFFE
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS2] AddrMaskSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS2] AddrCfg: 0025060C
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS2] AddrSel: 06076598
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS2] ColSelLo: D7543210
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS2] ColSelHi: A9876098
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS2] RmSel: 00030000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS3] BaseAddr: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS3] BaseAddrSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS3] AddrMask: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS3] AddrMaskSec: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS3] AddrCfg: 00150508
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS3] AddrSel: 070CBA98
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS3] ColSelLo: 87654321
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS3] ColSelHi: A9876543
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [UMC1, CS3] RmSel: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - find_mem_controller - AMD Ryzen Zen 4 (60h-6fh) (1022:14E2) at 0-24-2
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - find_mem_controller - AMD Ryzen Zen 4 (60h-6fh) (Ch mode: 2, ECC mode: {detect: no, correct: no, scrub: no, chipkill: no, IBECC: no})
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - ECC polling disabled
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - Applying configurations
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [CONFIG] This platform has 12 logical processors of which 6 are enabled.
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - [CONFIG] ECCPOLL cannot be enabled as ECC is not available
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - Applying configurations complete
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - Getting memory SPD info
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - Attempting to enable any disabled SMBus controllers...
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - Attempting to enable SMBUS:
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - Searching PCI for SMBus Controller
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - {00:14:00} SMBus Configuration Registers:
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - 00: 790B1022 02200403 0C050071 00800000
2024-07-18 19:20:07 - 10: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 88771043
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 30: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 60: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 90: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - A0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - B0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - C0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - D0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - E0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - F0: 0000DBDD 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - Found SMBus device: VID:1022 DID:790B Bus:00 Dev:14 Fun:00 IO Add:0B00 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:71 [AMD Hudson-3 SMBus]
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - Finished searching PCI for SMBus Controller
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - Found 1 SMBus controllers
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - [AMD Hudson-3 SMBus Bus:00 Dev:14 Fun:00 Add:0B00] Looking for SPD
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - Previous MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - Device detected on SMBUS at address 51 (PIIX4)
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - Expanding SPD info array (0 => 16)
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - MemoryInfo(0x65D95018, 121856 bytes)
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - Raw SPD bytes for DIMM#0 (Channel -1, Slot -1):
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 51 18 12 80 B3 03 52 00 00 00 00 00 FF 3F 00 55
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 70 03 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 50 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 00 D4 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 30 10 12 02 04 00 20 62 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 00 00 00 00 A0 01 F2 03 72 0D 00 00 00 00 1A 41
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 1A 41 1A 41 00 7D 1A BE 30 75 27 01 A0 00 82 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 88 13 08 88 13 08 20 4E 20 10
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 27 10 15 34 20 10 27 10 C4 09 04 4C 1D 0C 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - RAM type: DDR5
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - SPD rev: 0x18
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - Length of SPD (256) not valid
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - Device detected on SMBUS at address 53 (PIIX4)
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - Raw SPD bytes for DIMM#0 (Channel -1, Slot -1):
2024-07-18 19:20:08 - 51 18 12 80 B3 03 52 00 00 00 00 00 FF 3F 00 55
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 70 03 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 50 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 00 C8 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 30 10 12 02 04 00 20 62 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 00 00 00 00 A0 01 F2 03 72 0D 00 00 00 00 1A 41
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 1A 41 1A 41 00 7D 1A BE 30 75 27 01 A0 00 82 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 88 13 08 88 13 08 20 4E 20 10
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 27 10 15 34 20 10 27 10 C4 09 04 4C 1D 0C 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - RAM type: DDR5
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - SPD rev: 0x18
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - Length of SPD (256) not valid
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - Previous MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - Writing MMIO PM DECODEEN: E30F0BF7 (smbus0sel=1)
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - Restoring MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - Previous MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - Writing MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3170BF7 (smbus0sel=2)
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - Restoring MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - Previous MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - Writing MMIO PM DECODEEN: E31F0BF7 (smbus0sel=3)
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - Restoring MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - Previous MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - MR0 - Device Type MSB: 51
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - MR1 - Device Type LSB: 18
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - MR2 - Device Revision: 12
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - MR3 - Device Revision: 80
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - MR4 - Device Revision: B3
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - MR5 - Device Capability: 03
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - MR11 - I2C Legacy Mode Device Configuration: 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - MR12 - NVM Protection Configuration: FF
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - MR13 - NVM Protection Configuration: 3F
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - MR18 - Device Configuration: 00 (INF_SEL=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - MR52 - Hub and Thermal Sensor Error Status: 00
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - A - Setting page address to 0
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - A - Finished setting page address to 0
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - A - Setting page address to 1
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - A - Finished setting page address to 1
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - A - Setting page address to 2
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - A - Finished setting page address to 2
2024-07-18 19:20:09 - A - Setting page address to 3
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - A - Finished setting page address to 3
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - A - Setting page address to 4
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - A - Finished setting page address to 4
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - A - Setting page address to 5
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - A - Finished setting page address to 5
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - A - Setting page address to 6
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - A - Finished setting page address to 6
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - A - Setting page address to 7
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - A - Finished setting page address to 7
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - Raw SPD bytes for DIMM#0 (Channel -1, Slot -1):
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 30 10 12 02 04 00 20 62 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 A0 01 F2 03 72 0D 00 00 00 00 1A 41
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 1A 41 1A 41 00 7D 1A BE 30 75 27 01 A0 00 82 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 88 13 08 88 13 08 20 4E 20 10
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 27 10 15 34 20 10 27 10 C4 09 04 4C 1D 0C 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 10 00 80 B3 80 12 0B 2A 82 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 1E 33 00 85 00 22 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3A 02
2024-07-18 19:20:10 - 02 9E 00 24 11 00 00 00 00 43 4D 48 33 32 47 58
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 35 4D 32 45 36 30 30 30 43 33 36 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 2C 44 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 0C 4A 30 01 00 0B 2A 01 00 12 00 00 00 00 50 72
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 6F 66 69 6C 65 20 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DD 32
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 30 28 28 00 24 4D 01 7A ED 02 00 00 00 D4 2E 3C
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 39 3C 39 00 7D 1C B6 5F 76 27 01 A0 00 82 00 88
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 13 08 20 4E 20 10 27 10 10 27 10 C4 09 04 88 13
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 08 4C 1D 0C AA 29 20 00 00 00 00 03 02 00 E1 FB
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - RAM type: DDR5
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - SPD rev: 0x10
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - Module type: UDIMM
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - Size: 16384 MB
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - Banks x Rows x Columns x Bits: 32 x 16 x 10 x 32
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - Ranks: 1
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - SDRAM Device Width: 8
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - SDRAM Package Type: Monolithic SDRAM
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - Operable voltages: 1.1V
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - SDRAM Nominal Voltage, VDD: 1.1V
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - SDRAM Nominal Voltage, VDDQ: 1.1V
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - SDRAM Nominal Voltage, VPP: 1.8V
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - ECC: No
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - Minimum clock cycle time (ns): 0.416
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - Maximum clock cycle time (ns): 1.010
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - Maximum clock speed: 2400 MHz
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - Maximum module speed: 4800 MT/s (PC5-38400)
2024-07-18 19:20:11 - Supported CAS: 22 28 30 32 36 40 42
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Minimum CAS latency time (tAA): 16.666
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Minimum RAS to CAS delay time (tRCD): 16.666
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Minimum row precharge time (tRP): 16.666
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Minimum active to precharge time (tRAS): 32.000
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Supported timing at highest clock speed (2400 MHz) : 40-40-40-77
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - SPD present: Yes
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - SPD device type: SPD5118
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - PMIC 0 present: Yes
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - PMIC 0 device type: PMIC5100
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - PMIC 1 present: No
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - PMIC 1 device type: PMIC5000
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - PMIC 2 present: No
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - PMIC 2 device type: PMIC5000
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Thermal Sensor 0 present: No
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Thermal Sensor 1 present: No
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Thermal Sensors device type: TS5111
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Module Height (mm): 44 - 45
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Module Thickness (mm): front 3-4 , back 3-4
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Module reference card: Raw Card A Rev. 0
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Rank Mix: Symmetrical
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Number of Package Ranks per Channel: 1
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Number of Channels per DIMM: 2
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Bus width extension per Channel: 0 bits
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Primary bus width per Channel: 32 bits
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Module Manufacturer: Corsair (Bank: 3, ID: 0x9E)
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Module manufacturing location: 0x00
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Manufacturing Date: Year 2024 Week 11
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Module serial number: 0x00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Module Part Number: CMH32GX5M2E6000C36
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Revision Code: 0x00
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - DRAM Manufacturer: Micron Technology (Bank: 1, ID: 0x2C)
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - DRAM Stepping: 0x44
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Module Manufacturer's Specific Data raw bytes:
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - XMP supported: Yes
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - XMP version: 3.0
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - XMP PMIC Vendor ID: 0B2A
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - XMP number of PMICs: 1
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - XMP PMIC OC capabilities (capable: No, enabled: No, voltage default step size: 5mV, global reset function: Disabled)
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - XMP spec revision: 1.2
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - XMP Validation and Certification Capabilities (Self-certified: No, PMIC validated by Intel AVL level: No
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - XMP Base Configuration Section CRC16: 0x32DD
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - [XMP Profile 1] Profile enabled: Yes (certified: No)
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - [XMP Profile 1] recommended DIMMs per channel: 1
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - [XMP Profile 1] profile name: Profile 1
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Module VPP Voltage Level: 1.8V
2024-07-18 19:20:12 - Module VDD Voltage Level: 1.4V
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Module VDDQ Voltage Level: 1.4V
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Memory controller Voltage Level: 1.2V
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - SDRAM Minimum Cycle Time (tCKAVGmin): 0.333
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Maximum clock speed: 3000 MHz
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Supported CAS: 22 26 28 30 32 36 40 42 46 48 50 54
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Minimum CAS Latency Time (tAAmin): 11.988
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Minimum RAS to CAS Delay Time (tRCDmin): 14.652
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Minimum Row Precharge Delay Time (tRPmin): 14.652
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Minimum Active to Precharge Delay Time (tRASmin): 32.000
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Minimum Active to Active/Refresh Delay Time (tRCmin): 46.620
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Minimum Write Recovery Time (tWRmin): 30.303
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Minimum Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFC1min): 295.000
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Minimum Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFC2min): 160.000
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Minimum Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFCsb): 130.000
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Minimum Read to Read Command Delay Time, Same Bank Group (tCCD_L): 5.000
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Minimum Write to Write Command Delay Time, Same Bank Group (tCCD_L_WR): 20.000
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - SDRAM Minimum Write to Write Command Delay Time, Second Write not RMW, Same Bank Group (tCCD_L_WR2): 10.000
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - SDRAM Minimum Write to Read Command Delay Time, Same Bank Group (tCCD_L_WTR): 10.000
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - SDRAM Minimum Write to Read Command Delay Time, Different Bank Group (tCCD_S_WTR): 2.500
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - SDRAM Minimum Active to Active Command Delay Time, Same Bank Group (tRRD_L): 5.000
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - SDRAM Minimum Read to Precharge Command Delay Time, (tRTP): 7.500
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - SDRAM Minimum Four Activate Window (tFAW min): 10.666
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Advanced Memory Overclocking Features: Real-Time Memory Frequency Overclocking: supported, Intel® Dynamic Memory Boost: supported
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - System CMD Rate Mode: 2n
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Vendor Personality Byte: 00
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - [XMP Profile 2] Profile enabled: No (certified: No)
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - [XMP Profile 2] recommended DIMMs per channel: 1
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - [XMP Profile 3] Profile enabled: No (certified: No)
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - [XMP Profile 3] recommended DIMMs per channel: 1
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - [XMP Profile 4] User profile
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - [XMP Profile 5] User profile
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - DIMM#0 (Channel -1, Slot -1) serial number: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR11 - I2C Legacy Mode Device Configuration: 07
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - Restoring MR11 back to 00
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR0 - Device Type MSB: 51
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR1 - Device Type LSB: 18
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR0 - Device Type MSB: 51
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR1 - Device Type LSB: 18
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR2 - Device Revision: 12
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR3 - Device Revision: 80
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR4 - Device Revision: B3
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR5 - Device Capability: 03
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR11 - I2C Legacy Mode Device Configuration: 00
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR12 - NVM Protection Configuration: FF
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR13 - NVM Protection Configuration: 3F
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR18 - Device Configuration: 00 (INF_SEL=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - MR52 - Hub and Thermal Sensor Error Status: 00
2024-07-18 19:20:13 - A - Setting page address to 0
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Finished setting page address to 0
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Setting page address to 1
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Finished setting page address to 1
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Setting page address to 2
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Finished setting page address to 2
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Setting page address to 3
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Finished setting page address to 3
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Setting page address to 4
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Finished setting page address to 4
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Setting page address to 5
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Finished setting page address to 5
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Setting page address to 6
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Finished setting page address to 6
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Setting page address to 7
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - A - Finished setting page address to 7
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - Raw SPD bytes for DIMM#1 (Channel -1, Slot -1):
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 30 10 12 02 04 00 20 62 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 A0 01 F2 03 72 0D 00 00 00 00 1A 41
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 1A 41 1A 41 00 7D 1A BE 30 75 27 01 A0 00 82 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 88 13 08 88 13 08 20 4E 20 10
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 27 10 15 34 20 10 27 10 C4 09 04 4C 1D 0C 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 10 00 80 B3 80 12 0B 2A 82 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 1E 33 00 85 00 22 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:14 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3A 02
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 02 9E 00 24 11 00 00 00 00 43 4D 48 33 32 47 58
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 35 4D 32 45 36 30 30 30 43 33 36 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 2C 44 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 0C 4A 30 01 00 0B 2A 01 00 12 00 00 00 00 50 72
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 6F 66 69 6C 65 20 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DD 32
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 30 28 28 00 24 4D 01 7A ED 02 00 00 00 D4 2E 3C
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 39 3C 39 00 7D 1C B6 5F 76 27 01 A0 00 82 00 88
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 13 08 20 4E 20 10 27 10 10 27 10 C4 09 04 88 13
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 08 4C 1D 0C AA 29 20 00 00 00 00 03 02 00 E1 FB
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - RAM type: DDR5
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - SPD rev: 0x10
2024-07-18 19:20:15 - Module type: UDIMM
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Size: 16384 MB
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Banks x Rows x Columns x Bits: 32 x 16 x 10 x 32
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Ranks: 1
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - SDRAM Device Width: 8
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - SDRAM Package Type: Monolithic SDRAM
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Operable voltages: 1.1V
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - SDRAM Nominal Voltage, VDD: 1.1V
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - SDRAM Nominal Voltage, VDDQ: 1.1V
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - SDRAM Nominal Voltage, VPP: 1.8V
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - ECC: No
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Minimum clock cycle time (ns): 0.416
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Maximum clock cycle time (ns): 1.010
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Maximum clock speed: 2400 MHz
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Maximum module speed: 4800 MT/s (PC5-38400)
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Supported CAS: 22 28 30 32 36 40 42
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Minimum CAS latency time (tAA): 16.666
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Minimum RAS to CAS delay time (tRCD): 16.666
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Minimum row precharge time (tRP): 16.666
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Minimum active to precharge time (tRAS): 32.000
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Supported timing at highest clock speed (2400 MHz) : 40-40-40-77
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - SPD present: Yes
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - SPD device type: SPD5118
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - PMIC 0 present: Yes
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - PMIC 0 device type: PMIC5100
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - PMIC 1 present: No
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - PMIC 1 device type: PMIC5000
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - PMIC 2 present: No
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - PMIC 2 device type: PMIC5000
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Thermal Sensor 0 present: No
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Thermal Sensor 1 present: No
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Thermal Sensors device type: TS5111
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Module Height (mm): 44 - 45
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Module Thickness (mm): front 3-4 , back 3-4
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Module reference card: Raw Card A Rev. 0
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Rank Mix: Symmetrical
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Number of Package Ranks per Channel: 1
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Number of Channels per DIMM: 2
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Bus width extension per Channel: 0 bits
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Primary bus width per Channel: 32 bits
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Module Manufacturer: Corsair (Bank: 3, ID: 0x9E)
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Module manufacturing location: 0x00
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Manufacturing Date: Year 2024 Week 11
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Module serial number: 0x00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Module Part Number: CMH32GX5M2E6000C36
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Revision Code: 0x00
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - DRAM Manufacturer: Micron Technology (Bank: 1, ID: 0x2C)
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - DRAM Stepping: 0x44
2024-07-18 19:20:16 - Module Manufacturer's Specific Data raw bytes:
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - XMP supported: Yes
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - XMP version: 3.0
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - XMP PMIC Vendor ID: 0B2A
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - XMP number of PMICs: 1
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - XMP PMIC OC capabilities (capable: No, enabled: No, voltage default step size: 5mV, global reset function: Disabled)
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - XMP spec revision: 1.2
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - XMP Validation and Certification Capabilities (Self-certified: No, PMIC validated by Intel AVL level: No
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - XMP Base Configuration Section CRC16: 0x32DD
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - [XMP Profile 1] Profile enabled: Yes (certified: No)
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - [XMP Profile 1] recommended DIMMs per channel: 1
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - [XMP Profile 1] profile name: Profile 1
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Module VPP Voltage Level: 1.8V
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Module VDD Voltage Level: 1.4V
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Module VDDQ Voltage Level: 1.4V
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Memory controller Voltage Level: 1.2V
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - SDRAM Minimum Cycle Time (tCKAVGmin): 0.333
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Maximum clock speed: 3000 MHz
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Supported CAS: 22 26 28 30 32 36 40 42 46 48 50 54
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Minimum CAS Latency Time (tAAmin): 11.988
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Minimum RAS to CAS Delay Time (tRCDmin): 14.652
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Minimum Row Precharge Delay Time (tRPmin): 14.652
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Minimum Active to Precharge Delay Time (tRASmin): 32.000
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Minimum Active to Active/Refresh Delay Time (tRCmin): 46.620
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Minimum Write Recovery Time (tWRmin): 30.303
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Minimum Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFC1min): 295.000
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Minimum Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFC2min): 160.000
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Minimum Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFCsb): 130.000
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Minimum Read to Read Command Delay Time, Same Bank Group (tCCD_L): 5.000
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Minimum Write to Write Command Delay Time, Same Bank Group (tCCD_L_WR): 20.000
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - SDRAM Minimum Write to Write Command Delay Time, Second Write not RMW, Same Bank Group (tCCD_L_WR2): 10.000
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - SDRAM Minimum Write to Read Command Delay Time, Same Bank Group (tCCD_L_WTR): 10.000
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - SDRAM Minimum Write to Read Command Delay Time, Different Bank Group (tCCD_S_WTR): 2.500
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - SDRAM Minimum Active to Active Command Delay Time, Same Bank Group (tRRD_L): 5.000
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - SDRAM Minimum Read to Precharge Command Delay Time, (tRTP): 7.500
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - SDRAM Minimum Four Activate Window (tFAW min): 10.666
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Advanced Memory Overclocking Features: Real-Time Memory Frequency Overclocking: supported, Intel® Dynamic Memory Boost: supported
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - System CMD Rate Mode: 2n
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Vendor Personality Byte: 00
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - [XMP Profile 2] Profile enabled: No (certified: No)
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - [XMP Profile 2] recommended DIMMs per channel: 1
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - [XMP Profile 3] Profile enabled: No (certified: No)
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - [XMP Profile 3] recommended DIMMs per channel: 1
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - [XMP Profile 4] User profile
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - [XMP Profile 5] User profile
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - DIMM#1 (Channel -1, Slot -1) serial number: 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - MR11 - I2C Legacy Mode Device Configuration: 07
2024-07-18 19:20:17 - Restoring MR11 back to 00
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - MR0 - Device Type MSB: 51
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - MR1 - Device Type LSB: 18
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - Previous MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - Writing MMIO PM DECODEEN: E30F0BF7 (smbus0sel=1)
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - Restoring MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - Previous MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - Writing MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3170BF7 (smbus0sel=2)
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - Restoring MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - Previous MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - Writing MMIO PM DECODEEN: E31F0BF7 (smbus0sel=3)
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - Restoring MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - Enumerating PCI bus...
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - Scanning PCI for devices:
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14D8 Bus:00 Dev:00 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14D9 Bus:00 Dev:00 Fun:02 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14DA Bus:00 Dev:01 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14DB Bus:00 Dev:01 Fun:01 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:81 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14DB Bus:00 Dev:01 Fun:02 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:81 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14DA Bus:00 Dev:02 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14DB Bus:00 Dev:02 Fun:01 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:81 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14DA Bus:00 Dev:03 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14DA Bus:00 Dev:04 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14DA Bus:00 Dev:08 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14DD Bus:00 Dev:08 Fun:01 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:81 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14DD Bus:00 Dev:08 Fun:03 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:81 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - {00:14:00} SMBus Configuration Registers:
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - 00: 790B1022 02200403 0C050071 00800000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - 10: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - 20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 88771043
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - 30: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - 40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - 50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - 60: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - 70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - 80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - 90: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - A0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - B0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - C0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - D0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - E0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - F0: 0000DBDD 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:790B Bus:00 Dev:14 Fun:00 IO Add:0B00 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:71 HeaderType:81 [AMD Hudson-3 SMBus]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:790E Bus:00 Dev:14 Fun:03 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:51 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14E0 Bus:00 Dev:18 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:18 - VID:1022 DID:14E1 Bus:00 Dev:18 Fun:01 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:14E2 Bus:00 Dev:18 Fun:02 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:14E3 Bus:00 Dev:18 Fun:03 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:14E4 Bus:00 Dev:18 Fun:04 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:14E5 Bus:00 Dev:18 Fun:05 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:14E6 Bus:00 Dev:18 Fun:06 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:14E7 Bus:00 Dev:18 Fun:07 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:10DE DID:2783 Bus:01 Dev:00 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:A1 HeaderType:80 [nVidia Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:10DE DID:22BC Bus:01 Dev:00 Fun:01 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:A1 HeaderType:80 [nVidia Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:144D DID:A80A Bus:02 Dev:00 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:00 [Unknown Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:43F4 Bus:03 Dev:00 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:01 HeaderType:01 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:43F5 Bus:04 Dev:00 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:01 HeaderType:01 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:43F5 Bus:04 Dev:08 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:01 HeaderType:01 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:43F5 Bus:04 Dev:09 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:01 HeaderType:01 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:43F5 Bus:04 Dev:0A Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:01 HeaderType:01 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:43F5 Bus:04 Dev:0B Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:01 HeaderType:01 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:43F5 Bus:04 Dev:0C Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:01 HeaderType:01 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:43F5 Bus:04 Dev:0D Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:01 HeaderType:01 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:10EC DID:8125 Bus:08 Dev:00 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:05 HeaderType:00 [Unknown Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:10EC DID:B852 Bus:09 Dev:00 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:00 [Unknown Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:43F7 Bus:0A Dev:00 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:01 HeaderType:00 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:43F6 Bus:0B Dev:00 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:01 HeaderType:00 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:14DE Bus:0C Dev:00 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:C7 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:1649 Bus:0C Dev:00 Fun:02 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:15B6 Bus:0C Dev:00 Fun:03 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:15B7 Bus:0C Dev:00 Fun:04 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:15E3 Bus:0C Dev:00 Fun:06 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:80 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - VID:1022 DID:15B8 Bus:0D Dev:00 Fun:00 IO Add:0000 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 PCI Add:{00:00:00:0000} Rev:00 HeaderType:00 [AMD Unknown]
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - Finished searching PCI for SMBus Controller
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - Getting memory TSOD info
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - Attempting to enable any disabled TSOD controllers...
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - Attempting to enable SMBUS:
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - Searching PCI for TSOD Controller
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - MMIO PM DECODEEN: E3070BF7 (smbus0sel=0)
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - {00:14:00} SMBus Configuration Registers:
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - 00: 790B1022 02200403 0C050071 00800000
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - 10: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - 20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 88771043
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - 30: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - 40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - 50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - 60: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - 70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - 80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - 90: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - A0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - B0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - C0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:19 - D0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - E0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - F0: 0000DBDD 00000000 00000000 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - Found TSOD device: VID:1022 DID:790B Bus:00 Dev:14 Fun:00 IO Add:0B00 IO (2) Add:0000 MMIO Add:0 Rev:71 [AMD Hudson-3 SMBus]
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - Finished searching PCI for SMBus Controller
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - Expanding TSOD info array (0 => 16)
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - Getting memory SMBIOS info
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - Getting SMBIOS Memory Device info...
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - Found 4 Memory Devices
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct 0
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct Get strings (FormattedLen=92, iTotalLen=91)
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct: String area len=53
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct: parsing v2.3+ strings
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct: parsing v3.2+ strings
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct end
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [Slot 0] TotalWidth: 65535, DataWidth: 65535, Size: 0, FormFactor: 2, DeviceSet: 0, MemoryType: 2, Speed: 0, Attributes: 0, ExtendedSize: 0, ConfiguredMemoryClockSpeed: 0, MinimumVoltage: 0, MaximumVoltage: 0, ConfiguredVoltage: 0
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [Slot 0] DeviceLocator: DIMM 0, BankLocator: P0 CHANNEL A, Manufacturer: Unknown, S/N: Unknown, AssetTag: , PartNumber: Unknown
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct 1
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct Get strings (FormattedLen=92, iTotalLen=9D)
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct: String area len=65
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct: parsing v2.3+ strings
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct: parsing v3.2+ strings
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct end
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [Slot 1] TotalWidth: 64, DataWidth: 64, Size: 16384, FormFactor: 9, DeviceSet: 0, MemoryType: 34, Speed: 4800, Attributes: 1, ExtendedSize: 0, ConfiguredMemoryClockSpeed: 6000, MinimumVoltage: 1100, MaximumVoltage: 1100, ConfiguredVoltage: 1100
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [Slot 1] DeviceLocator: DIMM 1, BankLocator: P0 CHANNEL A, Manufacturer: Corsair, S/N: 00000000, AssetTag: , PartNumber: CMH32GX5M2E6000C36
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct 2
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct Get strings (FormattedLen=92, iTotalLen=91)
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct: String area len=53
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct: parsing v2.3+ strings
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct: parsing v3.2+ strings
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct end
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [Slot 2] TotalWidth: 65535, DataWidth: 65535, Size: 0, FormFactor: 2, DeviceSet: 0, MemoryType: 2, Speed: 0, Attributes: 0, ExtendedSize: 0, ConfiguredMemoryClockSpeed: 0, MinimumVoltage: 0, MaximumVoltage: 0, ConfiguredVoltage: 0
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [Slot 2] DeviceLocator: DIMM 0, BankLocator: P0 CHANNEL B, Manufacturer: Unknown, S/N: Unknown, AssetTag: , PartNumber: Unknown
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct 3
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct Get strings (FormattedLen=92, iTotalLen=9D)
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct: String area len=65
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct: parsing v2.3+ strings
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct: parsing v3.2+ strings
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - DEBUG: Get SMB mem device Struct end
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [Slot 3] TotalWidth: 64, DataWidth: 64, Size: 16384, FormFactor: 9, DeviceSet: 0, MemoryType: 34, Speed: 4800, Attributes: 1, ExtendedSize: 0, ConfiguredMemoryClockSpeed: 6000, MinimumVoltage: 1100, MaximumVoltage: 1100, ConfiguredVoltage: 1100
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [Slot 3] DeviceLocator: DIMM 1, BankLocator: P0 CHANNEL B, Manufacturer: Corsair, S/N: 00000000, AssetTag: , PartNumber: CMH32GX5M2E6000C36
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - Number of non-empty SMBIOS memory devices found: 2
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [SPD 0] Comparing SMBIOS S/N (00000000) with SPD S/N (00000000)
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [SPD 0] SMBIOS S/N = 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [SPD 0] Found match with SMBIOS 1
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [SPD 1] Comparing SMBIOS S/N (00000000) with SPD S/N (00000000)
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [SPD 1] SMBIOS S/N = 00000000
2024-07-18 19:20:20 - [SPD 1] Found match with SMBIOS 3
2024-07-18 19:20:21 - Console size = 80 x 25
2024-07-18 19:20:21 - Checking for graphics mode support
2024-07-18 19:20:21 - Graphics mode available
2024-07-18 19:20:21 - Enabling graphics mode
2024-07-18 19:20:21 - Get screen size
2024-07-18 19:20:21 - Current screen size: 1024 x 768
2024-07-18 19:20:21 - Screen size = 1024 x 768
2024-07-18 19:20:21 - Char width=8 height=19
2024-07-18 19:20:21 - Loading images
2024-07-18 19:20:21 - Show splash screen
2024-07-18 19:20:21 - Splash screen start time: 330749765820 (clk=4700131, ConIn=6D2C4E50, WaitForKey=6994A418)
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Splash screen countdown timer expired
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Exit splash screen
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Initializing spin lock (Align=64)
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - *** TEST SESSION - 2024-07-18 19:20:31 ***
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - CPU selection mode = 1
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - ReadMemoryRanges - Available Pages = 8273778
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Locking all memory ranges first...
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Skipping memory range 0x8000 - 0x3E000 (216KB). Range too small.
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Memory range locked: 0x100000 - 0x9AFF000 (32937420KB of available memory left)
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Skipping memory range 0xA000000 - 0xA200000 (2048KB). Range too small.
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Skipping memory range 0xA290000 - 0xB000000 (13760KB). Range too small.
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Memory range locked: 0xB021000 - 0x5FFBF000 (31545172KB of available memory left)
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Memory range locked: 0x60133000 - 0x65588000 (31458816KB of available memory left)
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Skipping memory range 0x657C8000 - 0x65CF7000 (5308KB). Range too small.
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Skipping memory range 0x65D08000 - 0x65D15000 (52KB). Range too small.
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Skipping memory range 0x65D1F000 - 0x65D29000 (40KB). Range too small.
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Skipping memory range 0x65D41000 - 0x65D45000 (16KB). Range too small.
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Skipping memory range 0x65D6C000 - 0x65D6D000 (4KB). Range too small.
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Skipping memory range 0x6C133000 - 0x6CD66000 (12492KB). Range too small.
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Skipping memory range 0x7A600000 - 0x7A762000 (1416KB). Range too small.
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Memory range locked: 0x100000000 - 0x180000000 (29361664KB of available memory left)
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Memory range locked: 0x180006000 - 0x87DF00000 (35352KB of available memory left)
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - All memory ranges successfully locked
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - Starting pass #1 (of 4)
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:20:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - Current CPU temperature: 65C
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - Running test #0 (Test 0 [Address test, walking ones, 1 CPU])
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x50415353
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 949 ms
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:20:32 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 0.673s (Test 0 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:20:33 - Running test #1 (Test 1 [Address test, own address, 1 CPU])
2024-07-18 19:20:33 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x50415353
2024-07-18 19:20:33 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 1743 ms
2024-07-18 19:20:33 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:20:33 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:20:33 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:20:36 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 3.343s (Test 1 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:20:36 - Running test #2 (Test 2 [Address test, own address])
2024-07-18 19:20:36 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x50415353
2024-07-18 19:20:36 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 5206 ms
2024-07-18 19:20:36 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:20:36 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:20:36 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:20:45 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 8.706s (Test 2 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:20:45 - Running test #3 (Test 3 [Moving inversions, ones & zeroes])
2024-07-18 19:20:45 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x50415353
2024-07-18 19:20:45 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 14056 ms
2024-07-18 19:20:45 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:20:45 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:20:45 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:21:02 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 16.876s (Test 3 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:21:02 - Running test #4 (Test 4 [Moving inversions, 8-bit pattern])
2024-07-18 19:21:02 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x50415353
2024-07-18 19:21:02 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 31053 ms
2024-07-18 19:21:02 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:21:02 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:21:02 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:21:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:21:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:21:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:21:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:21:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:21:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:21:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:21:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:21:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:21:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:21:32 - Current CPU temperature: 67C
2024-07-18 19:22:01 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 58.969s (Test 4 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:22:01 - Running test #5 (Test 5 [Moving inversions, random pattern])
2024-07-18 19:22:01 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x50415353
2024-07-18 19:22:01 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 90144 ms
2024-07-18 19:22:01 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:22:01 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:22:01 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:22:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:22:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:22:31 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:22:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:22:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:22:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:22:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:22:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:22:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:22:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:22:32 - Current CPU temperature: 69C
2024-07-18 19:23:00 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 59.068s (Test 5 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:23:00 - Running test #6 (Test 6 [Block move, 64-byte blocks])
2024-07-18 19:23:00 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x50415353
2024-07-18 19:23:00 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 149345 ms
2024-07-18 19:23:00 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:23:00 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:23:00 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:23:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:23:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008B8
2024-07-18 19:23:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:23:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:23:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:23:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:23:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:23:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:23:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:23:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:23:32 - Current CPU temperature: 54C
2024-07-18 19:24:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:24:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 19:24:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:24:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:24:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:24:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:24:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:24:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:24:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:24:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:24:32 - Current CPU temperature: 54C
2024-07-18 19:25:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:25:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 19:25:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:25:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:25:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:25:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 19:25:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:25:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:25:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:25:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:25:32 - Current CPU temperature: 54C
2024-07-18 19:26:27 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 206.618s (Test 6 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:26:27 - Running test #7 (Test 7 [Moving inversions, 32-bit pattern])
2024-07-18 19:26:27 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x50415353
2024-07-18 19:26:27 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 356097 ms
2024-07-18 19:26:27 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:26:27 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:26:27 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:26:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:26:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:26:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:26:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:26:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:26:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:26:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:26:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:26:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:26:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:26:32 - Current CPU temperature: 73C
2024-07-18 19:27:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:27:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:27:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:27:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:27:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:27:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:27:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:27:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:27:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:27:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:27:32 - Current CPU temperature: 74C
2024-07-18 19:28:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:28:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:28:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:28:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:28:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:28:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:28:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:28:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:28:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:28:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:28:32 - Current CPU temperature: 74C
2024-07-18 19:29:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:29:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:29:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:29:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:29:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:29:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:29:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:29:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:29:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:29:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:29:32 - Current CPU temperature: 74C
2024-07-18 19:30:05 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 218.240s (Test 7 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:30:05 - Running test #8 (Test 8 [Random number sequence])
2024-07-18 19:30:05 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x50415353
2024-07-18 19:30:05 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 574469 ms
2024-07-18 19:30:05 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:30:05 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:30:05 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:30:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:30:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:30:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:30:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:30:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:30:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:30:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:30:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:30:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:30:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:30:32 - Current CPU temperature: 79C
2024-07-18 19:31:21 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 75.853s (Test 8 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:31:21 - Running test #9 (Test 9 [Modulo 20, ones & zeros])
2024-07-18 19:31:21 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x50415353
2024-07-18 19:31:21 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 650444 ms
2024-07-18 19:31:21 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:31:21 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:31:21 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:31:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:31:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:31:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:31:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:31:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:31:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:31:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:31:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:31:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:31:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:31:32 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 19:31:36 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 6, Address: 152E21DC8, Expected: BA7350B2, Actual: BA7150B2
2024-07-18 19:32:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:32:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:32:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:32:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:32:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:32:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:32:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:32:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:32:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:32:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:32:32 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 19:33:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:33:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:33:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:33:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:33:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:33:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:33:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:33:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:33:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:33:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:33:32 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 19:33:54 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 152.229s (Test 9 cumulative error count: 1, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:33:54 - Running test #10 (Test 10 [Bit fade test, 2 patterns, 1 CPU])
2024-07-18 19:33:54 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x50415353
2024-07-18 19:33:54 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 802817 ms
2024-07-18 19:33:54 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:33:54 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:33:54 - Start bit fade test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:33:54 - Starting Stage 0, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 19:33:55 - Finished Stage 0, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 19:33:55 - Sleep start time: 804677
2024-07-18 19:33:56 - Sleep time: 300000
2024-07-18 19:33:56 - Test 10 - Sleeping (299 seconds remaining)
2024-07-18 19:34:26 - Slept for 30 seconds
2024-07-18 19:34:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:34:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:34:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:34:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:34:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:34:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:34:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:34:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:34:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:34:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:34:32 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 19:34:56 - Slept for 60 seconds
2024-07-18 19:35:26 - Slept for 90 seconds
2024-07-18 19:35:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:35:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:35:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:35:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:35:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:35:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:35:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:35:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:35:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:35:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:35:32 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 19:35:56 - Slept for 120 seconds
2024-07-18 19:36:26 - Slept for 150 seconds
2024-07-18 19:36:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:36:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:36:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:36:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:36:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:36:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:36:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:36:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:36:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:36:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:36:32 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 19:36:57 - Slept for 181 seconds
2024-07-18 19:37:27 - Slept for 211 seconds
2024-07-18 19:37:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:37:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:37:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:37:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:37:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:37:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:37:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:37:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:37:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:37:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:37:32 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 19:37:57 - Slept for 241 seconds
2024-07-18 19:38:27 - Slept for 271 seconds
2024-07-18 19:38:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:38:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:38:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:38:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:38:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:38:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:38:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:38:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:38:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:38:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:38:32 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 19:38:56 - Starting Stage 1, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 19:38:59 - Finished Stage 1, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 19:38:59 - Starting Stage 0, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 19:39:01 - Finished Stage 0, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 19:39:01 - Sleep start time: 1109751
2024-07-18 19:39:01 - Sleep time: 300000
2024-07-18 19:39:01 - Test 10 - Sleeping (299 seconds remaining)
2024-07-18 19:39:31 - Slept for 30 seconds
2024-07-18 19:39:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:39:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:39:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:39:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:39:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:39:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:39:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:39:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:39:32 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:39:32 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:39:33 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 19:40:01 - Slept for 60 seconds
2024-07-18 19:40:31 - Slept for 90 seconds
2024-07-18 19:40:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:40:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:40:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:40:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:40:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:40:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:40:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:40:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:40:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:40:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:40:33 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 19:41:01 - Slept for 120 seconds
2024-07-18 19:41:31 - Slept for 150 seconds
2024-07-18 19:41:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:41:32 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:41:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:41:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:41:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:41:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:41:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:41:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:41:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:41:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:41:33 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 19:42:02 - Slept for 181 seconds
2024-07-18 19:42:32 - Slept for 211 seconds
2024-07-18 19:42:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:42:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:42:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:42:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:42:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:42:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:42:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:42:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:42:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:42:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:42:33 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 19:43:02 - Slept for 241 seconds
2024-07-18 19:43:32 - Slept for 271 seconds
2024-07-18 19:43:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:43:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:43:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:43:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:43:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:43:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:43:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:43:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:43:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:43:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:43:33 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 19:44:01 - Starting Stage 1, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 19:44:04 - Finished Stage 1, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 19:44:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 610.143s (Test 10 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:44:04 - Running test #13 (Test 13 [Hammer test])
2024-07-18 19:44:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x50415353
2024-07-18 19:44:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 1413078 ms
2024-07-18 19:44:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:44:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:44:04 - Start double-sided hammer test (0x0 - 0x10000000000, Step size: 0x1000000)
2024-07-18 19:44:04 - Using random pattern
2024-07-18 19:44:04 - # of segments to hammer: 15 (SegSize=2048MB, SkipSize=0MB)
2024-07-18 19:44:08 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 2 CPUs (679MB each) [0xB021000 - 0x5FFBF000]
2024-07-18 19:44:15 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x100000000 - 0x180000000]
2024-07-18 19:44:19 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x180006000 - 0x200006000]
2024-07-18 19:44:23 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x200006000 - 0x280006000]
2024-07-18 19:44:26 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x280006000 - 0x300006000]
2024-07-18 19:44:30 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x300006000 - 0x380006000]
2024-07-18 19:44:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:44:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:44:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:44:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:44:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:44:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:44:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:44:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:44:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:44:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:44:33 - Current CPU temperature: 68C
2024-07-18 19:44:35 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x380006000 - 0x400006000]
2024-07-18 19:44:38 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x400006000 - 0x480006000]
2024-07-18 19:44:42 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x480006000 - 0x500006000]
2024-07-18 19:44:46 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x500006000 - 0x580006000]
2024-07-18 19:44:50 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x580006000 - 0x600006000]
2024-07-18 19:44:54 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x600006000 - 0x680006000]
2024-07-18 19:44:58 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x680006000 - 0x700006000]
2024-07-18 19:45:02 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x700006000 - 0x780006000]
2024-07-18 19:45:06 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x780006000 - 0x800006000]
2024-07-18 19:45:10 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 3 CPUs (671MB each) [0x800006000 - 0x87DF00000]
2024-07-18 19:45:13 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 68.744s (Test 13 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:45:13 - Finished pass #1 (of 4) (Cumulative error count: 1, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:45:13 - Starting pass #2 (of 4)
2024-07-18 19:45:13 - Running test #0 (Test 0 [Address test, walking ones, 1 CPU])
2024-07-18 19:45:13 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xC7C618E1
2024-07-18 19:45:13 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 1481970 ms
2024-07-18 19:45:13 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:45:13 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:45:13 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:45:14 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 0.672s (Test 0 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:45:14 - Running test #1 (Test 1 [Address test, own address, 1 CPU])
2024-07-18 19:45:14 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xA368F406
2024-07-18 19:45:14 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 1482766 ms
2024-07-18 19:45:14 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:45:14 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:45:14 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:45:17 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 3.341s (Test 1 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:45:17 - Running test #2 (Test 2 [Address test, own address])
2024-07-18 19:45:17 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x6DE5F604
2024-07-18 19:45:17 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 1486219 ms
2024-07-18 19:45:17 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:45:17 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:45:17 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:45:26 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 8.658s (Test 2 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:45:26 - Running test #3 (Test 3 [Moving inversions, ones & zeroes])
2024-07-18 19:45:26 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x06F57531
2024-07-18 19:45:26 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 1494989 ms
2024-07-18 19:45:26 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:45:26 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:45:26 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:45:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:45:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:45:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:45:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:45:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:45:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:45:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:45:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:45:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:45:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:45:33 - Current CPU temperature: 70C
2024-07-18 19:46:00 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 33.682s (Test 3 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:46:00 - Running test #4 (Test 4 [Moving inversions, 8-bit pattern])
2024-07-18 19:46:00 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x024E9789
2024-07-18 19:46:00 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 1528783 ms
2024-07-18 19:46:00 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:46:00 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:46:00 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:46:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:46:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:46:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:46:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:46:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:46:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:46:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:46:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:46:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:46:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:46:33 - Current CPU temperature: 71C
2024-07-18 19:47:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:47:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:47:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:47:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:47:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:47:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:47:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:47:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:47:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:47:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:47:33 - Current CPU temperature: 72C
2024-07-18 19:48:06 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 126.265s (Test 4 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:48:06 - Running test #5 (Test 5 [Moving inversions, random pattern])
2024-07-18 19:48:06 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x4F249FB4
2024-07-18 19:48:06 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 1655161 ms
2024-07-18 19:48:06 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:48:06 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:48:06 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:48:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:48:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:48:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:48:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:48:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:48:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:48:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:48:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:48:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:48:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:48:33 - Current CPU temperature: 71C
2024-07-18 19:49:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:49:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:49:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:49:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:49:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:49:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:49:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:49:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:49:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:49:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:49:33 - Current CPU temperature: 72C
2024-07-18 19:50:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:50:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:50:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:50:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:50:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:50:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:50:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:50:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:50:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:50:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:50:33 - Current CPU temperature: 72C
2024-07-18 19:50:57 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 171.257s (Test 5 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 19:50:57 - Running test #6 (Test 6 [Block move, 64-byte blocks])
2024-07-18 19:50:57 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xDB8547B9
2024-07-18 19:50:57 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 1826543 ms
2024-07-18 19:50:57 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 19:50:57 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 19:50:57 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 19:51:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:51:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 19:51:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:51:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:51:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:51:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:51:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:51:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:51:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:51:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:51:33 - Current CPU temperature: 54C
2024-07-18 19:52:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:52:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008B8
2024-07-18 19:52:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:52:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:52:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:52:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:52:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:52:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:52:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:52:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:52:33 - Current CPU temperature: 54C
2024-07-18 19:53:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:53:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:53:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:53:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:53:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:53:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008B8
2024-07-18 19:53:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:53:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:53:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:53:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:53:33 - Current CPU temperature: 53C
2024-07-18 19:54:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:54:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 19:54:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:54:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:54:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:54:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:54:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:54:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:54:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:54:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:54:33 - Current CPU temperature: 53C
2024-07-18 19:55:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:55:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:55:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:55:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:55:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:55:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 19:55:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:55:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:55:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:55:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:55:33 - Current CPU temperature: 53C
2024-07-18 19:56:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:56:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:56:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:56:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:56:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:56:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:56:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:56:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:56:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:56:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:56:33 - Current CPU temperature: 52C
2024-07-18 19:57:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:57:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 19:57:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:57:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:57:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:57:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 19:57:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:57:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:57:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:57:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:57:33 - Current CPU temperature: 56C
2024-07-18 19:58:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:58:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:58:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:58:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:58:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:58:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:58:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:58:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:58:33 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:58:33 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:58:34 - Current CPU temperature: 56C
2024-07-18 19:59:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:59:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 19:59:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:59:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:59:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 19:59:33 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 19:59:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 19:59:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 19:59:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:59:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 19:59:34 - Current CPU temperature: 56C
2024-07-18 20:00:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:00:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 20:00:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:00:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:00:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:00:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:00:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:00:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:00:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:00:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:00:34 - Current CPU temperature: 55C
2024-07-18 20:01:09 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 611.467s (Test 6 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:01:09 - Running test #7 (Test 7 [Moving inversions, 32-bit pattern])
2024-07-18 20:01:09 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x215E21BE
2024-07-18 20:01:09 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 2438122 ms
2024-07-18 20:01:09 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:01:09 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:01:09 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:01:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:01:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:01:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:01:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:01:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:01:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:01:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:01:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:01:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:01:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:01:34 - Current CPU temperature: 79C
2024-07-18 20:02:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:02:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:02:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:02:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:02:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:02:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:02:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:02:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:02:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:02:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:02:34 - Current CPU temperature: 76C
2024-07-18 20:03:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:03:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:03:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:03:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:03:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:03:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:03:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:03:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:03:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:03:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:03:34 - Current CPU temperature: 76C
2024-07-18 20:04:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:04:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:04:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:04:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:04:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:04:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:04:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:04:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:04:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:04:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:04:34 - Current CPU temperature: 76C
2024-07-18 20:04:47 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 7, CPU: 2, Address: 40034EF40, Expected: 00004000, Actual: 08004000
2024-07-18 20:05:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:05:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:05:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:05:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:05:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:05:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:05:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:05:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:05:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:05:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:05:34 - Current CPU temperature: 76C
2024-07-18 20:06:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:06:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:06:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:06:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:06:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:06:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:06:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:06:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:06:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:06:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:06:34 - Current CPU temperature: 76C
2024-07-18 20:07:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:07:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:07:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:07:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:07:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:07:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:07:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:07:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:07:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:07:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:07:34 - Current CPU temperature: 76C
2024-07-18 20:08:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:08:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:08:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:08:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:08:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:08:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:08:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:08:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:08:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:08:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:08:34 - Current CPU temperature: 76C
2024-07-18 20:09:32 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 503.197s (Test 7 cumulative error count: 1, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:09:32 - Running test #8 (Test 8 [Random number sequence])
2024-07-18 20:09:32 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xEB383AFB
2024-07-18 20:09:32 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 2941431 ms
2024-07-18 20:09:32 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:09:32 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:09:32 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:09:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:09:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:09:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:09:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:09:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:09:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:09:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:09:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:09:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:09:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:09:34 - Current CPU temperature: 80C
2024-07-18 20:10:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:10:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:10:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:10:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:10:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:10:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:10:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:10:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:10:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:10:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:10:34 - Current CPU temperature: 79C
2024-07-18 20:10:59 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 8, CPU: 8, Address: 3C4402908, Expected: 4301C595, Actual: 0301C595
2024-07-18 20:11:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:11:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:11:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:11:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:11:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:11:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:11:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:11:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:11:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:11:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:11:34 - Current CPU temperature: 80C
2024-07-18 20:11:55 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 8, CPU: 8, Address: 5D6E31D48, Expected: B6543560, Actual: F6543560
2024-07-18 20:12:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:12:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:12:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:12:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:12:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:12:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:12:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:12:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:12:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:12:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:12:34 - Current CPU temperature: 80C
2024-07-18 20:12:37 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 8, CPU: 6, Address: 7734B77C8, Expected: 14652848, Actual: 14752848
2024-07-18 20:13:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 211.650s (Test 8 cumulative error count: 3, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:13:04 - Running test #9 (Test 9 [Modulo 20, ones & zeros])
2024-07-18 20:13:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xA885ADEB
2024-07-18 20:13:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 3153194 ms
2024-07-18 20:13:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:13:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:13:04 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:13:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:13:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:13:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:13:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:13:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:13:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:13:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:13:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:13:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:13:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:13:35 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 20:14:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:14:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:14:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:14:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:14:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:14:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:14:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:14:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:14:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:14:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:14:34 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 20:15:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:15:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:15:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:15:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:15:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:15:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:15:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:15:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:15:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:15:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:15:35 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 20:15:42 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 4, Address: 355110100, Expected: EB95C909, Actual: EB97C909
2024-07-18 20:16:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:16:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:16:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:16:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:16:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:16:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:16:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:16:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:16:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:16:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:16:35 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 20:16:47 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 10, Address: 46A681B08, Expected: 178B85C2, Actual: 179B85C2
2024-07-18 20:17:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:17:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:17:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:17:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:17:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:17:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:17:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:17:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:17:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:17:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:17:35 - Current CPU temperature: 79C
2024-07-18 20:17:56 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 2, Address: 5B3FA8D00, Expected: 8CCFAA3A, Actual: 8CCDAA3A
2024-07-18 20:17:56 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 0, Address: 5B46B6B00, Expected: 7EACF174, Actual: 7EAEF174
2024-07-18 20:18:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:18:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:18:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:18:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:18:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:18:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:18:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:18:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:18:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:18:34 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:18:35 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 20:19:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:19:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:19:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:19:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:19:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:19:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:19:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:19:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:19:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:19:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:19:35 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 20:20:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:20:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:20:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:20:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:20:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:20:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:20:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:20:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:20:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:20:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:20:35 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 20:20:36 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 452.374s (Test 9 cumulative error count: 5, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:20:36 - Running test #10 (Test 10 [Bit fade test, 2 patterns, 1 CPU])
2024-07-18 20:20:36 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xD4BB1679
2024-07-18 20:20:37 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 3605693 ms
2024-07-18 20:20:37 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:20:37 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:20:37 - Start bit fade test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:20:37 - Starting Stage 0, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 20:20:38 - Finished Stage 0, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 20:20:38 - Sleep start time: 3607553
2024-07-18 20:20:38 - Sleep time: 300000
2024-07-18 20:20:38 - Test 10 - Sleeping (299 seconds remaining)
2024-07-18 20:21:08 - Slept for 30 seconds
2024-07-18 20:21:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:21:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:21:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:21:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:21:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:21:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:21:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:21:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:21:34 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:21:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:21:35 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 20:21:39 - Slept for 60 seconds
2024-07-18 20:22:09 - Slept for 90 seconds
2024-07-18 20:22:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:22:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:22:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:22:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:22:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:22:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:22:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:22:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:22:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:22:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:22:35 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 20:22:39 - Slept for 120 seconds
2024-07-18 20:23:09 - Slept for 150 seconds
2024-07-18 20:23:34 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:23:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:23:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:23:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:23:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:23:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:23:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:23:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:23:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:23:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:23:35 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 20:23:40 - Slept for 181 seconds
2024-07-18 20:24:10 - Slept for 211 seconds
2024-07-18 20:24:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:24:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:24:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:24:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:24:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:24:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:24:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:24:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:24:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:24:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:24:35 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 20:24:40 - Slept for 241 seconds
2024-07-18 20:25:10 - Slept for 271 seconds
2024-07-18 20:25:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:25:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:25:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:25:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:25:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:25:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:25:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:25:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:25:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:25:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:25:35 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 20:25:38 - Starting Stage 1, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 20:25:42 - Finished Stage 1, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 20:25:42 - Starting Stage 0, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 20:25:43 - Finished Stage 0, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 20:25:43 - Sleep start time: 3912590
2024-07-18 20:25:43 - Sleep time: 300000
2024-07-18 20:25:43 - Test 10 - Sleeping (299 seconds remaining)
2024-07-18 20:26:14 - Slept for 30 seconds
2024-07-18 20:26:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:26:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:26:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:26:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:26:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:26:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:26:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:26:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:26:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:26:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:26:35 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 20:26:44 - Slept for 60 seconds
2024-07-18 20:27:14 - Slept for 90 seconds
2024-07-18 20:27:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:27:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:27:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:27:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:27:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:27:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:27:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:27:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:27:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:27:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:27:35 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 20:27:44 - Slept for 120 seconds
2024-07-18 20:28:14 - Slept for 150 seconds
2024-07-18 20:28:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:28:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:28:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:28:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:28:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:28:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:28:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:28:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:28:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:28:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:28:35 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 20:28:45 - Slept for 181 seconds
2024-07-18 20:29:15 - Slept for 211 seconds
2024-07-18 20:29:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:29:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:29:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:29:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:29:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:29:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:29:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:29:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:29:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:29:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:29:35 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 20:29:45 - Slept for 241 seconds
2024-07-18 20:30:15 - Slept for 271 seconds
2024-07-18 20:30:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:30:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:30:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:30:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:30:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:30:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:30:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:30:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:30:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:30:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:30:35 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 20:30:43 - Starting Stage 1, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 20:30:47 - Finished Stage 1, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 20:30:47 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 610.124s (Test 10 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:30:47 - Running test #13 (Test 13 [Hammer test])
2024-07-18 20:30:47 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xA57E07DD
2024-07-18 20:30:47 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 4215930 ms
2024-07-18 20:30:47 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:30:47 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:30:47 - Start double-sided hammer test (0x0 - 0x10000000000, Step size: 0x1000000)
2024-07-18 20:30:47 - Using random pattern
2024-07-18 20:30:47 - # of segments to hammer: 15 (SegSize=2048MB, SkipSize=0MB)
2024-07-18 20:30:52 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 2 CPUs (679MB each) [0xB021000 - 0x5FFBF000]
2024-07-18 20:31:06 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x100000000 - 0x180000000]
2024-07-18 20:31:15 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x180006000 - 0x200006000]
2024-07-18 20:31:23 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x200006000 - 0x280006000]
2024-07-18 20:31:32 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x280006000 - 0x300006000]
2024-07-18 20:31:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:31:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:31:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:31:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:31:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:31:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:31:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:31:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:31:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:31:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:31:35 - Current CPU temperature: 62C
2024-07-18 20:31:41 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x300006000 - 0x380006000]
2024-07-18 20:31:50 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x380006000 - 0x400006000]
2024-07-18 20:31:59 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x400006000 - 0x480006000]
2024-07-18 20:32:07 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x480006000 - 0x500006000]
2024-07-18 20:32:16 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x500006000 - 0x580006000]
2024-07-18 20:32:25 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x580006000 - 0x600006000]
2024-07-18 20:32:34 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x600006000 - 0x680006000]
2024-07-18 20:32:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:32:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008B8
2024-07-18 20:32:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:32:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:32:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:32:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:32:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:32:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:32:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:32:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:32:35 - Current CPU temperature: 65C
2024-07-18 20:32:43 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x680006000 - 0x700006000]
2024-07-18 20:32:51 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x700006000 - 0x780006000]
2024-07-18 20:33:00 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x780006000 - 0x800006000]
2024-07-18 20:33:09 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 3 CPUs (671MB each) [0x800006000 - 0x87DF00000]
2024-07-18 20:33:18 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 151.378s (Test 13 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:33:18 - Finished pass #2 (of 4) (Cumulative error count: 9, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:33:18 - Starting pass #3 (of 4)
2024-07-18 20:33:18 - Running test #0 (Test 0 [Address test, walking ones, 1 CPU])
2024-07-18 20:33:18 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x77ABA660
2024-07-18 20:33:18 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 4367456 ms
2024-07-18 20:33:18 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:33:18 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:33:18 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:33:19 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 0.671s (Test 0 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:33:19 - Running test #1 (Test 1 [Address test, own address, 1 CPU])
2024-07-18 20:33:19 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x5309344E
2024-07-18 20:33:19 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 4368254 ms
2024-07-18 20:33:19 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:33:19 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:33:19 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:33:22 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 3.341s (Test 1 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:33:23 - Running test #2 (Test 2 [Address test, own address])
2024-07-18 20:33:23 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x1E7BFED0
2024-07-18 20:33:23 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 4371707 ms
2024-07-18 20:33:23 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:33:23 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:33:23 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:33:31 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 8.655s (Test 2 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:33:31 - Running test #3 (Test 3 [Moving inversions, ones & zeroes])
2024-07-18 20:33:31 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xB6BDC09D
2024-07-18 20:33:31 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 4380486 ms
2024-07-18 20:33:31 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:33:31 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:33:31 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:33:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:33:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:33:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:33:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:33:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:33:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:33:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:33:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:33:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:33:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:33:35 - Current CPU temperature: 71C
2024-07-18 20:34:05 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 33.571s (Test 3 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:34:05 - Running test #4 (Test 4 [Moving inversions, 8-bit pattern])
2024-07-18 20:34:05 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x961A1B25
2024-07-18 20:34:05 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 4414169 ms
2024-07-18 20:34:05 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:34:05 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:34:05 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:34:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:34:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:34:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:34:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:34:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:34:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:34:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:34:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:34:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:34:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:34:36 - Current CPU temperature: 71C
2024-07-18 20:35:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:35:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:35:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:35:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:35:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:35:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:35:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:35:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:35:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:35:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:35:36 - Current CPU temperature: 72C
2024-07-18 20:36:11 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 126.265s (Test 4 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:36:11 - Running test #5 (Test 5 [Moving inversions, random pattern])
2024-07-18 20:36:11 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xE2D69B02
2024-07-18 20:36:11 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 4540547 ms
2024-07-18 20:36:11 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:36:11 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:36:11 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:36:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:36:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:36:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:36:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:36:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:36:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:36:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:36:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:36:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:36:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:36:36 - Current CPU temperature: 72C
2024-07-18 20:37:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:37:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:37:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:37:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:37:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:37:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:37:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:37:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:37:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:37:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:37:36 - Current CPU temperature: 72C
2024-07-18 20:38:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:38:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:38:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:38:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:38:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:38:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:38:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:38:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:38:35 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:38:35 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:38:36 - Current CPU temperature: 72C
2024-07-18 20:39:03 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 171.158s (Test 5 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:39:03 - Running test #6 (Test 6 [Block move, 64-byte blocks])
2024-07-18 20:39:03 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x54191A63
2024-07-18 20:39:03 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 4711831 ms
2024-07-18 20:39:03 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:39:03 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:39:03 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:39:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:39:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:39:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:39:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:39:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:39:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008B8
2024-07-18 20:39:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:39:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:39:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:39:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:39:36 - Current CPU temperature: 56C
2024-07-18 20:40:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:40:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:40:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:40:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:40:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:40:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:40:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:40:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:40:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:40:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:40:36 - Current CPU temperature: 56C
2024-07-18 20:41:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:41:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:41:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:41:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:41:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:41:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:41:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:41:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:41:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:41:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:41:36 - Current CPU temperature: 55C
2024-07-18 20:42:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:42:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 20:42:35 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:42:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:42:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:42:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:42:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:42:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:42:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:42:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:42:36 - Current CPU temperature: 55C
2024-07-18 20:43:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:43:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:43:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:43:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:43:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:43:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008B8
2024-07-18 20:43:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:43:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:43:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:43:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:43:36 - Current CPU temperature: 54C
2024-07-18 20:44:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:44:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:44:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:44:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:44:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:44:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:44:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:44:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:44:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:44:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:44:36 - Current CPU temperature: 54C
2024-07-18 20:45:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:45:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:45:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:45:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:45:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:45:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 20:45:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:45:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:45:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:45:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:45:36 - Current CPU temperature: 54C
2024-07-18 20:46:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:46:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:46:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:46:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:46:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:46:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 20:46:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:46:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:46:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:46:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:46:36 - Current CPU temperature: 53C
2024-07-18 20:47:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:47:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 20:47:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:47:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:47:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:47:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:47:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:47:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:47:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:47:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:47:36 - Current CPU temperature: 53C
2024-07-18 20:48:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:48:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008B8
2024-07-18 20:48:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:48:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:48:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:48:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 20:48:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:48:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:48:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:48:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:48:36 - Current CPU temperature: 56C
2024-07-18 20:49:14 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 611.264s (Test 6 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:49:14 - Running test #7 (Test 7 [Moving inversions, 32-bit pattern])
2024-07-18 20:49:14 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x60D95EB5
2024-07-18 20:49:14 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 5323207 ms
2024-07-18 20:49:14 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:49:14 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:49:14 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:49:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:49:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:49:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:49:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:49:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:49:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:49:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:49:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:49:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:49:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:49:36 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 20:50:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:50:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:50:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:50:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:50:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:50:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:50:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:50:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:50:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:50:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:50:36 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 20:50:58 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 7, CPU: 2, Address: 229D8EBC0, Expected: FFFFDFFF, Actual: F7FFDFFF
2024-07-18 20:51:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:51:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:51:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:51:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:51:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:51:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:51:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:51:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:51:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:51:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:51:36 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 20:52:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:52:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:52:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:52:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:52:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:52:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:52:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:52:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:52:36 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:52:36 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:52:36 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 20:53:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:53:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:53:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:53:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:53:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:53:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:53:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:53:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:53:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:53:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:53:37 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 20:54:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:54:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:54:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:54:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:54:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:54:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:54:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:54:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:54:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:54:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:54:37 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 20:55:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:55:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:55:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:55:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:55:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:55:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:55:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:55:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:55:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:55:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:55:37 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 20:55:40 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 7, CPU: 2, Address: 692BED540, Expected: FFFFF7FF, Actual: F7FFF7FF
2024-07-18 20:56:36 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:56:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:56:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:56:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:56:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:56:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:56:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:56:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:56:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:56:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:56:37 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 503.127s (Test 7 cumulative error count: 3, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - Running test #8 (Test 8 [Random number sequence])
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x16F95C3B
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 5826446 ms
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 20:57:37 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 20:58:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:58:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:58:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:58:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:58:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:58:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:58:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:58:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:58:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:58:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:58:37 - Current CPU temperature: 80C
2024-07-18 20:59:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:59:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:59:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:59:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:59:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 20:59:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 20:59:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 20:59:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 20:59:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:59:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 20:59:37 - Current CPU temperature: 80C
2024-07-18 20:59:39 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 8, CPU: 8, Address: 51C0D2380, Expected: A712B065, Actual: A612B065
2024-07-18 21:00:19 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 8, CPU: 6, Address: 698353B48, Expected: 6509236E, Actual: 2509236E
2024-07-18 21:00:22 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 8, CPU: 4, Address: 6AF3DB308, Expected: D1A25173, Actual: D1B25173
2024-07-18 21:00:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:00:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008B8
2024-07-18 21:00:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:00:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:00:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:00:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:00:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:00:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:00:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:00:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:00:37 - Current CPU temperature: 80C
2024-07-18 21:01:09 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 211.320s (Test 8 cumulative error count: 6, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:01:09 - Running test #9 (Test 9 [Modulo 20, ones & zeros])
2024-07-18 21:01:09 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x77A864C3
2024-07-18 21:01:09 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 6037878 ms
2024-07-18 21:01:09 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:01:09 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:01:09 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:01:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:01:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:01:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:01:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:01:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:01:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:01:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:01:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:01:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:01:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:01:37 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:02:26 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 6, Address: 1EAF119C8, Expected: 02342DC5, Actual: 02362DC5
2024-07-18 21:02:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:02:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:02:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:02:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:02:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:02:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:02:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:02:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:02:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:02:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:02:37 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 21:03:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:03:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:03:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:03:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:03:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:03:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:03:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:03:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:03:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:03:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:03:37 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:04:08 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 10, Address: 3B9010B40, Expected: 5ACB1E93, Actual: 5AC91E93
2024-07-18 21:04:24 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 10, Address: 400B00788, Expected: 9AA54058, Actual: 9AA74058
2024-07-18 21:04:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:04:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:04:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:04:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:04:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:04:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:04:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:04:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:04:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:04:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:04:37 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:05:29 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 6, Address: 51ACBF380, Expected: 59C61B12, Actual: 59C41B12
2024-07-18 21:05:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:05:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:05:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:05:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:05:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:05:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:05:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:05:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:05:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:05:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:05:37 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:05:50 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 2, Address: 573CDD300, Expected: B12D1E64, Actual: B12F1E64
2024-07-18 21:06:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:06:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:06:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:06:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:06:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:06:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:06:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:06:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:06:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:06:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:06:37 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:07:28 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 4, Address: 7278FA508, Expected: BAF918AD, Actual: BAFB18AD
2024-07-18 21:07:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:07:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:07:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:07:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:07:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:07:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:07:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:07:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:07:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:07:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:07:37 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:08:22 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 8, Address: 81F68A308, Expected: 4101171B, Actual: 4100171B
2024-07-18 21:08:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:08:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:08:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:08:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:08:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:08:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:08:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:08:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:08:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:08:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:08:37 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:08:41 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 451.906s (Test 9 cumulative error count: 12, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:08:41 - Running test #10 (Test 10 [Bit fade test, 2 patterns, 1 CPU])
2024-07-18 21:08:41 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x20C7FBF3
2024-07-18 21:08:41 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 6489898 ms
2024-07-18 21:08:41 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:08:41 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:08:41 - Start bit fade test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:08:41 - Starting Stage 0, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 21:08:43 - Finished Stage 0, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 21:08:43 - Sleep start time: 6491758
2024-07-18 21:08:43 - Sleep time: 300000
2024-07-18 21:08:43 - Test 10 - Sleeping (299 seconds remaining)
2024-07-18 21:09:13 - Slept for 30 seconds
2024-07-18 21:09:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:09:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:09:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:09:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:09:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:09:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:09:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:09:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:09:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:09:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:09:37 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:09:43 - Slept for 60 seconds
2024-07-18 21:10:13 - Slept for 90 seconds
2024-07-18 21:10:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:10:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:10:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:10:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:10:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:10:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:10:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:10:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:10:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:10:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:10:37 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:10:43 - Slept for 120 seconds
2024-07-18 21:11:13 - Slept for 150 seconds
2024-07-18 21:11:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:11:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:11:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:11:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:11:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:11:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:11:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:11:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:11:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:11:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:11:37 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:11:44 - Slept for 181 seconds
2024-07-18 21:12:14 - Slept for 211 seconds
2024-07-18 21:12:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:12:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:12:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:12:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:12:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:12:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:12:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:12:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:12:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:12:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:12:37 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:12:44 - Slept for 241 seconds
2024-07-18 21:13:14 - Slept for 271 seconds
2024-07-18 21:13:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:13:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:13:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:13:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:13:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:13:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:13:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:13:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:13:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:13:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:13:37 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:13:43 - Starting Stage 1, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 21:13:46 - Finished Stage 1, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 21:13:46 - Starting Stage 0, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 21:13:48 - Finished Stage 0, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 21:13:48 - Sleep start time: 6796811
2024-07-18 21:13:48 - Sleep time: 300000
2024-07-18 21:13:48 - Test 10 - Sleeping (299 seconds remaining)
2024-07-18 21:14:18 - Slept for 30 seconds
2024-07-18 21:14:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:14:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:14:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:14:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:14:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:14:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:14:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:14:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:14:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:14:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:14:37 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:14:48 - Slept for 60 seconds
2024-07-18 21:15:18 - Slept for 90 seconds
2024-07-18 21:15:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:15:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:15:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:15:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:15:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:15:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:15:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:15:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:15:37 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:15:37 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:15:38 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:15:48 - Slept for 120 seconds
2024-07-18 21:16:19 - Slept for 150 seconds
2024-07-18 21:16:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:16:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:16:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:16:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:16:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:16:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:16:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:16:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:16:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:16:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:16:38 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:16:49 - Slept for 181 seconds
2024-07-18 21:17:19 - Slept for 211 seconds
2024-07-18 21:17:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:17:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:17:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:17:37 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:17:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:17:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:17:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:17:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:17:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:17:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:17:38 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:17:49 - Slept for 241 seconds
2024-07-18 21:18:19 - Slept for 271 seconds
2024-07-18 21:18:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:18:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:18:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:18:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:18:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:18:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:18:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:18:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:18:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:18:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:18:38 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:18:48 - Starting Stage 1, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 21:18:51 - Finished Stage 1, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 21:18:51 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 610.124s (Test 10 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:18:51 - Running test #13 (Test 13 [Hammer test])
2024-07-18 21:18:51 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xF2E05469
2024-07-18 21:18:51 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 7100150 ms
2024-07-18 21:18:51 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:18:51 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:18:51 - Start double-sided hammer test (0x0 - 0x10000000000, Step size: 0x1000000)
2024-07-18 21:18:51 - Using random pattern
2024-07-18 21:18:51 - # of segments to hammer: 15 (SegSize=2048MB, SkipSize=0MB)
2024-07-18 21:18:56 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 2 CPUs (679MB each) [0xB021000 - 0x5FFBF000]
2024-07-18 21:19:10 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x100000000 - 0x180000000]
2024-07-18 21:19:18 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x180006000 - 0x200006000]
2024-07-18 21:19:27 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x200006000 - 0x280006000]
2024-07-18 21:19:35 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x280006000 - 0x300006000]
2024-07-18 21:19:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:19:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 21:19:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:19:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:19:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:19:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:19:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:19:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:19:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:19:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:19:38 - Current CPU temperature: 63C
2024-07-18 21:19:44 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x300006000 - 0x380006000]
2024-07-18 21:19:53 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x380006000 - 0x400006000]
2024-07-18 21:20:01 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x400006000 - 0x480006000]
2024-07-18 21:20:10 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x480006000 - 0x500006000]
2024-07-18 21:20:19 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x500006000 - 0x580006000]
2024-07-18 21:20:27 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x580006000 - 0x600006000]
2024-07-18 21:20:36 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x600006000 - 0x680006000]
2024-07-18 21:20:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:20:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 21:20:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:20:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:20:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:20:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:20:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:20:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:20:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:20:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:20:38 - Current CPU temperature: 64C
2024-07-18 21:20:45 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x680006000 - 0x700006000]
2024-07-18 21:20:53 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x700006000 - 0x780006000]
2024-07-18 21:21:02 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x780006000 - 0x800006000]
2024-07-18 21:21:11 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 3 CPUs (671MB each) [0x800006000 - 0x87DF00000]
2024-07-18 21:21:20 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 148.787s (Test 13 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:21:20 - Finished pass #3 (of 4) (Cumulative error count: 21, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:21:20 - Starting pass #4 (of 4)
2024-07-18 21:21:20 - Running test #0 (Test 0 [Address test, walking ones, 1 CPU])
2024-07-18 21:21:20 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xF260ACC9
2024-07-18 21:21:20 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 7249098 ms
2024-07-18 21:21:20 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:21:20 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:21:20 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:21:21 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 0.672s (Test 0 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:21:21 - Running test #1 (Test 1 [Address test, own address, 1 CPU])
2024-07-18 21:21:21 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xD1096C7F
2024-07-18 21:21:21 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 7249892 ms
2024-07-18 21:21:21 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:21:21 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:21:21 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:21:24 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 3.341s (Test 1 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:21:24 - Running test #2 (Test 2 [Address test, own address])
2024-07-18 21:21:24 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x986C3D1E
2024-07-18 21:21:24 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 7253345 ms
2024-07-18 21:21:24 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:21:24 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:21:24 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:21:33 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 8.700s (Test 2 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:21:33 - Running test #3 (Test 3 [Moving inversions, ones & zeroes])
2024-07-18 21:21:33 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x3D5E4D83
2024-07-18 21:21:33 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 7262158 ms
2024-07-18 21:21:33 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:21:33 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:21:33 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:21:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:21:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:21:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:21:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:21:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:21:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:21:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:21:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:21:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:21:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:21:38 - Current CPU temperature: 70C
2024-07-18 21:22:07 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 33.682s (Test 3 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:22:07 - Running test #4 (Test 4 [Moving inversions, 8-bit pattern])
2024-07-18 21:22:07 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x38AB35C4
2024-07-18 21:22:07 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 7295952 ms
2024-07-18 21:22:07 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:22:07 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:22:07 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:22:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:22:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:22:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:22:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:22:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:22:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:22:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:22:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:22:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:22:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:22:38 - Current CPU temperature: 72C
2024-07-18 21:23:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:23:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:23:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:23:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:23:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:23:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:23:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:23:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:23:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:23:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:23:38 - Current CPU temperature: 72C
2024-07-18 21:24:13 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 126.265s (Test 4 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:24:13 - Running test #5 (Test 5 [Moving inversions, random pattern])
2024-07-18 21:24:13 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x85800AC8
2024-07-18 21:24:13 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 7422331 ms
2024-07-18 21:24:13 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:24:13 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:24:13 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:24:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:24:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:24:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:24:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:24:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:24:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:24:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:24:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:24:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:24:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:24:38 - Current CPU temperature: 72C
2024-07-18 21:25:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:25:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:25:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:25:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:25:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:25:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:25:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:25:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:25:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:25:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:25:38 - Current CPU temperature: 72C
2024-07-18 21:26:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:26:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:26:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:26:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:26:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:26:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:26:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:26:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:26:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:26:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:26:38 - Current CPU temperature: 72C
2024-07-18 21:27:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 171.057s (Test 5 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:27:04 - Running test #6 (Test 6 [Block move, 64-byte blocks])
2024-07-18 21:27:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xD6C028E1
2024-07-18 21:27:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 7593501 ms
2024-07-18 21:27:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:27:04 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:27:04 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:27:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:27:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008B8
2024-07-18 21:27:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:27:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:27:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:27:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:27:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:27:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:27:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:27:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:27:38 - Current CPU temperature: 56C
2024-07-18 21:28:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:28:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 21:28:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:28:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:28:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:28:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:28:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:28:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:28:38 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:28:38 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:28:38 - Current CPU temperature: 56C
2024-07-18 21:29:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:29:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:29:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:29:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:29:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:29:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:29:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:29:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:29:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:29:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:29:39 - Current CPU temperature: 54C
2024-07-18 21:30:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:30:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:30:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:30:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:30:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:30:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:30:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:30:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:30:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:30:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:30:39 - Current CPU temperature: 55C
2024-07-18 21:31:38 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:31:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:31:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:31:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:31:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:31:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:31:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:31:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:31:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:31:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:31:39 - Current CPU temperature: 54C
2024-07-18 21:32:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:32:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:32:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:32:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:32:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:32:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 21:32:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:32:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:32:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:32:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:32:39 - Current CPU temperature: 53C
2024-07-18 21:33:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:33:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:33:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:33:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:33:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:33:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008B8
2024-07-18 21:33:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:33:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:33:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:33:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:33:39 - Current CPU temperature: 53C
2024-07-18 21:34:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:34:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:34:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:34:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:34:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:34:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 21:34:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:34:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:34:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:34:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:34:39 - Current CPU temperature: 53C
2024-07-18 21:35:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:35:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 21:35:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:35:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:35:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:35:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 21:35:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:35:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:35:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:35:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:35:39 - Current CPU temperature: 57C
2024-07-18 21:36:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:36:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008B8
2024-07-18 21:36:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:36:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:36:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:36:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 21:36:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:36:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:36:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:36:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:36:39 - Current CPU temperature: 56C
2024-07-18 21:37:16 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 611.278s (Test 6 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:37:16 - Running test #7 (Test 7 [Moving inversions, 32-bit pattern])
2024-07-18 21:37:16 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xE7A3A7D8
2024-07-18 21:37:16 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 8204902 ms
2024-07-18 21:37:16 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:37:16 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:37:16 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:37:36 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 7, CPU: 6, Address: 43E5BBC0, Expected: FFFEFFFF, Actual: FFFCFFFF
2024-07-18 21:37:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:37:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:37:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:37:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:37:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:37:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:37:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:37:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:37:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:37:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:37:39 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 21:38:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:38:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:38:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:38:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:38:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:38:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:38:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:38:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:38:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:38:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:38:39 - Current CPU temperature: 76C
2024-07-18 21:39:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:39:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008B8
2024-07-18 21:39:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:39:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:39:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:39:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:39:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:39:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:39:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:39:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:39:39 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 21:40:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:40:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:40:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:40:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:40:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:40:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:40:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:40:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:40:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:40:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:40:39 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 21:41:00 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 7, CPU: 4, Address: 41764ED48, Expected: BFFFFFFF, Actual: FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 21:41:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:41:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:41:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:41:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:41:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:41:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:41:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:41:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:41:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:41:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:41:39 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 21:42:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:42:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:42:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:42:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:42:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:42:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:42:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:42:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:42:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:42:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:42:39 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 21:43:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:43:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:43:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:43:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:43:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:43:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:43:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:43:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:43:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:43:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:43:39 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 21:44:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:44:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:44:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:44:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:44:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:44:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:44:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:44:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:44:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:44:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:44:39 - Current CPU temperature: 77C
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 503.186s (Test 7 cumulative error count: 5, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - Running test #8 (Test 8 [Random number sequence])
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xB198D622
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 8708201 ms
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:45:39 - Current CPU temperature: 76C
2024-07-18 21:46:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:46:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:46:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:46:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:46:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:46:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:46:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:46:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:46:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:46:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:46:39 - Current CPU temperature: 80C
2024-07-18 21:47:27 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 8, CPU: 0, Address: 4ADB6BFC8, Expected: 141CB27F, Actual: 541CB27F
2024-07-18 21:47:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:47:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:47:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:47:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:47:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:47:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:47:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:47:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:47:39 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:47:39 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:47:40 - Current CPU temperature: 80C
2024-07-18 21:47:46 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 8, CPU: 8, Address: 5471847C0, Expected: E81753E2, Actual: E91753E2
2024-07-18 21:48:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:48:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:48:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:48:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:48:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:48:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:48:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:48:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:48:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:48:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:48:40 - Current CPU temperature: 80C
2024-07-18 21:49:09 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 8, CPU: 6, Address: 8614FA908, Expected: C88A1114, Actual: 888A1114
2024-07-18 21:49:11 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 211.639s (Test 8 cumulative error count: 9, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:49:11 - Running test #9 (Test 9 [Modulo 20, ones & zeros])
2024-07-18 21:49:11 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x6ED36070
2024-07-18 21:49:11 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 8919963 ms
2024-07-18 21:49:11 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:49:11 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:49:11 - Start memory range test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:49:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:49:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:49:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:49:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:49:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:49:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:49:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:49:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:49:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:49:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:49:40 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:50:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:50:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:50:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:50:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:50:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:50:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:50:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:50:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:50:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:50:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:50:40 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:50:50 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 10, Address: 243058D48, Expected: 4D395AB1, Actual: 4D3B5AB1
2024-07-18 21:51:01 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 6, Address: 2787F1380, Expected: 5CBE8A74, Actual: 5CBC8A74
2024-07-18 21:51:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:51:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:51:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:51:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:51:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:51:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:51:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:51:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:51:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:51:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:51:40 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:52:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:52:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:52:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:52:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:52:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:52:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:52:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:52:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:52:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:52:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:52:40 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:53:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:53:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:53:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:53:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:53:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:53:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:53:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:53:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:53:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:53:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:53:40 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:54:04 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 10, Address: 5A0E2DBC0, Expected: EEB09412, Actual: EEB29412
2024-07-18 21:54:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:54:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:54:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:54:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:54:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:54:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:54:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:54:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:54:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:54:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:54:40 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:55:14 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 2, Address: 6E8FB2748, Expected: 2F585D83, Actual: 2F485D83
2024-07-18 21:55:14 - [MEM ERROR - Data] Test: 9, CPU: 10, Address: 6D9746908, Expected: D0A7A27C, Actual: D0A5A27C
2024-07-18 21:55:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:55:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:55:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:55:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:55:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:55:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:55:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:55:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:55:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:55:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:55:40 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:56:39 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:56:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:56:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:56:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:56:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:56:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B000838
2024-07-18 21:56:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:56:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:56:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:56:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:56:40 - Current CPU temperature: 78C
2024-07-18 21:56:44 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 452.806s (Test 9 cumulative error count: 17, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 21:56:44 - Running test #10 (Test 10 [Bit fade test, 2 patterns, 1 CPU])
2024-07-18 21:56:44 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0x13BE2A96
2024-07-18 21:56:44 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 9372882 ms
2024-07-18 21:56:44 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 21:56:44 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 21:56:44 - Start bit fade test (0x0 - 0x10000000000)
2024-07-18 21:56:44 - Starting Stage 0, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 21:56:46 - Finished Stage 0, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 21:56:46 - Sleep start time: 9374727
2024-07-18 21:56:46 - Sleep time: 300000
2024-07-18 21:56:46 - Test 10 - Sleeping (299 seconds remaining)
2024-07-18 21:57:16 - Slept for 30 seconds
2024-07-18 21:57:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:57:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:57:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:57:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:57:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:57:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:57:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:57:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:57:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:57:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:57:40 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:57:46 - Slept for 60 seconds
2024-07-18 21:58:16 - Slept for 90 seconds
2024-07-18 21:58:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:58:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:58:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:58:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:58:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:58:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:58:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:58:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:58:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:58:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:58:40 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:58:46 - Slept for 120 seconds
2024-07-18 21:59:16 - Slept for 150 seconds
2024-07-18 21:59:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:59:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:59:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:59:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:59:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 21:59:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 21:59:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 21:59:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 21:59:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:59:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 21:59:40 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 21:59:47 - Slept for 181 seconds
2024-07-18 22:00:17 - Slept for 211 seconds
2024-07-18 22:00:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:00:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:00:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:00:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:00:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:00:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:00:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:00:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:00:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:00:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:00:40 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 22:00:47 - Slept for 241 seconds
2024-07-18 22:01:17 - Slept for 271 seconds
2024-07-18 22:01:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:01:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:01:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:01:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:01:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:01:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:01:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:01:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:01:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:01:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:01:40 - Current CPU temperature: 49C
2024-07-18 22:01:46 - Starting Stage 1, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 22:01:49 - Finished Stage 1, Pattern=00000000
2024-07-18 22:01:49 - Starting Stage 0, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 22:01:51 - Finished Stage 0, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 22:01:51 - Sleep start time: 9679789
2024-07-18 22:01:51 - Sleep time: 300000
2024-07-18 22:01:51 - Test 10 - Sleeping (299 seconds remaining)
2024-07-18 22:02:21 - Slept for 30 seconds
2024-07-18 22:02:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:02:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:02:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:02:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:02:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:02:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:02:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:02:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:02:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:02:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:02:40 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 22:02:51 - Slept for 60 seconds
2024-07-18 22:03:21 - Slept for 90 seconds
2024-07-18 22:03:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:03:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:03:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:03:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:03:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:03:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:03:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:03:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:03:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:03:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:03:40 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 22:03:51 - Slept for 120 seconds
2024-07-18 22:04:22 - Slept for 150 seconds
2024-07-18 22:04:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:04:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:04:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:04:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:04:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:04:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:04:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:04:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:04:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:04:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:04:40 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 22:04:52 - Slept for 181 seconds
2024-07-18 22:05:22 - Slept for 211 seconds
2024-07-18 22:05:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:05:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:05:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:05:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:05:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:05:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:05:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:05:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:05:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:05:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:05:40 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 22:05:52 - Slept for 241 seconds
2024-07-18 22:06:22 - Slept for 271 seconds
2024-07-18 22:06:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:06:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:06:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:06:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:06:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:06:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:06:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:06:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:06:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:06:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:06:40 - Current CPU temperature: 48C
2024-07-18 22:06:51 - Starting Stage 1, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 22:06:54 - Finished Stage 1, Pattern=FFFFFFFF
2024-07-18 22:06:54 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 610.147s (Test 10 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 22:06:54 - Running test #13 (Test 13 [Hammer test])
2024-07-18 22:06:54 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Setting random seed to 0xE7A135CB
2024-07-18 22:06:54 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Start time: 9983141 ms
2024-07-18 22:06:54 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache for test
2024-07-18 22:06:54 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Enabling memory cache complete
2024-07-18 22:06:54 - Start double-sided hammer test (0x0 - 0x10000000000, Step size: 0x1000000)
2024-07-18 22:06:54 - Using random pattern
2024-07-18 22:06:54 - # of segments to hammer: 15 (SegSize=2048MB, SkipSize=0MB)
2024-07-18 22:06:59 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 2 CPUs (679MB each) [0xB021000 - 0x5FFBF000]
2024-07-18 22:07:13 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x100000000 - 0x180000000]
2024-07-18 22:07:22 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x180006000 - 0x200006000]
2024-07-18 22:07:31 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x200006000 - 0x280006000]
2024-07-18 22:07:39 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x280006000 - 0x300006000]
2024-07-18 22:07:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:07:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B000878
2024-07-18 22:07:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:07:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:07:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:07:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:07:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:07:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:07:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:07:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:07:41 - Current CPU temperature: 66C
2024-07-18 22:07:48 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x300006000 - 0x380006000]
2024-07-18 22:07:57 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x380006000 - 0x400006000]
2024-07-18 22:08:06 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x400006000 - 0x480006000]
2024-07-18 22:08:15 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x480006000 - 0x500006000]
2024-07-18 22:08:23 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x500006000 - 0x580006000]
2024-07-18 22:08:32 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x580006000 - 0x600006000]
2024-07-18 22:08:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:08:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:08:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:08:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:08:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:08:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:08:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:08:40 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:08:40 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:08:40 - Current mem timings: 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:08:40 - Current CPU temperature: 69C
2024-07-18 22:08:41 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x600006000 - 0x680006000]
2024-07-18 22:08:50 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x680006000 - 0x700006000]
2024-07-18 22:08:59 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x700006000 - 0x780006000]
2024-07-18 22:09:08 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 4 CPUs (512MB each) [0x780006000 - 0x800006000]
2024-07-18 22:09:17 - RunHammerTest - Running hammer test on 3 CPUs (671MB each) [0x800006000 - 0x87DF00000]
2024-07-18 22:09:26 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 151.633s (Test 13 cumulative error count: 0, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 22:09:26 - Finished pass #4 (of 4) (Cumulative error count: 31, buffer full count: 0)
2024-07-18 22:09:26 - Cleanup - Unlocking all memory ranges...
2024-07-18 22:09:26 - All memory ranges successfully unlocked
2024-07-18 22:09:28 - Test result: FAIL (Errors: 31)
2024-07-18 22:23:27 - Display test result summary
2024-07-18 22:24:09 - Saving test report to MemTest86-Report-20240718-192031.html
2024-07-18 22:24:09 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:24:09 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:24:09 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:24:09 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:24:09 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - Test report was successfully saved
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - Enabling graphics mode
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - Get screen size
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - Current screen size: 1024 x 768
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC0] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DramConfiguration=80050BB8
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] DebugMisc=0B0008F8
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING1=2C2C6024
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - poll_timings_ryzen_zen4 - [MC1] UMC_DRAMTIMING2=002C0092
2024-07-18 22:24:10 - get_mem_ctrl_timings - 6000 MT/s (36-44-44-96)


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Ultima modifica:
Prima cosa da fare con build AM5 nuova è aggiornare il bios. I vecchi sono afflitti da parecchi bug e instabilità sulle ram.

Aggiorna il bios e prova a ripetere memtest.

La sfilza di errori del visualizzatore eventi è abbastanza agghiacciante. I crash producono BSOD?
  • Mi piace
Reazioni: BAT
Ciao, si diciamo che le schermate blu sono abbastanza frequenti nei vari crash, comunque provo ad aggiornare il bios e vi faccio sapere!
Prima cosa da fare con build AM5 nuova è aggiornare il bios. I vecchi sono afflitti da parecchi bug e instabilità sulle ram.

Aggiorna il bios e prova a ripetere memtest.

La sfilza di errori del visualizzatore eventi è abbastanza agghiacciante. I crash producono BSOD?
Allora fatto il tutto, dopo l'aggiornamento del bios il tutto si è resettate tornando alle impostazioni di fabbrica, io tenevo le DDR5 al massimo dei mhz ossia 6000 ma a quanto pare (leggevo su dei reddit) potrebbe creare dei problemi, quindi ho deciso di lasciarle a 4800 come da automaticamente impostato.
Riprovo il memtest e per miracolo e magia 0 errori, test passato.
Non ho ancora avuto modo di verificare se durante il gaming o l'uso di programmi pesanti ci dovessero esser altri crash o errori però comunque questo mi fa ben sperare.
Se hai passato memtest poi provare a riabilitare il profilo EXPO.
Sono andato nel BIOS ed ho notato che non ho EXPO ma solo DOCP di cui ho attivato I che tra le varie modifiche ha riportato le RAM a 6000, magari questa sera provo un altro memtest
modello preciso di ram, ce ne sono di compatibili con intel, altre con amd

se ho letto bene nel test CMH32GX5M2E6000C36, sono compatibili con Intel XMP e non con AMD expo, quindi sta lì il problema
effettivamente ora che me lo fai notare il loro nome completo è "CORSAIR VENGEANCE RGB DDR5 RAM 32GB (2x16GB) 6000MHz CL36 Intel XMP" durante l'acquisto non ci avevo fatto caso 😢 dici che potrebbe esser un problema con l'attivazione della DOCP?
Sono andato nel BIOS ed ho notato che non ho EXPO ma solo DOCP di cui ho attivato I che tra le varie modifiche ha riportato le RAM a 6000, magari questa sera provo un altro memtest

effettivamente ora che me lo fai notare il loro nome completo è "CORSAIR VENGEANCE RGB DDR5 RAM 32GB (2x16GB) 6000MHz CL36 Intel XMP" durante l'acquisto non ci avevo fatto caso dici che potrebbe esser un problema con l'attivazione della DOCP?
Queste sono compatibili con Intel. Per questo a stock non ti danno errori.

Inviato dal mio Mi Note 10 Lite utilizzando Tapatalk
Sono andato nel BIOS ed ho notato che non ho EXPO ma solo DOCP di cui ho attivato I che tra le varie modifiche ha riportato le RAM a 6000, magari questa sera provo un altro memtest

effettivamente ora che me lo fai notare il loro nome completo è "CORSAIR VENGEANCE RGB DDR5 RAM 32GB (2x16GB) 6000MHz CL36 Intel XMP" durante l'acquisto non ci avevo fatto caso 😢 dici che potrebbe esser un problema con l'attivazione della DOCP?
di sicuro è quello il problema
Ok, scemo io che non l'ho notato, diciamo che ci metterò un pochino a ricomprarle quindi questa sera giusto per sicurezza provo un memtest, se dovessero uscire problemi le rimetterò a 4800 e aspetterò per comprare le giuste.
Ok, scemo io che non l'ho notato, diciamo che ci metterò un pochino a ricomprarle quindi questa sera giusto per sicurezza provo un memtest, se dovessero uscire problemi le rimetterò a 4800 e aspetterò per comprare le giuste.
ma anche se la ram non è certificata expo dovrebbe andare bene lo stesso, XMP ed expo sono la stessa cosa,

Hai sicuramente sbagliato a prendere RAM perchè su ryzen si prende la CL 30 e non con un CL così alto ma le ram dovrebbero andare bene lo stesso

evidentemente sono difettosi i banchi
ma anche se la ram non è certificata expo dovrebbe andare bene lo stesso, XMP ed expo sono la stessa cosa,
non sono uguali, i profili AMD e quelli Intel differiscono per le tensioni applicate e le latenze secondarie, anche se in teoria è possibile farle funzionare dovrebbe impostare tutto a mano nel BIOS, ci sono un sacco di voci e il risultato non è garantito (inoltre ogni cambio BIOS gli resetta tutto...)
ci metterò un pochino a ricomprarle
non ci dovresti mettere nulla, se sei nei tempi di reso fallo subito
queste sono certificate sia Intel XMP 3.0 che per AMD-EXPO (contengono entrambi ii profili):
queste sono certificate AMD-EXPO;
prenderei un kit Corsair, son i più testati

DEVI in ogni caso aggiornare il BIOS della mobo all'ultima versione (non-beta) disponibile