DOMANDA Backup reflex canon su Synology



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attualmente il mio workflow per fare il backup delle foto sulla reflex è il seguente:
Collego la reflex al telefono via wifi e tramite app canon copio le foto sullo smartphone, che poi in automatico fa il backup sul Synology tramite la sua app DSPhoto ( che adesso si chiama in modo diverso ).

C'è un modo più rapido e diretto per fare il backup delle foto della reflex sul synology e sbatterle dentro al ds photo?
vedi se può essere d'aiuto questo:
I use Synology USB-Copy program and it works great! I bought a very small card reader, like SanDisk SD™ UHS-I Card Reader (its very small so I allways carry it on my camera bag) and configured an automatic task on the USB copy program trigered by connecting the card reader with the SD card to the front USB port.


Arrive home after a shoot -> Insert the SD card in the card reader and connect it to the fron USB port of the Synology -> A beep and blinking blue light signal that files are being automatically copyied -> when the task is finished another beep and stop of blinking blue light signal that I can remove de card safely and insert it again on my camera.

I then use lightroom to edit files from the copy destination on the Synology and store them on approprieted places on the NAS.


-I configured the copy task to delete all files from SD card after successfull copy (you can't format the card on the camera because the USB copy will then reconignized it as a different card and the task does not work)

- I also have a daily backup of the USB-copy destination to an external drive and also to an offsite synology, so files are completly safe! This folder is also constantly in synk (using Drive) to the external drive on my macbook Pro so I can edit files on the go.