Salve, come da titolo mi ritrovo con un problema abbastanza singolare. Dal 6/07/2018 ho cadute di connessione dal modem (perdita dell'allineamento) nella fascia oraria 08.00-17.00, anche fino a 36, mentre dalle 17.00 fino alle 08:00 del giorno successivo nessuna, o al massimo un paio. Con i tecnici della telecom si è provato di tutto, dal semplice aggiornamento del firmware del modem al cambio dei filtri adsl, al downgrade delle prestazioni, ma il problema è rimasto inalterato.
Attualmente ho una linea con la maggior parte dei cavi nuovi (è intervenuta una ditta esterna a marzo per sostituirli, perchè era molto degradata), da marzo 2018 fino al 6 luglio 2018 nessun problema. Sono molto distante dalla centrale, vivendo in campagna, ma nonostante ciò ho 17 mega in download e 1.2 in upload. Mi rivolgo a voi perchè la telecom, non riuscendo a risolvere questo mio problema, ha deciso di non aiutarmi più, catalogando la mia linea come non migliorabile, nonostante appunto il problema si presenta solo ed esclusivamente in quella fascia oraria (quindi la mia linea è praticamente perfetta nel resto del giorno). Vi allego il log del modem di oggi 12/09/2018:
Vi ringrazio in anticipo.
Attualmente ho una linea con la maggior parte dei cavi nuovi (è intervenuta una ditta esterna a marzo per sostituirli, perchè era molto degradata), da marzo 2018 fino al 6 luglio 2018 nessun problema. Sono molto distante dalla centrale, vivendo in campagna, ma nonostante ciò ho 17 mega in download e 1.2 in upload. Mi rivolgo a voi perchè la telecom, non riuscendo a risolvere questo mio problema, ha deciso di non aiutarmi più, catalogando la mia linea come non migliorabile, nonostante appunto il problema si presenta solo ed esclusivamente in quella fascia oraria (quindi la mia linea è praticamente perfetta nel resto del giorno). Vi allego il log del modem di oggi 12/09/2018:
12.09.2018 12:26:30 User has successfully logged into web-ui(
12.09.2018 12:24:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 12:12:06 Web-ui session has timed out
12.09.2018 12:11:53 DHCP is active: 12.09.2018 12:11:53 WLAN DESKTOP-MJ7G33G 02:0F:B5:B7:80:16; 21600
12.09.2018 12:11:24 WLAN station successfully connected to 2.4 GHz band. Computer name: , MAC-address: 02:0F:B5:B7:80:16
12.09.2018 12:11:10 DHCP is active: 12.09.2018 12:11:10 WLAN Galaxy-S9 02:0F:B5:40:D4:69; 21600
12.09.2018 12:11:05 WLAN station successfully connected to 2.4 GHz band. Computer name: , MAC-address: 02:0F:B5:40:D4:69
12.09.2018 12:09:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 12:06:21 DHCP is active: 12.09.2018 12:06:21 WLAN iPhone-di-Elena 70:3E:AC:76:FB:02; 21600
12.09.2018 12:06:17 WLAN station successfully connected to 2.4 GHz band. Computer name: , MAC-address: 70:3E:AC:76:FB:02
12.09.2018 12:04:57 DHCP is active: 12.09.2018 12:04:57 WLAN Galaxy-S9 02:0F:B5:40:D4:69; 21600
12.09.2018 12:04:57 DHCP is active: 12.09.2018 12:04:57 WLAN Galaxy-S9 02:0F:B5:40:D4:69; 21600
12.09.2018 12:04:52 WLAN station successfully connected to 2.4 GHz band. Computer name: , MAC-address: 02:0F:B5:40:D4:69
12.09.2018 11:54:35 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 11:46:45 User has successfully logged into web-ui(
12.09.2018 11:46:29 Web-ui session has timed out
12.09.2018 11:46:14 DHCP is active: 12.09.2018 11:46:13 WLAN Galaxy-S9 24:18:1D:40:D4:69; 21600
12.09.2018 11:46:13 DHCP is active: 12.09.2018 11:46:13 WLAN Galaxy-S9 24:18:1D:40:D4:69; 21600
12.09.2018 11:46:07 WLAN station successfully connected to 2.4 GHz band. Computer name: , MAC-address: 24:18:1D:40:D4:69
12.09.2018 11:39:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 11:33:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 11:33:22 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 11:33:17 Time Server successfully connected and time synchronisation achieved
12.09.2018 11:33:15 Internet connection successfully established
12.09.2018 11:33:15 From internet service provider transferred Gateway IP address:
12.09.2018 11:33:15 Timeout during PPP initialization(IPCP)
12.09.2018 11:33:11 Info: PADS packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 11:33:10 Info: PADR packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 11:33:10 Info: PADO packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 11:33:10 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 11:33:09 Info: PADT packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 11:33:03 DSL is available (DSL successfully synchronized)
12.09.2018 11:32:07 DSL synchronization running
12.09.2018 11:32:04 DSL is not responding (DSL synchronisation failed)
12.09.2018 11:32:00 Connection to the Internet has been terminated
12.09.2018 11:32:00 DSL synchronization running
12.09.2018 11:32:00 PPPoE error: DSL synchronization lost
12.09.2018 11:24:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 11:09:35 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 10:54:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 10:50:52 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 10:50:46 Time Server successfully connected and time synchronisation achieved
12.09.2018 10:50:43 Internet connection successfully established
12.09.2018 10:50:43 From internet service provider transferred Gateway IP address:
12.09.2018 10:50:43 Timeout during PPP initialization(IPCP)
12.09.2018 10:50:42 Info: PADS packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 10:50:42 Info: PADR packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:50:42 Info: PADO packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 10:50:42 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:50:41 Info: PADT packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:50:31 DSL is available (DSL successfully synchronized)
12.09.2018 10:49:35 Connection to the Internet has been terminated
12.09.2018 10:49:35 DSL synchronization running
12.09.2018 10:49:35 PPPoE error: DSL synchronization lost
12.09.2018 10:48:29 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 10:48:23 Time Server successfully connected and time synchronisation achieved
12.09.2018 10:48:21 Internet connection successfully established
12.09.2018 10:48:21 From internet service provider transferred Gateway IP address:
12.09.2018 10:48:21 Timeout during PPP initialization(IPCP)
12.09.2018 10:48:19 Info: PADS packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 10:48:19 Info: PADR packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:48:19 Info: PADO packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 10:48:19 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:48:18 Info: PADT packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:48:10 DSL is available (DSL successfully synchronized)
12.09.2018 10:47:11 Connection to the Internet has been terminated
12.09.2018 10:47:11 DSL synchronization running
12.09.2018 10:47:11 PPPoE error: DSL synchronization lost
12.09.2018 10:45:56 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 10:45:48 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 10:45:43 Time Server successfully connected and time synchronisation achieved
12.09.2018 10:45:40 Internet connection successfully established
12.09.2018 10:45:40 From internet service provider transferred Gateway IP address:
12.09.2018 10:45:40 Timeout during PPP initialization(IPCP)
12.09.2018 10:45:39 Info: PADS packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 10:45:39 Info: PADR packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:45:39 Info: PADO packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 10:45:39 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:45:36 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:45:25 DSL is available (DSL successfully synchronized)
12.09.2018 10:44:27 DSL synchronization running
12.09.2018 10:44:27 PPPoE error: DSL synchronization lost
12.09.2018 10:44:27 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:44:24 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:44:21 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:44:20 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:44:17 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:44:14 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:44:13 Info: PADT packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:44:05 DSL is available (DSL successfully synchronized)
12.09.2018 10:43:40 DSL synchronization running
12.09.2018 10:43:34 DSL is not responding (DSL synchronisation failed)
12.09.2018 10:43:03 Configuration Server could not be reached
12.09.2018 10:43:02 Connection to the Internet has been terminated
12.09.2018 10:43:02 DSL synchronization running
12.09.2018 10:43:02 PPPoE error: DSL synchronization lost
12.09.2018 10:42:07 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 10:42:01 Time Server successfully connected and time synchronisation achieved
12.09.2018 10:41:59 Internet connection successfully established
12.09.2018 10:41:59 From internet service provider transferred Gateway IP address:
12.09.2018 10:41:59 Timeout during PPP initialization(IPCP)
12.09.2018 10:41:56 Timeout during PPP initialization(PAP)
12.09.2018 10:41:55 Timeout during PPP initialization(PAP)
12.09.2018 10:41:54 Info: PADS packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 10:41:54 Info: PADR packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:41:54 Info: PADO packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 10:41:54 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:41:51 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:41:50 Info: PADT packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:41:40 DSL is available (DSL successfully synchronized)
12.09.2018 10:40:42 Configuration Server could not be reached
12.09.2018 10:40:41 Connection to the Internet has been terminated
12.09.2018 10:40:41 DSL synchronization running
12.09.2018 10:40:40 PPPoE error: DSL synchronization lost
12.09.2018 10:39:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 10:39:09 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 10:39:03 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 10:38:57 Time Server successfully connected and time synchronisation achieved
12.09.2018 10:38:55 Internet connection successfully established
12.09.2018 10:38:55 From internet service provider transferred Gateway IP address:
12.09.2018 10:38:55 Timeout during PPP initialization(IPCP)
12.09.2018 10:38:53 Info: PADS packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 10:38:53 Info: PADR packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:38:53 Info: PADO packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 10:38:53 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:38:52 Info: PADT packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:38:42 DSL is available (DSL successfully synchronized)
12.09.2018 10:37:48 Configuration Server could not be reached
12.09.2018 10:37:46 Connection to the Internet has been terminated
12.09.2018 10:37:46 DSL synchronization running
12.09.2018 10:37:46 PPPoE error: DSL synchronization lost
12.09.2018 10:35:49 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 10:35:39 Time Server successfully connected and time synchronisation achieved
12.09.2018 10:35:42 Internet connection successfully established
12.09.2018 10:35:42 From internet service provider transferred Gateway IP address:
12.09.2018 10:35:42 Timeout during PPP initialization(IPCP)
12.09.2018 10:35:32 Info: PADS packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 10:35:32 Info: PADR packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:35:32 Info: PADO packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 10:35:32 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:35:31 Info: PADT packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:35:24 DSL is available (DSL successfully synchronized)
12.09.2018 10:34:29 Configuration Server could not be reached
12.09.2018 10:34:26 Connection to the Internet has been terminated
12.09.2018 10:34:26 DSL synchronization running
12.09.2018 10:34:26 PPPoE error: DSL synchronization lost
12.09.2018 10:24:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 10:09:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 09:54:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 09:39:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 09:24:35 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 09:09:35 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 08:54:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 08:39:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 08:31:54 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 08:28:44 Configuration Server could not be reached
12.09.2018 08:26:20 Configuration Server could not be reached
12.09.2018 08:25:24 Configuration Server could not be reached
12.09.2018 08:25:03 Configuration Server could not be reached
12.09.2018 08:24:46 Configuration Server could not be reached
12.09.2018 08:24:40 Configuration Server could not be reached
12.09.2018 08:19:47 DHCP is active: 12.09.2018 08:19:47 WLAN FC:01:7C:D3:B0:D3; 21600
12.09.2018 08:19:44 WLAN station successfully connected to 2.4 GHz band. Computer name: , MAC-address: FC:01:7C:D3:B0:D3
12.09.2018 08:19:40 DHCP is active: 12.09.2018 08:19:40 LAN 3C:BD:D8:BB:B3:9A; 21600
12.09.2018 08:11:42 User has successfully logged into web-ui(
12.09.2018 08:11:35 Web-ui session has timed out
12.09.2018 08:09:40 The HG tries to contact the ACS
Questi sono invece i dati del model:
Current Rate
15306 kbps
1157 kbps
Maximum Rate
17196 kbps
1179 kbps
Signal-to-Noise Ratio
6.9 dB
7.7 dB
30.5 dB
16.8 dB
19.1 dBm
12.1 dBm
CRC Errors in last 15 minute(s)
K (number of bytes in DMT frame)
R (number of bytes in RS code word)
S (RS code word size in DMT frame)
D (interleaver depth)
8 ms
8 ms
12.09.2018 12:24:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 12:12:06 Web-ui session has timed out
12.09.2018 12:11:53 DHCP is active: 12.09.2018 12:11:53 WLAN DESKTOP-MJ7G33G 02:0F:B5:B7:80:16; 21600
12.09.2018 12:11:24 WLAN station successfully connected to 2.4 GHz band. Computer name: , MAC-address: 02:0F:B5:B7:80:16
12.09.2018 12:11:10 DHCP is active: 12.09.2018 12:11:10 WLAN Galaxy-S9 02:0F:B5:40:D4:69; 21600
12.09.2018 12:11:05 WLAN station successfully connected to 2.4 GHz band. Computer name: , MAC-address: 02:0F:B5:40:D4:69
12.09.2018 12:09:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 12:06:21 DHCP is active: 12.09.2018 12:06:21 WLAN iPhone-di-Elena 70:3E:AC:76:FB:02; 21600
12.09.2018 12:06:17 WLAN station successfully connected to 2.4 GHz band. Computer name: , MAC-address: 70:3E:AC:76:FB:02
12.09.2018 12:04:57 DHCP is active: 12.09.2018 12:04:57 WLAN Galaxy-S9 02:0F:B5:40:D4:69; 21600
12.09.2018 12:04:57 DHCP is active: 12.09.2018 12:04:57 WLAN Galaxy-S9 02:0F:B5:40:D4:69; 21600
12.09.2018 12:04:52 WLAN station successfully connected to 2.4 GHz band. Computer name: , MAC-address: 02:0F:B5:40:D4:69
12.09.2018 11:54:35 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 11:46:45 User has successfully logged into web-ui(
12.09.2018 11:46:29 Web-ui session has timed out
12.09.2018 11:46:14 DHCP is active: 12.09.2018 11:46:13 WLAN Galaxy-S9 24:18:1D:40:D4:69; 21600
12.09.2018 11:46:13 DHCP is active: 12.09.2018 11:46:13 WLAN Galaxy-S9 24:18:1D:40:D4:69; 21600
12.09.2018 11:46:07 WLAN station successfully connected to 2.4 GHz band. Computer name: , MAC-address: 24:18:1D:40:D4:69
12.09.2018 11:39:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 11:33:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 11:33:22 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 11:33:17 Time Server successfully connected and time synchronisation achieved
12.09.2018 11:33:15 Internet connection successfully established
12.09.2018 11:33:15 From internet service provider transferred Gateway IP address:
12.09.2018 11:33:15 Timeout during PPP initialization(IPCP)
12.09.2018 11:33:11 Info: PADS packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 11:33:10 Info: PADR packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 11:33:10 Info: PADO packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 11:33:10 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 11:33:09 Info: PADT packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 11:33:03 DSL is available (DSL successfully synchronized)
12.09.2018 11:32:07 DSL synchronization running
12.09.2018 11:32:04 DSL is not responding (DSL synchronisation failed)
12.09.2018 11:32:00 Connection to the Internet has been terminated
12.09.2018 11:32:00 DSL synchronization running
12.09.2018 11:32:00 PPPoE error: DSL synchronization lost
12.09.2018 11:24:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 11:09:35 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 10:54:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 10:50:52 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 10:50:46 Time Server successfully connected and time synchronisation achieved
12.09.2018 10:50:43 Internet connection successfully established
12.09.2018 10:50:43 From internet service provider transferred Gateway IP address:
12.09.2018 10:50:43 Timeout during PPP initialization(IPCP)
12.09.2018 10:50:42 Info: PADS packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 10:50:42 Info: PADR packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:50:42 Info: PADO packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 10:50:42 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:50:41 Info: PADT packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:50:31 DSL is available (DSL successfully synchronized)
12.09.2018 10:49:35 Connection to the Internet has been terminated
12.09.2018 10:49:35 DSL synchronization running
12.09.2018 10:49:35 PPPoE error: DSL synchronization lost
12.09.2018 10:48:29 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 10:48:23 Time Server successfully connected and time synchronisation achieved
12.09.2018 10:48:21 Internet connection successfully established
12.09.2018 10:48:21 From internet service provider transferred Gateway IP address:
12.09.2018 10:48:21 Timeout during PPP initialization(IPCP)
12.09.2018 10:48:19 Info: PADS packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 10:48:19 Info: PADR packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:48:19 Info: PADO packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 10:48:19 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:48:18 Info: PADT packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:48:10 DSL is available (DSL successfully synchronized)
12.09.2018 10:47:11 Connection to the Internet has been terminated
12.09.2018 10:47:11 DSL synchronization running
12.09.2018 10:47:11 PPPoE error: DSL synchronization lost
12.09.2018 10:45:56 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 10:45:48 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 10:45:43 Time Server successfully connected and time synchronisation achieved
12.09.2018 10:45:40 Internet connection successfully established
12.09.2018 10:45:40 From internet service provider transferred Gateway IP address:
12.09.2018 10:45:40 Timeout during PPP initialization(IPCP)
12.09.2018 10:45:39 Info: PADS packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 10:45:39 Info: PADR packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:45:39 Info: PADO packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 10:45:39 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:45:36 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:45:25 DSL is available (DSL successfully synchronized)
12.09.2018 10:44:27 DSL synchronization running
12.09.2018 10:44:27 PPPoE error: DSL synchronization lost
12.09.2018 10:44:27 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:44:24 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:44:21 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:44:20 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:44:17 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:44:14 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:44:13 Info: PADT packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:44:05 DSL is available (DSL successfully synchronized)
12.09.2018 10:43:40 DSL synchronization running
12.09.2018 10:43:34 DSL is not responding (DSL synchronisation failed)
12.09.2018 10:43:03 Configuration Server could not be reached
12.09.2018 10:43:02 Connection to the Internet has been terminated
12.09.2018 10:43:02 DSL synchronization running
12.09.2018 10:43:02 PPPoE error: DSL synchronization lost
12.09.2018 10:42:07 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 10:42:01 Time Server successfully connected and time synchronisation achieved
12.09.2018 10:41:59 Internet connection successfully established
12.09.2018 10:41:59 From internet service provider transferred Gateway IP address:
12.09.2018 10:41:59 Timeout during PPP initialization(IPCP)
12.09.2018 10:41:56 Timeout during PPP initialization(PAP)
12.09.2018 10:41:55 Timeout during PPP initialization(PAP)
12.09.2018 10:41:54 Info: PADS packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 10:41:54 Info: PADR packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:41:54 Info: PADO packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 10:41:54 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:41:51 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:41:50 Info: PADT packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:41:40 DSL is available (DSL successfully synchronized)
12.09.2018 10:40:42 Configuration Server could not be reached
12.09.2018 10:40:41 Connection to the Internet has been terminated
12.09.2018 10:40:41 DSL synchronization running
12.09.2018 10:40:40 PPPoE error: DSL synchronization lost
12.09.2018 10:39:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 10:39:09 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 10:39:03 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 10:38:57 Time Server successfully connected and time synchronisation achieved
12.09.2018 10:38:55 Internet connection successfully established
12.09.2018 10:38:55 From internet service provider transferred Gateway IP address:
12.09.2018 10:38:55 Timeout during PPP initialization(IPCP)
12.09.2018 10:38:53 Info: PADS packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 10:38:53 Info: PADR packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:38:53 Info: PADO packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 10:38:53 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:38:52 Info: PADT packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:38:42 DSL is available (DSL successfully synchronized)
12.09.2018 10:37:48 Configuration Server could not be reached
12.09.2018 10:37:46 Connection to the Internet has been terminated
12.09.2018 10:37:46 DSL synchronization running
12.09.2018 10:37:46 PPPoE error: DSL synchronization lost
12.09.2018 10:35:49 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 10:35:39 Time Server successfully connected and time synchronisation achieved
12.09.2018 10:35:42 Internet connection successfully established
12.09.2018 10:35:42 From internet service provider transferred Gateway IP address:
12.09.2018 10:35:42 Timeout during PPP initialization(IPCP)
12.09.2018 10:35:32 Info: PADS packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 10:35:32 Info: PADR packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:35:32 Info: PADO packet received by the HG
12.09.2018 10:35:32 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:35:31 Info: PADT packet sent by the HG
12.09.2018 10:35:24 DSL is available (DSL successfully synchronized)
12.09.2018 10:34:29 Configuration Server could not be reached
12.09.2018 10:34:26 Connection to the Internet has been terminated
12.09.2018 10:34:26 DSL synchronization running
12.09.2018 10:34:26 PPPoE error: DSL synchronization lost
12.09.2018 10:24:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 10:09:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 09:54:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 09:39:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 09:24:35 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 09:09:35 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 08:54:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 08:39:36 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 08:31:54 The HG tries to contact the ACS
12.09.2018 08:28:44 Configuration Server could not be reached
12.09.2018 08:26:20 Configuration Server could not be reached
12.09.2018 08:25:24 Configuration Server could not be reached
12.09.2018 08:25:03 Configuration Server could not be reached
12.09.2018 08:24:46 Configuration Server could not be reached
12.09.2018 08:24:40 Configuration Server could not be reached
12.09.2018 08:19:47 DHCP is active: 12.09.2018 08:19:47 WLAN FC:01:7C:D3:B0:D3; 21600
12.09.2018 08:19:44 WLAN station successfully connected to 2.4 GHz band. Computer name: , MAC-address: FC:01:7C:D3:B0:D3
12.09.2018 08:19:40 DHCP is active: 12.09.2018 08:19:40 LAN 3C:BD:D8:BB:B3:9A; 21600
12.09.2018 08:11:42 User has successfully logged into web-ui(
12.09.2018 08:11:35 Web-ui session has timed out
12.09.2018 08:09:40 The HG tries to contact the ACS
Questi sono invece i dati del model:
Current Rate
15306 kbps
1157 kbps
Maximum Rate
17196 kbps
1179 kbps
Signal-to-Noise Ratio
6.9 dB
7.7 dB
30.5 dB
16.8 dB
19.1 dBm
12.1 dBm
CRC Errors in last 15 minute(s)
K (number of bytes in DMT frame)
R (number of bytes in RS code word)
S (RS code word size in DMT frame)
D (interleaver depth)
8 ms
8 ms
Vi ringrazio in anticipo.
Ultima modifica: