Snr, attenuazione e banda disponibile

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Nuovo Utente
Buongiorno a tutti. Ringrazio in anticipo coloro che vorranno rispondermi e mi scuso per eventuali errori o inesattezze ma sono nuovo xD. Ho un contratto adsl infostrada fino a 20mb. volevo chiedere se con questi valori posso chiedere un upgrade di banda.

Mode: ADSL_2plus
Traffic Type: ATM
Status: Up
Link Power State: L0

Downstream Upstream
Line Coding(Trellis): On On
SNR Margin (0.1 dB): 255 328
Attenuation (0.1 dB): 120 83
Output Power (0.1 dBm): 194 122
Attainable Rate (Kbps): 17504 1057

Path 0
Downstream Upstream
Rate (Kbps): 4999 349

MSGc (# of bytes in overhead channel message): 59 16
B (# of bytes in Mux Data Frame): 156 10
M (# of Mux Data Frames in FEC Data Frame): 1 1
T (Mux Data Frames over sync bytes): 1 3
R (# of check bytes in FEC Data Frame): 0 0
S (ratio of FEC over PMD Data Frame length): 0.9984 0.9777
L (# of bits in PMD Data Frame): 1258 90
D (interleaver depth): 1 1
Delay (msec): 0.24 0.24
INP (DMT symbol): 0.0 0.0

Super Frames: 0 0
Super Frame Errors: 34018 4584
RS Words: 0 1558365
RS Correctable Errors: 0 0
RS Uncorrectable Errors: 0 0

HEC Errors: 458012 11711
OCD Errors: 8 0
LCD Errors: 8 0
Total Cells: 2183879548 152473418
Data Cells: 281417280 27631334
Bit Errors: 0 932

Total ES: 1854 1313
Total SES: 635 115
Total UAS: 1461 1461