Salve, uso Look'n'stop come firewall con un router pirelli w2+.
Ho due pc collegati in rete che dividono la connessione.
Allora il mio problema e che facendo un test su shield up mi da questi unico test fallito:
Ping Reply: RECEIVED (FAILED) — Your system REPLIED to our Ping (ICMP Echo) requests, making it visible on the Internet. Most personal firewalls can be configured to block, drop, and ignore such ping requests in order to better hide systems from hackers. This is highly recommended since "Ping" is among the oldest and most common methods used to locate systems prior to further exploitation.
Mi devo preoccupare o ci passo sopra. (nel caso mi suggerite qualche rimedio)
Ho due pc collegati in rete che dividono la connessione.
Allora il mio problema e che facendo un test su shield up mi da questi unico test fallito:
Ping Reply: RECEIVED (FAILED) — Your system REPLIED to our Ping (ICMP Echo) requests, making it visible on the Internet. Most personal firewalls can be configured to block, drop, and ignore such ping requests in order to better hide systems from hackers. This is highly recommended since "Ping" is among the oldest and most common methods used to locate systems prior to further exploitation.
Mi devo preoccupare o ci passo sopra. (nel caso mi suggerite qualche rimedio)