chiedo un aiuto nella compilazione di Lyonesse Mud.


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salve sono un nuovo utente di questo bel forum e scrivo questa discursione ,perche avrei bisogno di un aiuto riguardante un Mud chiamato Lyonesse Mud ,non riesco a compilare il programma ho provato a metterci le mani ma non ci sono riuscito vo sareste cosi gentile di aiutarmi a vedere come si fa a compilare questo mud magari tramite Immagini la compilazione di questo mud
(per chi non conoscesse i mud vi metto qualche info

========================================================================================================= Multi user dungeon - Wikipedia L'espressione multi user dungeon (abbreviata in MUD, talvolta inteso come acronimo di multi user dimension o domain) identifica una categoria di giochi di ruolo eseguiti su Internet attraverso il computer da più utenti. Si tratta di giochi testuali, dove i giocatori interagiscono con il mondo e gli altri utenti semplicemente digitando dei comandi da tastiera.
Molti utenti possono connettersi contemporaneamente ad un MUD. Ognuno di essi controlla un personaggio che si muove in un mondo virtuale organizzato in stanze e zone (una zona è un raggruppamento di più stanze: per esempio, una zona può essere una città e le stanze che contiene possono esserne le vie e gli edifici), e può interagire coi personaggi degli altri utenti o con quelli gestiti dal computer, progredire (acquisendo abilità) oppure anche morire. Molti MUD prevedono la possibilità, per i giocatori più esperti, di collaborare alla vita del MUD in questione insieme agli amministratori del gioco: dopo che il personaggio di un giocatore ha raggiunto il massimo livello possibile, diviene un "immortale" o una "divinità" (possono volerci anni di gioco), e acquisisce una parte dei poteri che hanno gli amministratori. Di solito, gli immortali usano queste nuove capacità proponendo sfide agli altri giocatori, dette quest, organizzando gare e mettendo in palio ricompense e altri premi, oppure consigliando i nuovi giocatori, a loro discrezione.

Kmud, un client grafico MUD per KDE

Il primo MUD in lingua e comandi italiani, Necronomicon, è apparso su Videotel nel 1990 (dal 2001 è on-line anche su internet con il nome Neonecronomicon). I più importanti MUD italiani su internet sono stati Nebbie Arcane, Lumen et Umbra, il primo a presentare delle aree in italiano, e Clessidra, il primo a presentare l'intero mud completamente in italiano. Altri MUD italiani di rilievo sono Tempora Sanguinis, Dei delle Ere, Dalila, Atlantis, Lands Of Darkness ed Equilibrium.
Negli ultimi anni si sono imposti nel panorama italiano vari MUD grafici con client dedicato, il primo dei quali è stato The Gate, chiuso nel settembre 2005 e riaperto in via provvisoria nel maggio 2012[SUP][1][/SUP], seguito da Isylea e Revenge Mud (anch'esso non più attivo) e Sword of Darkness.
Alcuni MUD dispongono di comandi che consentono l'accessibiltà anche a giocatori non vedenti e/o ipovedenti, che possono giocare e interagire con gli altri utenti senza che vi sia alcun tipo di barriera architettonica. Tra i MUD italiani che forniscono questo servizio troviamo Equilibrium, Anathema, Silmaril, Silmarillia e Clessidra.

io fin ora ho imparato bene o male a modificare la mappa a cambiare descrizione alle stanze e aggiungere nuovi oggetti mob
o imparatoo a cambiare le frasi del social, ma so tutte cose che ho potuto farle perche non erano in stretta relazione con il codice
e siccome il prossimo obbiettivo e quello di modificare i messaggi come le date i mesi i giorni gli anni o sistuire i nomi delle careterristiche dei pg come ad esempio score con stat,avri del vostro aiuto tramite immagini screenshot come compilare il mud per poter per modificare queste cose cosi una volta fatto posso modificare le caratteristiche e compilare di ogni volta le e varie modifiche ne sarei riconoscente se
potete aiutarmi in questa cosa.

oggi ho scaricato code:blocks ed ho aperto un file
* # # # ## # # ### ## ## ### *
* # # # # # ## # # # # # *
* # # # # # ## ## # # ## ## ## # # ## *
* # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # *
* ### # ## # # ### ## ## ### # # #### ## Ver. 1.0 *
* *
* -Based on CircleMud & Smaug- Copyright (c) 2001-2002 by Mithrandir *
* *
* ********************************************************************** */
/* ************************************************************************
* File: config.c Part of CircleMUD *
* Usage: Configuration of various aspects of CircleMUD operation *
* *
* All rights reserved. See license.doc for complete information. *
* *
* Copyright (C) 1993, 94 by the Trustees of the Johns Hopkins University *
* CircleMUD is based on DikuMUD, Copyright (C) 1990, 1991. *
************************************************************************ */
#define __CONFIG_C__
#include "conf.h"
#include "sysdep.h"
#include "structs.h"
#include "interpreter.h" /* alias_data definition for structs.h */
#define TRUE 1
#define YES 1
#define FALSE 0
#define NO 0
* Below are several constants which you can change to alter certain aspects
* of the way CircleMUD acts. Since this is a .c file, all you have to do
* to change one of the constants (assuming you keep your object files around)
* is change the constant in this file and type 'make'. Make will recompile
* this file and relink; you don't have to wait for the whole thing to
* recompile as you do if you change a header file.
* I realize that it would be slightly more efficient to have lots of
* #defines strewn about, so that, for example, the autowiz code isn't
* compiled at all if you don't want to use autowiz. However, the actual
* code for the various options is quite small, as is the computational time
* in checking the option you've selected at run-time, so I've decided the
* convenience of having all your options in this one file outweighs the
* efficency of doing it the other way.

* pk_allowed sets the tone of the entire game. If pk_allowed is set to
* NO, then players will not be allowed to kill, summon, charm, or sleep
* other players, as well as a variety of other "asshole player" protections.
* However, if you decide you want to have an all-out knock-down drag-out
* PK Mud, just set pk_allowed to YES - and anything goes.
int pk_allowed = NO;
/* is playerthieving allowed? */
int pt_allowed = NO;
/* minimum level a player must be to shout/holler/gossip/auction */
int level_can_shout = 1;
/* number of movement points it costs to holler */
int holler_move_cost = 20;
/* how many people can get into a tunnel? The default is two, but there
* is also an alternate message in the case of one person being allowed.
int tunnel_size = 2;
/* exp change limits */
int max_exp_gain = 100000; /* max gainable per kill */
int max_exp_loss = 500000; /* max losable per death */
/* number of tics (usually 75 seconds) before PC/NPC corpses decompose */
int max_npc_corpse_time = 5;
int max_pc_corpse_time = 10;
/* How many ticks before a player is sent to the void or idle-rented. */
int idle_void = 8;
int idle_rent_time = 48;
/* This level and up is immune to idling, LVL_IMPL+1 will disable it. */
int idle_max_level = LVL_GOD;
/* should items in death traps automatically be junked? */
int dts_are_dumps = YES;
* Whether you want items that immortals load to appear on the ground or not.
* It is most likely best to set this to 'YES' so that something else doesn't
* grab the item before the immortal does, but that also means people will be
* able to carry around things like boards. That's not necessarily a bad
* thing, but this will be left at a default of 'NO' for historic reasons.
int load_into_inventory = NO;
/* "okay" etc. */
const char *OK = "Okay.\r\n";
const char *NOPERSON = "No-one by that name here.\r\n";
const char *NOEFFECT = "Nothing seems to happen.\r\n";
* You can define or not define TRACK_THOUGH_DOORS, depending on whether
* or not you want track to find paths which lead through closed or
* hidden doors. A setting of 'NO' means to not go through the doors
* while 'YES' will pass through doors to find the target.
int track_through_doors = YES;

* Should the MUD allow you to 'rent' for free? (i.e. if you just quit,
* your objects are saved at no cost, as in Merc-type MUDs.)
int free_rent = YES;
/* maximum number of items players are allowed to rent */
int max_obj_save = 50;
/* receptionist's surcharge on top of item costs */
int min_rent_cost = 100;
* Should the game automatically save people? (i.e., save player data
* every 4 kills (on average), and Crash-save as defined below. This
* option has an added meaning past bpl13. If auto_save is YES, then
* the 'save' command will be disabled to prevent item duplication via
* game crashes.
int auto_save = YES;
* if auto_save (above) is yes, how often (in minutes) should the MUD
* Crash-save people's objects? Also, this number indicates how often
* the MUD will Crash-save players' houses.
int autosave_time = 5;
/* Lifetime of crashfiles and forced-rent (idlesave) files in days */
//int crash_file_timeout = 10;
/* Lifetime of normal rent files in days */
//int rent_file_timeout = 30;


/* virtual number of room that mortals should enter at */
room_vnum mortal_start_room = 3001;
/* virtual number of room that immorts should enter at by default */
room_vnum immort_start_room = 1204;
/* virtual number of room that frozen players should enter at */
room_vnum frozen_start_room = 1202;
* virtual numbers of donation rooms. note: you must change code in
* do_drop of act.item.c if you change the number of non-NOWHERE
* donation rooms.
room_vnum donation_room_1 = 3063;
room_vnum donation_room_2 = NOWHERE; /* unused - room for expansion */
room_vnum donation_room_3 = NOWHERE; /* unused - room for expansion */


* This is the default port on which the game should run if no port is
* given on the command-line. NOTE WELL: If you're using the
* 'autorun' script, the port number there will override this setting.
* Change the PORT= line in autorun instead of (or in addition to)
* changing this.
ush_int DFLT_PORT = 4000;
* IP address to which the MUD should bind. This is only useful if
* you're running Circle on a host that host more than one IP interface,
* and you only want to bind to *one* of them instead of all of them.
* Setting this to NULL (the default) causes Circle to bind to all
* interfaces on the host. Otherwise, specify a numeric IP address in
* dotted quad format, and Circle will only bind to that IP address. (Of
* course, that IP address must be one of your host's interfaces, or it
* won't work.)
const char *DFLT_IP = NULL; /* bind to all interfaces */
/* const char *DFLT_IP = ""; -- bind only to one interface */
/* default directory to use as data directory */
const char *DFLT_DIR = "lib";
* What file to log messages to (ex: "log/syslog"). Setting this to NULL
* means you want to log to stderr, which was the default in earlier
* versions of Circle. If you specify a file, you don't get messages to
* the screen. (Hint: Try 'tail -f' if you have a UNIX machine.)
//const char *LOGNAME = NULL;
const char *LOGNAME = "log/syslog"; /* -- useful for Windows users */
/* maximum number of players allowed before game starts to turn people away */
int max_playing = 300;
/* maximum size of bug, typo and idea files in bytes (to prevent bombing) */
int max_filesize = 50000;
/* maximum number of password attempts before disconnection */
int max_bad_pws = 3;
* Rationale for enabling this, as explained by
* Usually, when you select ban a site, it is because one or two people are
* causing troubles while there are still many people from that site who you
* want to still log on. Right now if I want to add a new select ban, I need
* to first add the ban, then SITEOK all the players from that site except for
* the one or two who I don't want logging on. Wouldn't it be more convenient
* to just have to remove the SITEOK flags from those people I want to ban
* rather than what is currently done?
int siteok_everyone = TRUE;
* Some nameservers are very slow and cause the game to lag terribly every
* time someone logs in. The lag is caused by the gethostbyaddr() function
* which is responsible for resolving numeric IP addresses to alphabetic names.
* Sometimes, nameservers can be so slow that the incredible lag caused by
* gethostbyaddr() isn't worth the luxury of having names instead of numbers
* for players' sitenames.
* If your nameserver is fast, set the variable below to NO. If your
* nameserver is slow, of it you would simply prefer to have numbers
* instead of names for some other reason, set the variable to YES.
* You can experiment with the setting of nameserver_is_slow on-line using
* the SLOWNS command from within the MUD.
int nameserver_is_slow = YES;

const char *MENU =
"Welcome to Lyonesse!\r\n"
"0) Esci da Lyonesse.\r\n"
"1) Entra the gioco.\r\n"
"2) Enter description.\r\n"
"3) Read the background story.\r\n"
"4) Cambia password.\r\n"
"5) Delete this character.\r\n"
" Make your choice: ";

const char *WELC_MESSG =
"Welcome to the lande of CircleMUD! May your visit here be... Interesting."
const char *START_MESSG =
"Welcome. This is your new CircleMUD character! You can now earn gold,\r\n"
"gain experience, find weapons and equipment, and much more -- while\r\n"
"meeting people from around the world!\r\n";

* Should the game automatically create a new wizlist/immlist every time
* someone immorts, or is promoted to a higher (or lower) god level?
* NOTE: this only works under UNIX systems.
int use_autowiz = NO;
/* If yes, what is the lowest level which should be on the wizlist? (All
immort levels below the level you specify will go on the immlist instead.) */
int min_wizlist_lev = LVL_GOD;
ed ho provato a tradurre qualche parola poi ho cliccato su compila(build) e mi so usciti quersti due errori che io non so cosa sono( i un altro file chiamato types.h(solo che nella cartella src questo file non esiste cmq vi posto il file types con i due errori riscontrati)

* types.h
* This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain.
* This file is a part of the mingw-runtime package.
* No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within the package.
* The definition of constants, data types and global variables.
#ifndef _TYPES_H_
#define _TYPES_H_
/* All the headers include this file. */
#include <_mingw.h>
#define __need_wchar_t
#define __need_size_t
#define __need_ptrdiff_t
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#include <stddef.h>
#endif /* Not RC_INVOKED */
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
typedef long time_t;
#ifndef _TIME64_T_DEFINED
typedef __int64 __time64_t;
#define _TIME64_T_DEFINED
#ifndef _OFF_T_
#define _OFF_T_
typedef long _off_t;
#ifndef _NO_OLDNAMES
typedef _off_t off_t;
#endif /* Not _OFF_T_ */

#ifndef _DEV_T_
#define _DEV_T_
#ifdef __MSVCRT__
typedef unsigned int _dev_t;
typedef short _dev_t;
#ifndef _NO_OLDNAMES
typedef _dev_t dev_t;
#endif /* Not _DEV_T_ */

#ifndef _INO_T_
#define _INO_T_
typedef short _ino_t;
#ifndef _NO_OLDNAMES
typedef _ino_t ino_t;
#endif /* Not _INO_T_ */

#ifndef _PID_T_
#define _PID_T_
typedef int _pid_t;
#ifndef _NO_OLDNAMES
typedef _pid_t pid_t;(questo e il primo errore)
#endif /* Not _PID_T_ */

#ifndef _MODE_T_
#define _MODE_T_
typedef unsigned short _mode_t;
#ifndef _NO_OLDNAMES
typedef _mode_t mode_t;
#endif /* Not _MODE_T_ */

#ifndef _SIGSET_T_
#define _SIGSET_T_
typedef int _sigset_t;
#ifndef _NO_OLDNAMES
typedef _sigset_t sigset_t;
#endif /* Not _SIGSET_T_ */
#ifndef _SSIZE_T_
#define _SSIZE_T_
typedef long _ssize_t;
#ifndef _NO_OLDNAMES
typedef _ssize_t ssize_t;(questo e il secondo errore)
#endif /* Not _SSIZE_T_ */
#ifndef _FPOS64_T_
#define _FPOS64_T_
typedef long long fpos64_t;
#ifndef _OFF64_T_
#define _OFF64_T_
typedef long long off64_t;
#if !defined __NO_ISOCEXT
typedef unsigned int useconds_t;
#endif /* Not __NO_ISOCEXT */
#endif /* Not RC_INVOKED */
#endif /* Not _TYPES_H_ */

Compiling: C:\Documents and Settings\xxxx\Desktop\Lyonesse per i test in locale\src\config.c
In file included from c:\programmi\codeblocks\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.1/../../../../include/stdio.h:533,
from C:\Documents and Settings\xxxxx\Desktop\Lyonesse per i test in locale\src\sysdep.h:96,
from C:\Documents and Settings\xxxxx\Desktop\Lyonesse per i test in locale\src\config.c:24:
c:\programmi\codeblocks\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.1/../../../../include/sys/types.h:75: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers
c:\programmi\codeblocks\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.1/../../../../include/sys/types.h:104: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 1 seconds)
2 errors, 0 warnings
adesso vorrei sapre che si deve fare mi potete aiutare voi?

mi potete mandare anche messaggi in privato
,ringrazio a tutti le persone che mi risponderanno:P buona serata che i sogni si realizzano presto :P


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